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Saves, Reports and Times

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  • Saves, Reports and Times

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    The next set of turns will be a turnchat taken by apoc on Friday I don;t know what time

    PST 1100
    PDT 1200
    MST 1200
    MDT 1300
    CST 1300
    CDT 1400
    EST 1400
    EDT 1500
    ARO 1600
    GMT 1900
    BST 2000
    MWIA 0700

    What time is that where I live

    How to access the irc chat

    Link to discussion thread

    Ministers orders for the next turns.

    Here are some fine maps of our empire updated regularily curtesy of aro (sp).

    Report: 580 AD - 640 AD

    The chat was taken by apoc and this report is by him too.

    580 AD
    Only one major thing here. The Holeinwall problem was fixed just just rushed a settler and then starting a harbor. This seems to work for everyone.

    590 AD
    This is when the first major trade took place. We were able to aquire Banking then trade it for Gunpowder fairly cheaply - it cost quite a bit less than expected. We found two Saltpeter resources inside our border. One by New York and the other by my favorite city - GeoFront. France also has two Saltpeter resources very close to the border.

    600 AD
    San Cortes was founded on the incense. I hope everyone likes the name. Cortes really isn't a Saint, but he will seem like one if he is able to flip a couple Aztec cities and allow us to make some more good incense deals.

    610 AD
    Holeinwall wasconnected to the Romans. This basically allows it to grow more. Corruption still won't allow it to be that productive though.

    620 AD
    This was a great decade. We got Astronomy for cheap - Banking, WM, 93L. The Aztecs actually seem a little afraid of us right now. They may just be waiting to be connected to Iron so they can build some Pikemen in the US cities. Saltpeter was connected to New York too. I sent some workers to start a road to the GeoFront SP.

    630 AD
    A temple was rushed in San Cortes to start the road to culture flipping. The Harbor in AGC was also rushed to connect Uber with the rest of our territory.

    640 AD
    Not much done. San Cortes grew its borders out by means of the Aztec cities. I am confident they will be flipped.
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    Last edited by OPD; October 16, 2002, 08:10.
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  • #2
    Report (Originally posted by MWIA)
    170 AD-260 AD Summary (preceding the boring full report)

    Enemy units lost


    Enemy units captured
    Catapults: 1 (Gordium)
    Workers (SLAVES, dammit!): 3 Persian (3 Gordium)

    Friendly unit losses
    Swordmen: 1

    Cities gained
    City between Timeline and Rheims (settler from Port Rouge - just edging out France!) - to be renamed
    Gordium (Persian - we CONQUERED it. )

    Settler ready to found city at "New Munich", from Banana HQ

    We build Sun Tzu's in Ubergorsk with Ramses.

    Trades made
    Wines to France: 230 AD for 19L and WM
    Chivalry from Rome: 230 AD 6LPT, 130L and one worker

    Persia offering for peace

    Theology or Engineering + 24L (all their gold) +7LPT OR
    Sardis + 24L + 7LPT OR
    Sidon + 6L + 3LPT.

    170 AD

    Pikeman W of Tyre moves to hills to SE
    Horseman(4/4) in uber n,n,ne,e
    Pikeman s,se of napolitan nw,n,fortify
    Sword in Gaia put on goto to tyre
    Spear in Del Monte se,s,se(on way to timeline)
    Spear in Timeline goto where settler in Port Rouge will go. when he gets there fortify and wait
    Sword in Nap can't be rushed - needs 32L, we have 31L

    Tyre changes to Settler
    BHQ to settler, rush for 72g

    Worker near Chiquita has orders CANCELLED

    Cherbourg left as it is

    YESSS - Romans pass Cherbourg by

    Poly builds Library, change to settler
    BHQ builds settler, change to Pike
    AGC builds Granary, changes to worker
    Termina builds WC, Uber builds Sword

    190 AD

    Cherbourg changes to entertainer, keeps building SP
    Temple in Geo can be rushed for 48L - do it?
    make entertainer into taxman in tyre

    PW completed

    Spearman between Delmonte and Gaia se,s,sw
    all swords near tyre into tyre, since the spear moved out of range, workers on mountain start roading
    gl into uber, sword in uber to tyre
    fortify swords that are in tyre
    sword by itelf s,sw tyre ne
    elite horse 2/5 west
    spear between gaia and delmonte goto timeline
    galley near uber Island sw,s - unload wc on wheat - galley s
    fortify wc in termina
    Settler in BHQ goto Loveshack
    skip horse turn in tyre
    rush sword in napolitan this turn - 24L
    Ramses changes into Sun Tzu and settles down to teach Military tactics in Ubergorsk.


