Corruption remains the main issue for this administration. While the Ministry applauds the commencement of construction of a courthouse in a Del Monte, the corruption has risen even further. A graphical analysis follows here.
Written analysis:
Chart 1 (top most):
It is shocking to see just how much of the nation's corruption arises from the so-called "Corrupt Four" of Gaia, Del Monte, Here It Is, and Macross City! Note the gross disproportion between their share of national income and their share of national corruption, and also compare their shares to national averages. It's shocking, it's revolting, and it must be stopped!
Chart 2 (bottom):
Just as the "Corrupt Four" stick out, their respective provinces of Piña Colada and Île de Rose stand out as the most corrupt provinces. Again, compare income shares with corruption shares. Naturally Mingapulco is stellar in this respect, a fact being cited by the M.P.P. to support their province.
In summary: I am continuing to push for the courthouses in the "Corrupt Four". Production has begun in Del Monte; this is excellent. The same must be done in the other three. I will post my budget proposal in the Minister's 310 AD Turnchat orders.
Please use this thread to discuss all economic matters, including the upcoming budget.
Written analysis:
Chart 1 (top most):
It is shocking to see just how much of the nation's corruption arises from the so-called "Corrupt Four" of Gaia, Del Monte, Here It Is, and Macross City! Note the gross disproportion between their share of national income and their share of national corruption, and also compare their shares to national averages. It's shocking, it's revolting, and it must be stopped!
Chart 2 (bottom):
Just as the "Corrupt Four" stick out, their respective provinces of Piña Colada and Île de Rose stand out as the most corrupt provinces. Again, compare income shares with corruption shares. Naturally Mingapulco is stellar in this respect, a fact being cited by the M.P.P. to support their province.
In summary: I am continuing to push for the courthouses in the "Corrupt Four". Production has begun in Del Monte; this is excellent. The same must be done in the other three. I will post my budget proposal in the Minister's 310 AD Turnchat orders.
Please use this thread to discuss all economic matters, including the upcoming budget.