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Early SMC 440+ orders

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  • Early SMC 440+ orders

    Here are my orders through 510
    Please analyze, I did put an American attack options, but for the record I urge us to wait until 520, for 2 reasons
    1) We will have a peace period to lower ww and thus can switch to republic(i want to be in republic for GA)
    2) Sufficient forces will arrive to guarentee an easy victory

    General Notes
    1) This paln calls for war with america, I would suggest unless it seems america’s fall is imminent we wait the extra turns for the Knights to arrive. The difference is between 480 and 520, This wait will add 2 or 3 knights to our forces. I would prefer if possible attack with the 2knights at chicago and 3wc+knights at boston and then go after New york. My recommendation is an atack in 520, but I leave it to the discretion of people playing the game so I have orders for an attack, just remember it can be delayed. If no attack is launched simply hold forces in attack position until 520.

    2) After War with Persians please make sure pikes are in Antioch,Arbella,Contaginon and Tarsus
    Also I suggest 1 sword in each of arbella and antioch. Two swords that end up in muncie should be sufficient.

    Knight 1ne of Port of Malignance move ne,ne,ne,n,e, fortify
    Sword in Bacteria n,ne,n(to muncie)
    The forces 1n of Contaginon become Antioch assault force(AAF) this force should be 1sw,1pike,2catapult
    Knight 3s of Contaginon goto Contaginon then joins other 3knights to form Eastern Knight Force(EKF)
    Now the EKF(4 knights in Contaginon) moves ne,e,ne(the force ends turn here so ALL forces stay together)
    Knight in susa moves nw,nw,nw,nw,n,nw
    Knights in Tarsus Fortify
    Sword w of tarsus go to Muncie
    Sword (1/4)on mountain move w
    Knight 2w of Contaginon go to Contaginon and fortify
    WC in BHQ move nw,n,nw,n,nw,nw
    WC on uber move into Boomtown to help police the city(will goto pop 2 next turn and needs unit)

    AAF moves n,w,w(to hill overlooking Antioch)
    Knight 2w of Contaginon move n,n and join AAF
    Knight in Contaginon move n,n,w,w and joins AAF
    The EKF moves e,e to hill s of Arbela
    Knight 3S of Contaginon moves n,n,n and fortify
    Knights in Tarsus on Goto to ne,n of Delmonte(6turns)
    Pike Near tarsus n,ne Fortify
    Sword(3/5) in Muncie skips turn to recover
    Pike(5/5) s of contaginon moves n,ne,e
    Sword(1/4) 2se of contaginon moves to contaginon and Fortifies
    Sword (3/3) fortifies in Muncie
    WC(3/3) near Gaia moves nw,nw,n,nw,w,w
    WC(4/4) in gaia moves w,nw,nw,n,nw,w
    WC(4/4) in termina move n,n,n,n,nw,n

    EKF attacks Arbela
    IF Arbela falls we check peace terms to see if they will give all tech+antioch if not assault Antioch
    AAF attacks Antioch using catapults first, then knights and then sword if all else fails
    After attacks move forces between armies to finish job if battle continues, if war over then send to Delmonte
    Knight in Contaginon moves based on these two options
    a) Battle won in that case he goes to ne,n of Del Monte
    b) Battle undecided he goes to the force that needs help most
    If Antioch Falls move Pikeman(5/5) from Willsbury to Contaginon
    WC(3/3) se of Chiquita moves nw,nw, Now act based on these options
    a) if Chicago still American upgrade this to knight
    b) If chicago falls then return this unit to delmonte and build WCF in Delmonte
    WC(4/4) w of Delmonte w,nw,nw,n this unit acts on the same options as previous WC
    IF option a above is true then these 2units(then knights) movement will be denoted with A in future orders
    IF option b above is true then these 2units(then knights) will move to Delmonte and await WC’s from south
    WC(4/4) s of Gaia go to Delmonte
    WC(4/4) in Timeline ne,e,ne,n,nw,nw

    A. Knights in Delmonte move n,nw
    WC in BHQ nw,n,nw,n,nw,nw
    All WC near Delmonte go nw,n of delmonte(this is 2 of Boston) (should be 4 WC, this is now called WCF)

    A. Knights NW of delmonte move nw,n
    WCF attacks Boston(this is a serious gamble 4wc vs 2or3 spear)
    WC near gaia move nw,nw,n,ne,n

    A. Knights near Chicago move n

    A. Knights near Chicago attack chicago

    Knights arriving Near Del Monte goto american war.