    Babs have stack s of Cherbourg, French settler stack reaches Rheims, Amers want to talk
    Amers want ROP and Alliance against the Aztecs who are killing them (I guess that confirms who took Philadelphia)
    I refuse.
    Greek settler stack into Delphi, Roman stack at Cherbourg keeps going N
    Gaia builds Horse
    OH GLOOOOOOORY! Sun Tzu's in Uber
    Uber changed to Catapult
    Geo builds temple
    Nap builds Sword, Cher builds Sp, Cher starves to 1.

    210 AD

    Cher Changes to Settler

    chiquita worker builds mine

    elite 5/5 sword in tyr attacks persians - lose 2HP but WIN
    3/3 sword in tyre attacks arher - lose 1HP but WIN - no upgrade
    4/4 horse in tyreattack 2/3 spear- lose 1HP but WIN - upgrade to Elite
    move elite pike to cover elite horse
    2/5 horse to uber for recovery
    All units near Tyre into Tyre
    pike and sword from napolitans,se
    All units in Tyre fortify
    Galley sw,s,s
    wc on uber se,se - ALL grass
    Sp in Cher fortifies
    Sp in Gaia fortifies
    Horse in Gaia to Tyre
    fortify galley

    End turn
    Persia offers a peace if we give them a worker!They will give a tech and that's it - I throw sand in the eyes of their representative
    Tyre starves. Macross' radius increases, Roman stack heading home (phew!)

    230 AD

    CP PW done

    reg sword 3/3 attacks archer - 2HP lost but VICTORY
    4/5 elite horse attacks archer - loses 3HP and disengages
    attack the archer with 4/4 sword w of tyre, 1 HP lost but VICTORY
    All healthy sword and 1 pike from tyre ----e,e - stack is 3 vets, 3 elites, 1 Pike
    workers w of tyre e,e,e(under army)
    2/3 sword into tyre and move 1/5 vet horse under 3/4 sword
    healthy horse fron tyre to army
    move pike and sword se of napolitan s
    wc on uber s,s -cows and lotsa shielded grass.
    Horse in Uber forts
    elite pikeman e,se of tyre moves south
    Sp between Rheims and Timeline fortifies (in place for the city)
    galley sw of poly ne

    Wines sold to France for 19L + WM
    Buy Chivalry from Rome from 6 LPT, 130L and a worker

    Poly builds Settler, Tass builds Pike, AGC builds Worker

    250 AD
    change tass to knight

    Settler builds city betweem Timeline and Rheims, Building Temple for now
    Settler at New Munich stops (no harm in doing so)
    PW done
    Worker in AGC to cows

    army goes e,then s to 1 north of gordium
    fortify pike/sword between nap and geo
    1 Elite Sword, 1 Pike from Tyre E, E
    move pikeman by himslef se
    wc on uber e,s
    galley near poly fortify
    Galley moves to S of hut, waits
    pike intass to gaia
    Settler in Poly forts

    English have settler stack next to Persians E of Tyre
    Jerusalem builds Temple, change to worker


    CP - completed
    PW - all done

    elite sword n of gordium attacks - GAH! Catapult! We lose, their reg Sp loses 1 HP
    attack with next elite - no HP loss, we take Gordium, 3 workers and 1L and a Catapult
    4 resisters!
    Elite kills archer in stack, no HP loss
    attack archer e,ne of tyre with 3/3 sword - VICTORY no HP loss
    upgrade horse 5/5 to knight - 80L!
    the 3/3 swords in tyre e,e
    pike w of gordium into gordium
    Pike N of Gordium fortifies
    workeres in gordium sw,s
    attack the archer near neo/geo with 4/4 sword -2HP loss but VICTORY
    wc goes sw,nw
    Workers N of Gordium build road

    And that's all she wrote. So long, palace. Goodbye, Presidential goons. Au revoir, position of power. Bye bye, official drinks cabinet. I may miss you the most.
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    • #3
      Report beging 260 ad

      A really eventful chat. Although unfortunately my attempt to log it was a disapointing failure. I think some one else may have posted a log of the earlier stuff somewhere but I think the undernet stuff may be lost. Which is a shame as that was the most interesting.

