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The State of the Nation: 430 AD

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  • The State of the Nation: 430 AD

    This report is intended to advise and analyze trends in Apolytonia over time. These stats are the result of analysis of five saved games, 2590 BC, 1400 BC, 430 BC, 350 BC, 210 BC, 30 BC, 170 AD, 310 AD, and 430AD (current).


    *The population of Apolytonia has swelled from 2,064,000 citizens in 310 AD to 3,210,000 citizens in 430 AD, a large growth of 55.5% that has finally taken Apolyton to a position second to only one other civ.
    *150,000 volunteers, and 290,000 slaves now works the fields, roads, and mines of Apolytonia. The percentage of slave labor has declined slightly: 66% of the workforce is comprised of slaves: 130,000 Persian (yikes!), 10,000 Germanic, 50,000 American, 30,000 Babylonian, 10,000 Roman, 30,000 Greek and 30,000 of French descent. If you were to count these workers as Apolytonian citizens, the population would rise by 13.7%!
    *Contaginon (formerly Pasargadae) was previously the largest city in Apolytonian history with a population of 280,000 souls, although all were under the subjugation of the military forces of the SMC. But it is Macross City which has emerged as the titan city of our land, with over 315,000 people!
    *Macross City continues to stand out as the best all-around grower in Apolyton, doubling its population to become the largest city, and making leaps and bounds in commerce; it is however the leader in corruption as well.
    *The Mingapulcan People's Party is celebrating because Apolyton now brings in the most income, with 8 Lytons per turn, and .109 per thousand people.
    *The MPP is further pleased that Tassagrad still produces the most shields, 7 per turn and .060 per thousand people.
    *The state of scientific output has utterly collapsed since the rate has been dropped to 0%; but the government plans on changing this situation before too long.
    *The raw numbers of foreign ethnic groups continues to rise, largely due to the Persian War, but the percentage fallen as a result of high fertility in core Apolytonian cities. The attached chart explains most; it is also noted that the french are the most widespread minority (present in Mingapulco, Piña Colada, and Île de Rose provinces). The French are notorious for their strong culture.

    *Demographic highlights:
    -Apolytonia's approval rating has returned to it's typical heights, again first in the world at 74%.
    -The remainder of Apolytonia's demographics contains mixed news. The best news is that our population is now second in the entire world! Full analysis has shown that we are the most populous nation in the known world. By an extension of logic this means that one of the unknown civs is larger than us!
    -The disease, on a bad note, continues to plague (pun intended) our society, though it is down slightly to 29%.
    -The most alarming trend is the continued drop in average military service to 4 from 5 years. We remain last in this respect, but it is crucial to note the fact that our larger population allows the average citizen to spend less time in military service. It is however something that must eventually be ameliorated. -Another cause of celebration is that Apolyton is now the largest landmass in the entire world, with 50,700 square miles!
    -The last and most surprising statistic is that our lifespan has DOUBLED to 46 years, by far the longest for any people ever in history!

    Current Regional Comparisons:
    •Mingapulco Province(currently Apolyton, Termina, Tassagard, Banana HQ, Port Rouge, Ghengistown):
    683,000 (a large rise up to last term's sharp drop); 4.1% foreign (a fair drop); 21.3% of national population (a small rise). 37 Lytons income (a huge gain!); 27 shields output (a huge gain); 0 science output.
    •Principality of Piña Colada (currently Timeline, Gaia, Del Monte, Chiquita, Opiadum):
    1,015,000; 5.2% foreign (a drop); 31.6% of national population (a small rise). 30 Lytons income (a huge gain); 19 shields output (a fair gain); 0 science output.

    •El Niño Province (currently Loveshack, Seeberg, Ubergorsk, Geofront, Napoleton, Oak Ridge):
    399,000 (a fair rise); 0% foreign; 12.4% of national population (continues to drop). 15 Lytons income (a small gain); 10 output (a net loss); 0 science.

    •Île de Rose (currently Here It Is, Macross City, Jerusalem, Hole In Wall):
    685,000 (nearly doubled!); 12.6% foreign (a large drop); 21.3% of national population (a faily large rise). 19 Lytons income (a fair gain); 12 shields output (a net gain); 0 science output.

