If after the first turn a great event occured, like say England and Greece sign a Military Alliance to destroy us, would the Chat not be stopped?
I am for continuing play as much as the next person, but these are rare, potentially game altering events. The Game SHOULD be stopped, and the people polled. Now, if we COULD prepoll, sure, that would be great. But if for some reason we didn't expect our ONE elite to be enterring battle and he happens to pop a GL. YES, we should stop the game and poll the people. This game is for the people, to deny them any choice in such a matter would go against the fundamental reasons for which we created the Demo Game. To get EVERYONE involved, not jsut the people who make the chat or the Ministers.
I am for continuing play as much as the next person, but these are rare, potentially game altering events. The Game SHOULD be stopped, and the people polled. Now, if we COULD prepoll, sure, that would be great. But if for some reason we didn't expect our ONE elite to be enterring battle and he happens to pop a GL. YES, we should stop the game and poll the people. This game is for the people, to deny them any choice in such a matter would go against the fundamental reasons for which we created the Demo Game. To get EVERYONE involved, not jsut the people who make the chat or the Ministers.