      A general report for now and a full one tommorrow.

      A few presidential slip ups but everything worked out ok (we were lucky).

      Units lost 2 elite swords, 2 vet swords and 1 reg sword.

      We renegotiated peace with a lot of civs and made some money. Russia is now paying us 7lpt.

      We built new mew munich and a new city on uber isle.
      Alot of our borders expanded and we started building alot of city improvements.

      Horses were upgraded to knights and an english stlr was blocked before rush building a stlr in willsbury.

      Chivalry was traded to the ironquios and mono to the US.

      We lost an elite sword to reg archer near willsbury in an attempt to et a GL.

      The attack on Pasgaladae wasn't a complete disaster. We lost alot of units, (1 elite sword, 2 vets and a reg) before our elite horse rushed through to take the city. Units were left in pasgal to prevent a flip and end resistance which they did in 1 turn.

      We have a decent force in pas and a couple of knights near Willsbury for the attack on perperiose.

      The one serious mistake was the attacking of an archer outside Willsbury with a pikeman instead of a sword but the pike won with only 1 hp lost.

      The persians then landed another archer nearby which we attacked with the right unit, an elite sword which to everyones amazment produced a GL named Cheops.

      People may say we were very lucky to get this GL but we were ridiculously unlucky at the attack on pasgal and when we lost the elite sword near Willsbury so overall perhaps things have evened out.

      We lost alot of units and should use this Gl wisely.

      Full report
      260 AD
      Pike in Uber n,n,ne
      For force N of Willsbury
      1 pike, 2 vet sword, 1elite sword move north
      1 horse and 1vet sword s into willsbury
      3/3 horse e of tyre skip turn
      Fortify pike 2e of tyre
      Catapult in Willsbury skip turn
      Galley near uber isle sw,s,e

      Tass- wkr, Cherb-temp, Geo pike, Wills-temp

      Renegtiated our peace deals with alot of civs inparticular Russinas give us 7 GPT others just give us lump sum of about 10l. Mono sold to US for wkr, WM and 10l.

      270 AD
      Build Oakridge on old Munich

      Sword in wills attacks archer kills with 2hp lost.
      Sword 2/4 3se of napolitan w
      Pike 1s of geo e,e to Tyre fortify
      WC on uber nw,nw
      Galley near uber isle s,n
      Knight, sword, in Tyre e,e
      Forces e,e of tyre and eee of tyre are hereby designated Persian Punishment Force PPF
      Move 3/3 sword e,ne of tyre se


      renegotiated with Germans they now give us 7gpt and 14 lump sum.

      280 AD
      Build Opiadom

      sword 3/5 near Wills attacks archer. Dies archer down
      PPF moves to spot 2w of pasargadae
      Sword (2/4) s,s,s
      WC pops goodie Hut- deserted


      290 AD
      Vet sword attacsk archer near Wills wins and becomes elite. (Important for later.)
      Sword 1s of geo e,e to Tyre fortify
      PPF moves e to hill overlooking Pasargadae

      Termina- library

      300 AD
      Build Thebes on Uber isle.

      PPF attacks pasgal
      Knight attacks wins with 2 hp lost. Elite sword attacks dies. Vet sword attacks dies. Vet sword attacks dies. Reg sword attacks dies. Elite horse attacks wins wth no HP lost. Pas taken. Remaining units move in.
      Pike (yes pike) in Wills attacks archer wins with 1hp lost.

