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Why weren't troops upgraded

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  • #31
    thats the thing about the internet things you say can be taken the wrong way when tone of voice and other means of communication are denied.

    I end up sounding like an arsehole when I'm only playing around.

    anyway with regard to the not upgrading the bottom line is that the orders thread should have been started sooner and should have stated the definate number of turns to be played.

    I am at fault and I'm sorry especially to Red who if he had the time could have prevented this.

    There is no question that the Wills WC's should hav been upgraded of course they should.

    I've said before and I'll say it again I don't want to do chats w/o the SMC present so that things like this do not happen.

    As Red didn't know he had to do 5 turns of orders I had to stand in and make the decisions. At tyre 2 WC's rather than 1 were upgraded as we could afford it. Although as Shiber kept getting disconected and gepap wasn't playing along I had to be SMC as well. I can handle immediate SMC stuff but can't look at the long term picture so when it came to it I decided that rather than upgrade the remaining WC's at Wills, to give the FM the money.

    This is not a case of not following orders it is a case of bad judgement on my part the FM could have probably done a GPT deal instead and the WC's could have been upgraded so that the swords wouldn't have been lost. In the furture Red will be given enough notice to decide and hopefully the SMC or a deputy will be there to make sure something like this doesn't happen.
    Last edited by OPD; September 26, 2002, 11:37.
    Are we having fun yet?


    • #32
      I am not saying anything was done wrong, just that this brings up a few more points the CoL fails to recognise. We can fix that with an amendment that will be quicker than the CC is able to write a new one.

      The orders thread can be fixed as well. Both Shiber and myself have offered you our services to help organize it. If there is an order you want things in, let us know. I, personally liked all city stuff first, then workers, then Military. FAM and other things came when needed. It was easy to print the one post out and cross them off as they were done.

      As far as the # of turns...well, that can be improved as well.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #33
        That would be great if I could print out all the orders I could cut down the time taken to do each turn considerably.
        Are we having fun yet?


        • #34
          Is there an order you would like them in?
          One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
          You're wierd. - Krill

          An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


          • #35

            Are we having fun yet?


            • #36
              OPD, the SMC makes request to upgrade and then if there is money the upgrades happen. There was money and the money was available and the money went elsewhere to items not in the orders or items that were given lower priority in the orders(by the requestee). The thing is this, if a person makes plans based on something and that something doesn't take place plans should be stoped. This is most obvious in the SMC's plans which are based on us having certain troops I didn't want us charging Pesopolis with 3knights/horse+sword. When it came time to move and these conditions weren't met, the chat should have been stopped. My plan called for the upgrade of the horse and the 3chariots. Togas recalls in the chat that 3 units were upgraded, however of the 4 units designated only 1 was upgraded, so I suspect miscommunication was a serious problem and the people in the chat didn't realize(including you) that the units weren't upgraded. I also suspect this is way we didn't do a pure gpt deal for theology(even if more expensive, upgrading units is more important that a extra few gpt). I hope this was the reason and not "orders weren't given", because no other spending orders were given and yet that money was spent.
              The fact is we need to fix this and perhaps the amendment will do it. By the way OPD i did PM and didn't get a response even though you had read the message. If I had recieved an I'll get back to you or any such message I would have waited, but since I recieved nothing I assumed you didn't know why they weren't upgraded either(not your fault, I give orders and watch every unit and sometimes I have to think what the plan was), thus I went to the people. Looking back I think you must have been very tired and not have seen the degree of upset this caused me, so I probably was a bit hasty, but if I hadn't of brought this to the public the amendment discussion wouldn't have started so there is something to be said for open forum discussions. This way the next prez won't make the same mistakes. OPD this thread is not meant as an insult. MWIA had a very similar discussion during one of our first turnchats and look how successful that term was in the end. Generally here is how this game works mistakes are made in the first chats, we learn and then we go on and do better and since we have 2 wonders already, you are already on an excellent path.
              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


              • #37
                A suggestion, could we have the minsters chat room again where only ministers speak, it would make it much easier. Also opd i didn't see one of your repsonse when I made mine. One thing is I have already made plans based on the forces we have so I glad to inform everybody that we are fine militarily and we might turn this delay to our advantage. The plans I made call for bactra in 400,susa in 410/420 and tarsus in 430/440. I'll be more detailed when I have more time(but i have already done the math and it works).
                Last edited by Aggie; September 26, 2002, 12:08.
                The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                • #38
                  Well OPD I do commend you for giving the remainder of that money to the FM and not all to the SMC; I wouldn't have approved more than three units upgrade anyway. Who was it that requested the temple rushed? I really wish that hadn't gone through over the courthouses; but aie! It's all moot now, next turnchat will run seamlessly.
                  Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                  Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                  Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                  Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                  • #39
                    I did. Blame that one squarely on me. I had that temple as #1, courthouses as #2.

                    Why? Because I didn't like Rheims having control over one of the tiles in that cities radius. Put the pressure back on them where it belongs. And it was allot cheaper than the courthouses.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #40
                      lol I was going to send you a nasty message last night saying that it was your fault that the WC's weren't upgraded as you should have been there to make sure they were but I thought I'd sleep on it first.
                      The upgrades in tyre sounded optional (thats why 2 were upgraded there) and so I assumed it was the same for Wills. Of course the reason they weren't upgraded wasn't because the orders wasn't given I just thought that the FM would need the money more.

                      You weren't in the chat all the time but if you were you'd be surprised with how much people hassled me all the time and repeatedly question things that I had already explained. Thats why a thread such as this which undermines my authority to carry out the turns pisses me off.
                      At one point the presidential body guard had to step in.
                      Are we having fun yet?


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                        I did. Blame that one squarely on me. I had that temple as #1, courthouses as #2.

                        Why? Because I didn't like Rheims having control over one of the tiles in that cities radius. Put the pressure back on them where it belongs. And it was allot cheaper than the courthouses.
                        I also pushed for this quite considerably but I stand by this decision. Rhiems is likely to be or have built a temple aswell and it may still take the land.
                        Are we having fun yet?


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by OPD
                          That would be great if I could print out all the orders I could cut down the time taken to do each turn considerably.
                          This is, definitively, an excellent idea. I'll do it in the next turchat.
                          RIAA sucks
                          The Optimistas
                          I'm a political cartoonist


                          • #43
                            If we get Opiadom equal on culture, we should be able to keep that land with our greater culture as a whole.

                            And I don't regret that decision one bit either.

                            (did a Hawk just push for rushing a temple!?!?! what is this world comming to?!?!)
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • #44
                              I know y'all don't want to here this and everybodies going to yell, but remember its my job as SMC to say this. How about after america we visit france. By that time we'll have many knights some elite looking for an enemy. Rheims and Chartes would fall quickly and our forces could go east quickly. Of coure we need some time for war wearniness to fall and I DO want a republic. So this is on my wish list in the future, or we could also visit Otto and make him apologize for his betrayal. By the way I have plans for both.
                              The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                              • #45

                                What more can I say?
                                Otto is on my "wish list" too.
                                RIAA sucks
                                The Optimistas
                                I'm a political cartoonist