    Respectfully submitted
    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.

  • #2
    Aggie, you are quick to adapt and you deserve two thumbs up for this!
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #3
      I can't wait to see how this plan of yours works out, it has great potential- solving the Atztec problem by quickly taking over boston and chicago. Good work on the quick adaption, as Shiber said.

      Or maybe you had this plan based on prelimnary knowledge
      *zeit signals his agents to go undercover*
      Save the rainforests!
      Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


      • #4
        I hate to say it, but the plan is unlikely to succeed. Why you ask?

        Chicago will be wearing dark green jersies before the current plan can attack.

        So we need a plan that faces the realities. While the Chicago Incense fields are the prize, they are not attainable w/o attacking the Aztecs. Which I hope no-one is seriously contemplating. A quick strike on America is warranted, but the objective should be Boston with continuation to New York.

        Can we take anything from the Persian campaign? Certainly not much, but there is one Knight ne of Port of Maliagnment which has not yet moved in 440. This Knight could be reversed in direction now and be in a position to attack Boston in 480.

        This Knight plus WC's now available or building in near future, and some identified Pikes could result in a total of

        3 Knights (2 vets, one reg) 2 Pikes can move in Theater in 470. (American territory within Knight strike range of Boston)
        2 more Knights can move in Theater in 480 (vets)
        1 more WC/Knight can move in Theater 490 (vet) depending on upgrade funds.

        This deployment will require ALL Gold now and expected in time frame for WC upgrades.

        When to declare/attack?

        Suggest Declare 470 and move in 3 Knights 2 Pikes in Theater.
        Deploy (those) Knights to West of Boston still in attack range but also blocking eventual Aztec threat from west.
        Advance Pikes to adjacent Boston sw & s
        2 more Knights in Theatre.
        1st 3 Knights spread the line completing the block.
        2nd 2 Knights join the pikes
        last Knight in Theater
        Pikes Fortify
        Attack with Knights. Order of battle depends on if Aztecs are present on west.
        With Aztecs in west want to attack in opposite order of Theater appearance, and the west line maintains Aztec block.
        Without Aztecs in west attack with west line first so that any unneeded Knights can advance east towards New York.

        Also notice our worker stack near Seeberg. "Press" these workers into service and road the 2 forest squares so that Knights or WCs can attack New York From Seeberg. Direct some returning Knights from Persia to Seeberg

        respectfully submitted,
        Major Sixpack (Ret)
        I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


        • #5
          I'm not so sure Chicago would fall by the time Aggie plans it will be attacked (500AD0, the Aztecs might not have the nearby forces to do that, and their reinforcements will take longer to get to Chicago then ours (lots of hills and mountains in their way, and a few in ours).
          Save the rainforests!
          Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


          • #6
            Incense is the prize. I am confident that the Aztecs recognize this. I am confident that they brought adequate force to the region to achieve the true objective. ie Chicago

            It is difficult to imagine an AI that does not see this. No, wait a minute. I have played CivI and CivII.
            I used to be a builder. That was before I played Civ III


            • #7
              Roadcage I like you idea, but after much consideration decided to continue current plans, though I admit there isa good chance we will not get chicago. Here are the reason that swayed me.
              1)The knight near Malignace is need to insure victory over peria quickly. Since they can now build pike we better win quick.
              2) I really like the screening idea, unforunately I fear if we have a prolonged war we will find ourselves in a war with germany. Yes the american's have nothing but the germans would almost pay to fight us again.
              3)Also i fear a request for that many wc to be upgraded would not be accepted, and anyway we need some wc to attack for a GA.
              The 1st 2 reasons were the deciding factors, but thank you for the ideas and please keep them comoing
              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


              • #8
                Aggie - Togas is requesting (I think) that one of the slave workers in persia make a colony on the insence that is not yet in a city radious. I think it would be better to spend the money and buy a temple, then let culture do its work in the next 5 turns. You would have to look at the spending of the military and agree I think (as we are the other two money spenders) that a temple purchase is better than making a colony that will in the next 27 turns without any money be engulfed by our culture anyways. This leaves us a slave to keep clearing jungle.... Please analize in regards to your plans (I only did a quick scan) and your spending. Thank you. GK
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