      Poly- aqua
      Uber- wkr

      Chivalry sold to Ironquios for WM and 11l

      310 AD
      Decide to attack archer near Wills with recently promoted sword that recoverd while pike(yes pike) attacked previous archer, before ending chat.
      Leet sword attacks and kills archer great leader produced cheops.

      The full story goes something like this. The recoently promoted sword was in Wills in 300 ad with 2 hp damage. There is much discussion with Aro, Shiber and myself over whether to attack the archer outside with it. I don't want to cos it's got 2 damage and we lost another elite the same way earlier. In the end I am convinced to attack by ARO n Shib. Then the wrong unit is used to attack and the pike attacks. Surprisingly the pike wins with 1 hp lost and every thing is ok. The archer is gone and the elite sword gets repaired. Next turn another archer turns up and the rested sword attacks it giving a great leader, fate or what.

      Chat ended W/O completing orders or ending turn

      The server crashed half way through and after about 20 mins of faff we regrouped in undernet.
      In the end me shob and aro were left with ada dropping in and out and a few others on the fringes.

      And so ends the first set of turns of term 4.

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      • #4
        310 - 380

        Things went well. We did a few trades renewed the ivory deal.
        We bought theology from the babs. We built a couple of new cities, I didn't know what to call them so I just gave them random names. Cheops the great built the chapel for us although we don't have a single catherdral lol. We built up to an attack on persepolis which happened at the end. We lost alot of units. all our knights were ok but most of our swords are dead. Our catapults managed to kill some persian citizens and we broke through and took the city and the pyramids. Something that aggie and co have been dreaming about for a long time.


        Full report 310 - 380 AD

        310 AD
        AGC gets tax collecter
        termina and BHQ build knights
        Hereitis builds courthouse
        love and Gaia - WC's
        sci rate to 0% 1 sci and taxes in Pas
        tyre- WC
        catapult west
        horse to pas
        WC to love
        knight onto catapult
        sword onto catapult too
        WC in termina eastward
        WC in poly to BHQ
        pike pillages
        WC on uber NE,NE
        pike 1e of wills fortifies
        pike near nap goes to nap
        spear in nap goes to geo
        pike near BHQ NE,N
        stlr goto 4 NW of tass
        stlr moves SW
        cheops moves n,w.sw.sw.w
        wkr onto hill

        320 AD
        gaia builds pike
        france get dyes for 27
        WC in love E,E
        Wc in bhq to 2e of loveshack
        Wc sw of BHQ to 2e of loveshack
        catapult bombards immor on tyre road fails
        knight attacks immortal on tyre road rtreats
        sword attacks immortal wins
        knight to tyre to recover
        pike onto mountain
        pike into wills
        catapult to pas
        cheops WW.
        galley north
        WC in gaia goto uber
        knight in wills to pas
        newburg built
        knight attacks
        pike and horse onto tile se,se,s
        wills sword NW

        330 AD
        cathrine told to suck a lemon
        cheops moves into ubver
        pike into pas
        sword into wills
        horse pillages
        horse and units on it move north
        knight in pas attacks archer to the north wins
        2 new knights in tyre upgraded
        leader in uber skips

        340 AD
        New city built
        stlr hopped
        stlr in AGC onto galley too
        catapult and sword onto hill outside pas
        cheops skips
        pike horse and knight into pas
        sword in wills 2e
        wkrs bought 4 47 gold

        350 AD
        immortal onto mountain se,se,e of pas
        galley goes south
        sword attacks immortal wins 4 HP lost
        cheops skips
        catapults move to s,s of pas
        all knights in pas bar elite knight move to 2 s
        all swords and 1 pike move to 2 s of pas
        leet horse to 2 s of pas
        leet knight skips
        vet sword near pas skips

        360 AD
        Army South
        sword into wills
        galley goes south
        WC on uber faffs about
        spear in poly to tass
        trading dyes, 14 g and 10 pt for ivory to rome
        Trading chivalry,dyes and 262 gold to babs for theo, wkr and WM
        uber builds the chapel
        leet knight attacks immortal near pas dies
        sword attacks immortal wins
        WC's in wills skip