    •Uber Island (currently Another Glorious City, Boom town, BFM):
    69,000 (a slight drop); 0% foreign; 2.1% of of national population (down by half). 4 Lyton income (net loss); 6 shield output (an enormous increase); 0 science output.

    •Persian Annexation (currently Tombstone, Willsbury, Contaginon, Tarsus, Susa, Muncie, Bacteria, City On A Hill, Port of Malignance):
    359,000 (a small rise); 75.2% foreign (a huge drop); 11.2% of national population (a fair drop). 15 Lyton income (a huge rise); 10 shield output (quintupled!); 0 science output. *note that this province is so far unofficial, and much of it is unincorporated and disorganized*

    Analysis: Mingapulco's hegemony is far from being re-established but is fairing much better. The Mingapulcan People's Party is still outraged at the dominance of and power shift to Piña Colada; for it's part, Piña Colada has become the first province to number more than one million souls! Île de Rose province continues to post it's own gains and shows prospects for greatness, as Uber Island continues it's spread, but El Niño Province continues to lag behind and fall into a state of utter decay. The Persian annexation will soon lose Tombstone (it is being disbanded) and this will alleviate some of the crowded nature of it; you can count on the province having a strong Persian ethnic group for a long time to come, as Northern Persia is outside the sphere of conquest.

    Foreign Comparisons:
    *note: these stats are estimates based off of averages and cannot be made any more accurate by way of current knowledge of the country (and without cheating) thus all numbers are approximate*
    ~France = 795,000 or 0.25 times the size of Apolytonia (54.4% increase)
    ~Greece = 2,920,000 or 0.91 times the size of Apolytonia (35.8% increase)
    ~Aztec = 1,785,000 or 0.56 times the size of Apolytonia (28.9% increase)
    ~Persia = 480,000 or 0.15 times the size of Apolytonia (-63.2% increase)
    ~England = 2,590,000 or 0.81 times the size of Apolytonia (34.9% increase)
    ~America = 495,000 or 0.15 times the size of Apolytonia (47.8% increase)
    ~Germany = 2,800,000 or 0.87 times the size of Apolytonia (19.1% increase)
    ~Russia = 2,245,000 or 0.70 times the size of Apolytonia (49.7% increase)
    ~Babylon = 830,000 or 0.26 times the size of Apolytonia (18.6% increase)
    ~Rome = 2,970,000 or 0.93 times the size of Apolytonia (20.2% increase)
    ~Iroquois = 945,000 or 0.29 times the size of Apolytonia (61.5% increase)
    Analysis: Population of the known world rose to 22,065,000 for a growth rate of 27.7%. Numbers on the remaining 3 civilizations are unavailable, but we can conclude (based upon Apolytonia's world ranking of 2nd in population) that there is exactly 1 as-yet-unknown civ's whose population is larger. The fall in Persia's population is due to the war, as they flee to the Cold North. Russia's strong showing in growth will be commented on later.

    Population Density:
    *due to currently unavailable estimates of foreign nations' land area, density is based on average city size.
    ^Apolytonia = 97,300 per city
    ^France = 88,300 per city
    ^Greece = 171,800 per city
    ^Aztec = 119,000 per city
    ^Persia = 80,000 per city
    ^England = 199,200 per city
    ^America = 123,800 per city
    ^Germany = 254,500 per city
    ^Russia = 204,100 per city
    ^Babylon = 166,000 per city
    ^Rome = 212,100 per city
    ^Iroquois = 94,5000 per city
    Analysis: Apolyton continues to lag behind in it's density; other nations should be taken an example: higher density allows more production and commerce, a more tightly knit-together nation. Much of Apolyton's problems in this area come from conquered cities where the population has been killed or fleed (hundred of thousands of citizens have died directly and indirectly from the Persian War, making it the bloodiest episode in World History so far).

