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Suggestion Thread for City Names

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  • Suggestion Thread for City Names

    After much debate many members of the government and upstanding citizens have felt that city names should be discussed and voted on.

    It was determined that ministers and above can choose to name one city and we would take suggestions for names for others. If any of the names listed below was chosen by a minister let me know and I will remove it.

    NOTE: "City on a Hill" is being switched to its original name "Ghengistown" and the city between Tassagrad and Timeline is now referred to as "Mystery City"

    Port of Malignance aka New Sidon

    Site E

    Mystery City

    Any minister who has yet to name a city can post that they have not named one and request a city listed above and their name suggestion. All other citizens can suggest names for the cities above.

  • #2
    Nothing against BFM, it just doesn't make for an exciting city name, and as it has two whale resources I thought naming it "Whales" or simply the "Whelsh Coast" would be kind of appropriate.


    • #3
      Re: Suggestion Thread for City Names

      Originally posted by GhengisFarb

      It was determined that ministers and above can choose to name one city and we would take suggestions for names for others. If any of the names listed below was chosen by a minister let me know and I will remove it.
      I found nothing of that rule in the CoL so it's easy to tip over...
      We will just have to vote for a new system. A discussion thread has been made. Perhaps it's redundant? I don't know.
      A new system is indeed needed here.

      You hit the nail right on it's head there, Ghengis...
      BFM is a good example of how the "system" was exploited.
      My words are backed with hard coconuts.


      • #4
        BFM is a dumb name, I agree. Change it to Historiopolis...
        Empire growing,
        Pleasures flowing,
        Fortune smiles and so should you.


        • #5
          Re: Re: Suggestion Thread for City Names

          Originally posted by ThePlagueRat
          I found nothing of that rule in the CoL so it's easy to tip over...
          We will just have to vote for a new system. A discussion thread has been made. Perhaps it's redundant? I don't know.
          A new system is indeed needed here.
          I could never find anything about city names either but as the Minister of Imperial Expansion is responsible for locating and placing new cities it would probably come the closest to being responsible for city names.

          The idea for this thread was dicussed for a week and this conclusion of having a thread for name suggestions followed by a poll for each city site where the people choose the name they prefer seems to be the best idea so far.

          I do not intend to place any suggested name (except those of ministers which is a tradition started before my time) on the poll unless it is seconded by at least two other citizens separate from the one who suggested the name, thereby guaranteeing that at least three citizens approve of the name.


          • #6
            El Duderino
            Duddha: I will return...
            Arnelos: ... and the civilizied world shudders ...
            "I'm the Dude. So that's what you call me. That, or Duder. His Dudeness. Or El Duderino, if, you know, you're not into the whole brevity thing..."
            Free California!


            • #7
              What about Pasargedae and Perisopolis?
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #8
                I won't take anything personal, thank you. Actually - the city name 'BFM' stands for 'Bananas For Me' - a very appropriate city name, indeed! If you wish to rename it - please use this name instead.

                (actually - it is very confusing to rename city names that have been there for at least a few turnchats...!)
                Greatest moments in cat:


                • #9
                  When I decide to use my own city names in a game of Civ, I try and do three things:

                  - Run one theme for the game (I have used golfers, scientists, Frank Lloyd Wright buildings) - we could nominate and vote on a few themes with sample names
                  - Use funny and/or relevant to the site of the city eg Whelsh Coast, Iron Hill, America Lookout CIty etc
                  - Use names relevant to the civ I am playing (eg for Japan I use Toyota, Sony, etc plus names of famous Japanese) (this does not work so well for Egypt - King Tut City, Suez Canal, Anwar Sadat, CLeopatra and I'm running out.

                  I suggest people nominate a theme, with some of the names to go with it, and we could use a particular theme in particular geographies ie one for the ex-Persian cities, another one for Uber Isle.


                  • #10
                    I like the theme idea! @ Toyota City!!
                    I doubt it will gain much public support though. Too bad, it's an excellent idea.
                    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                    - Phantom of the Opera


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Shiber
                      I doubt it will gain much public support though. Too bad, it's an excellent idea.
                      Mybe we just need to suggest the right themes!


                      • #12
                        Yes, I like the theme idea, I'm very good at naming cities with themes I have hundreds of old atlases and maps I've collected of military warfare and empires and just pull out the appropriate map and steal names.........

                        Toyota City would work near Macross City. We give regions different themes. The French area could be Japanese/Anime/Manga. Uber Island could be American Colonial. Pina Colada could be fruity (well it IS fruity). El Nino could be lame. Mingapulco should probably stay screwed up as it always been that way. And Persia could be something else.


                        • #13
                          May I suggest the theme 'Furry Monsters' ?
                          Greatest moments in cat:


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BigFurryMonster
                            May I suggest the theme 'Furry Monsters' ?
                            I don't have a Furry Monster atlas.


                            • #15
                              Come on people we need decent names! I'm tired of seeing a city named "Site E" on my civ map!