        370 AD
        one stlr now on wheat in uber
        catapult bombards perp fails
        catapult bombards perp peolple killed
        galley goes south
        stlr drops south
        WC on uber faffs about
        vet knight attacks perp retreats
        vet knight attacks perp wins
        vet knight attacks perp wins
        reg knight attacks dies
        vet sword attacks dies
        vet sword attacks dies
        elite sword attacks wins
        leet horse attacks dies
        regt sword attacks wins and takes perp. last unit too.
        knights into persp
        sword to pas
        pike to 2 s of pas
        1/5 sword in wills skips
        temp in opiad rushed

        380 AD
        chat ended
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        • #5
          380 - 430

          We took 3 more persian cities w/o any losses, built a few more cities and rose to be the number one civ in the world. I can't remember which turn it was but we connected a few more dyes and on the last turn connected inscence from the new persian cities. There was no disorder in any cities although del monte and a few others are quite big now and need entertainers.

          For what we technically did please look at the minister orders. here is what happened.
          (when I say army I just mean stack of units)

          One WC upgraded to knight in willsbury.
          Our pikeman in persepolis was attacked by 2 immortals and an archer. He defeated them all and was promoted to elite.
          Our armies remained stationed in ex persian cities.

          Greeks and aztecs declared peace.
          Gaia finished building a courthouse.
          Three knights from Pers moved on the persian city of bactra and attakced. Bactra was only defended by reg spearmen.
          Vet knight vs reg spear, victory with 1 hp lost
          Vet knight vs reg spear, victory with 1 hp lost again
          This knight took the city and destroyed a galley on the way.
          BActra was tehn starved.
          We traded dyes 8 gpt and 280l to the germans for engineering. As a result we can now cross rivers w/o out the time delay, which through off alot of the following orders

          A couple of russian horses lingered near hole in wall.
          Romans offered us a trade of WM for WM.
          Here it is finished building a courthouse
          Our army of 2 knights and an elite sword gathered 2 nw of susa.
          The knights that had taken bactra rested there.

          We became the number one civ.
          A russian horse fortified on teh border of hole in wall.
          Del monte finished building a courthouse
          The resistance in bactra ended
          !!Moscow built leonardos workshop!!
          We upgraded one knight in pasgarde
          New city built on uber isle
          The army 2 nw of susa moved to 1 nw
          The decision to attack with the 2 knights this turn was made as it was only defended by reg spears.
          vet knight vs reg spear victory with 3 hp lost.
          vet knight vs reg spear victory with 2 hp lost but promoted to leet.
          Susa captured and 2 workers taken.
          An second army of one elite sword and 3 knights made their way towards tarsus.

          Persian archer moves to hills off napoliton.
          BHQ finishes knight
          AGC finfishes stlr.
          New ghengis town built 2 ne of ghengistown
          Opiadom culturally expands but it is too late and chartes already has the land and alot of the other land around it too.
          !!Germans start building copernicus and Bachs!!
          Elite sword and vet knight move to 1 w of tarsus.
          2 knights from bactra move to 2 w of tarsus

          Persian longbowman surfaces near pasgal
          Timeline build catherdral
          !!Berlin finished building copernicus!!
          Napolitan fnished building a catapult
          !!Romans and greeks start building bachs!!
          With the approval of aggie we decided to take tarsus then end the chat rather than end here.
          Apoc took control but I think the following things happened.
          Elite sword vs reg spear victory
          vet knight vs reg spear victory
          vet knight vs reg spear victory and tarsus (the new persian capital) is taken.
          Capital moves to arabela.
          Road conecting persepolis with rest of empire is finished giving us insence.
          A few cities are renamed.

          Chat ended.
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          • #6
            GAME REPORT 440-490 AD
            Sunday, October 6th, 2002, 18:30 GMT

            We conquer the Persian Capital (again…) and then we kick them out of their original homeland alltogether. Then we make peace. The Aztecs seem too fast for us in their conquest of America. We re-negotiate some peace deals. Then, the chat froze up around 490 AD...

            Analysis: We're considering switching to Republic.

            460 Persian city of Arbela conquered. Their Capital moves to Hamadan.
            460 Persian city of Antioch conquered.
            460 The Persians accept our Peace Terms (Education, Invention and their World Map)
            470 Peace re-negotiated with several Civs.