    Military Stats:
    *note:military stats are for the purpose of comparisons only, and are not absolute indications of strength; they are however adjusted to consider strength of units (to account for, example, that fact that 10 musketmen are better than 10 spearmen).*
    +Total offensive power in 170 AD is 72(2 naval); defensive is 75(2 naval); mobility is 51(6 naval)
    +Total offensive power in 310AD is 79(2 naval); defensive is 81(2 naval);
    mobility is 64(6 naval); bombardment is 8.
    +Total offensive power in 430AD is 72(1 naval); defensive is 90(1 naval); mobility is 56(3 naval); bombardment is 12.
    +Offensive power has shrunk a fair 12.5%.
    +Defensive power has grown a very nice 11.1%.
    +Mobility has shrunk 14.3%.
    +The number of total units has risen to 43.

    MAJOR POWERS: (any nation with 15% more points than the mean; "lost civs" not listed):
    1. Apolyton, 35.0% above mean (a good rise)
    2. Greece, 32.7% above mean (a small rise)
    3. Rome, 16.1% above mean (a new Major Power!)
    *There were a lot of changes and shake-ups over the last term, and even more this term!. The world is amazed that, after Apolyton joining the ranks of the Major Powers last term, that Rome is now also among the ranks. The entire face of international relations will be transformed, as there is no longer a bipolarity around Greece and Apolyton but a three-pronged system, with Rome dominating Abananaba Minor. It is also noted that our nation has surpassed Greece.*

    MAJOR GROWERS: (any nation with 2% more growth than the mean; "lost civs" not listed):
    1. Apolyton, 10.5% above mean (a tiny rise)
    2. Russia, 3.8% above the mean
    3. Rome, 2.1% above the mean (a tiny drop)
    *note: This term is especially surprising in the Major Grower category: typically Apolyton is the only nation to qualify as a such. While last term Rome's entry into the chart heralded their becoming a Major Power this week, it is surprising to see Russia come in so strongly this time. It may only be a fluke, and rest assured they are far off from Major Power status; but note that with a few more terms of Major Grower status Russia has the potential to become a check to Roman hegemony in Abananaba Minor!

    Overall Suggestions to Ministers:
    1. The shift in balance of power in amongst the provinces is very interesting. I suggest that El Niño be given extra help to develop, as it is continues to fall behind in all respects. Corruption is more rampant in some provinces than others, but it is improving (an economic report will be released later this week).
    2. The new Persian Annexation is going to require special attention. The Persians, currently a majority, will not remain so. But it will become a very large and important province, and is going to be in serious need of public works.
    3. Special attention must now be placed on the balance of power between Rome, Greece, and Apolyton. And an eye should be kept on Russia, and some thought may be put into whether or not we should help promote them as a block to Roman power.

    *note: three charts follow*

    If you wish for any further or statistics, or have any questions, contact Reddawg, Minster of Economy.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Reddawg; September 29, 2002, 19:43.
    Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
    Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
    Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!

  • #2
    Ethnicity Chart
    Attached Files
    Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
    Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
    Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


    • #3
      Provincial Comparisons
      (note, there will not be a map this week :-\ because I have mid-terms and such to work on; I'm putting up three charts in place of a map. the map should return in a week or two!)
      Attached Files
      Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
      Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
      Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
      Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


      • #4
        A neat little political note: as you can see, Mingapulco and Piña Colada united together form a majority on ALL fronts. Ironically this can lead to competition between the two, instead of cooperation. Either one of these two provinces need only get the support of the majority of the smaller provinces in order to outvote the others; this can lead to some interesting party politics!
        Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
        Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
        Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
        Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


        • #5
          Great job on the stats again Reddawg!

          And Quick!


          ** Lord Donegeal paces back and forth in his "courthouse" considering the new stats **

          Mumble... (to himself, but aloud)... Reddawg is right! Pina Colada could Dominate Apolytonia and thus the world! I must check with my conifants in the other provinces at once! A coup da te could be possible!
          Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
          '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


          • #6
            Was wondering when you'd get this up

            Great work , I find the status of Greece and Rome to be particularly interesting.
            Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
            Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
            7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


            • #7
              Originally posted by donegeal
              Great job on the stats again Reddawg!

              And Quick!


              ** Lord Donegeal paces back and forth in his "courthouse" considering the new stats **

              Mumble... (to himself, but aloud)... Reddawg is right! Pina Colada could Dominate Apolytonia and thus the world! I must check with my conifants in the other provinces at once! A coup da te could be possible!

              While I am certainly not a supporter of the MPP, I *am* currently a resident of Mingapulco Province and find the rumors I hear of Pina Colada's scheming for power to be truly disturbing in the highest. Indeed, something must be done about these provincial (both meanings of the word expressly intended ) barons and lords who dream of having the crown for themselves...

              Won't they be truly distraught when the prize itself is no longer there to be taken? I believe the time is coming very soon when the monarchy will no longer exist and the hands of power will safely be given to a republic with checks on *any* province (unfortunately including even Mingapulco) which would seek to dominate all of Apolytonia.

              As for the monarchy, even now, we in the ARF are planning for its quickly approaching demise...

              Long-time poster on Apolyton and WePlayCiv
              Consul of Apolyton from the 1st Civ3 Inter-Site Democracy Game (ISDG)
              7th President of Apolyton in the 1st Civ3 Democracy Game


              • #8
                I hope the ARF realizes the amount of strife they will bring about in ridding the monarchy! They would be wise to not speak so publicly on such matters of treason!

                But I rest assured that Mingapulco will continue to dominate in all matters for some time to come; for the mean time the MPP is content to argue with the Piña Coladans and to ridicule the trifling El Niños!
                Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                • #9
                  It seems that history hasn't changed. El Nino is still the poorest of the provinces. makes me wonder if the situation is ever going to change. I think I'll be back next term...


                  • #10
                    god i love the stat-work.

                    i hate DOING it, but i love LOOKING at it.

                    makes me wish civ had these built in...
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #11
                      Ahhh, fun with Excel! Great work on evrything Reddawg.

                      On the political situation, especially the Rome, Greece, Us, Russia situation:

                      Unfortunitelly I doubt that Russia will serve as a check for Roman hegemony. Our growth to pre-eminence in power has come from our great military gains, and if any other civ is to grwo to challenge us, they must invariably seek to gain power this way also. This begs the question: where is there room to expand? Russia, by war, can best move south and annex Babylon, or MOve north, and srike at France, as a war with Rome would be foolish. Rome can expand to annex the Iriquois, a pathetic civ, Babylon, with it cultured by small population, France and lands to the North, or Russia itself. In short, Russias room for manuever is limited, with a move north the wisest- as an attempt to grab Babylon may threaten Rome. In short, Russia can just as likely become a partner in crime to Rome, not a local competitor.

                      We must give thanks that the AI is less aggresive than ourselves- otherwise Rome's power, or greece's power, would be muc greater.
                      If you don't like reality, change it! me
                      "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                      "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                      "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                      • #12
                        rendelnep: it's true, El Niño bites the big one, lol.

                        UberKrux: i've always wished Civ has more stats/demographics built in, too. but then i always come up with little ideas that i wish the game had. my latest thought was this: what if you could build canals in civ?! it'd be so awesome, just think of the implications of such a thing.

                        GePap: wouldn't you agree that at least Russia seems headed towards a position of at least stalling Rome? I wonder if we made motions to befriend Russia if it wouldn't cause Rome to hesitate?

                        In any case it would benefit us to keep a Rome/Russia friendship from coming into full fruition; because then basically all of Abananaba Minor would be against us.
                        Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                        Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                        Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                        Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                        • #13
                          "...citizen to spend last time in military service..."

                          small typo, last is supposed to be less i think...


                          • #14
                            red: i proposed canals while civ3 was still in the early development stages. i also proposed naval bases (like airfields), but none of it made it in.

                            hell, AIRFIELDS didnt make it in

                            [/off topic]
                            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                            • #15
                              buzzbat: thx, i got it

                              uberkrux: dude, airfields are being put in with PTW! as for canals... yeah the thought of them makes me tingle, lol. it'd be so cool, and there would be all kinds of political stuff like the Suez crisis!
                              Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                              Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                              Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                              Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!