            Analysis: There is a general discussion on when to build ships, and which type. Discovering the Lost Civs first could give us financial and/or technological advantages. First though, we'll have to acquire the appriopriate techs.

            440 The French city of Chartres decides to join the Apolytonian Empire.
            450 Colony Founded (Incense) (near Susa)
            460 New City Founded: "Hole in Wall" (1 tile south of the 'old' city of Hole in Wall)
            460 New City Founded: "Thebes" (on the west coast of Uber Isle)
            470 Tombstone is abandoned by building a settler. Tombstone Pizzas Football Team are looking for a new home ground.
            490 A Temple was rushed in Arbela.

            Analysis: The Government is concerned about possible 'Culture Flipping' of the city of Arbela. This would mean the loss of our three Spice Resources, two of which we are currently trading. It would mean damage to our repuation.

            450 (We give) Incense; (Romans give) 6 g, 10 gpt and their World Map.
            460 (Persians give) Education, Invention and their World Map; (We give) Peace.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with Germany: (We give) Peace (Germany gives) 15 g and 7 gpt
            470 We re-negotiate peace with Greece: (We give) Peace (Greece gives) World Map
            470 Spice deal. (We give) Spices; (Germany gives) 8g and 7 gpt.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with the Aztecs: (We give) Peace (Aztecs give) 23 g.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with the Babylonians: (We give) Peace (Babylonians give) 2g, a Worker and World Map.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with the Iroquois: (We give) Peace (Iroquois give) 2g and World Map.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with France: (We give) Peace (France gives) 18g and World Map.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with England: (We give) Peace, Spices (England gives) 19g, Music Theory and World Map.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with Russia: (We give) Peace (Russia gives) World Map.
            470 We re-negotiate peace with Rome: (We give) Peace (Rome gives) 5g, 3 gpt and World Map.

            460 Education and Invention gained from Persians.
            470 Music Theory acquired from the English.

            Analysis: Rome, Greece and Germany have Astronomy.

            450 The Aztecs take the American city of Chicago
            490 Rome and Germany now have Gunpowder (cost: at least 1033 g). It is unknown if they have access to Saltpeter.
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            • #7
              490 - 530
              I only took half the first turn which is why the report is missing so much

              Don't know exactly what happened this time. We declared an alliance with the aztecs agianst the US who were wiped out before the end of the chat. We took New york and the Aztecs took boston.

              We rushed a temple in BFM and a cathedrael in Arabela. We ahve a city size ten. We are now completely at peace.

              When taking NY I think we on;y lost one knight and the aztec army was beaten.

              Thats all I can see for now perhaps someone could help us out?

              Build queues 4 long were set up between chats by ET and are included in the save below.
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              • #8
                530 -580

                Temple rushed in NY,
                Worker rushed in boom town,
                Courthouse rushed in seeburg,
                Pike rushed in Ghengistown,
                WC rushed in poly.
                Our millitary forces where distributed this time so as to begin the set up of 4 rapid reaction forces.
                One in the west in Macross,
                One in the east in Arabela,
                One east central in NY,
                One west central in Chiquita.
                Eventually each will have 5 knights but atm the ones which actually have units are mostly WC's waiting to be upgraded.
                The babs asked for a trade of WM's but we told them no chance.
                The french are building up forces in and around Rhiems.
                The ironquios also asked for a map trade but were told to get lost.
                A temple was rsuhed in Antioch after the english expanded to take the nearby iron.
                The city of chartes was abandoned by building a stlr and moved 1 square sw.
                Tass rushed an aqua and thebes rushed a temple.
                Dyes were given back to the ironquois for a small amount of money and a WM and to the aztecs aswell.
                The deal getting ivory from the Romans was allowed to end. The loss of the ivory was unexpected and resulted in the cities of Gaia, Hereitis and Delmonte going into disorder.
                Dyes were also given to the babs for a small amount of money and a WM and wkr. Dyes were also given to persia for money, WM and wkr.
                The road network in uberisle is well underway and should be completed by the time we have a harbour there.
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