For all the geographers and interested citizens:
We need more names! For example- what do we call the body of water surrounding Uber isle? Is it a sea, of a Gulf? I can't tell, just looking at the map- and does the size and position of Uber sle change that classification? Also, do we have one or more Oceans? And what are they called?. I know we have not yet seen the other continent, or continents... Now I don't think we should name them prior to discovery, but people should start thinking of names.
We are also largely devoid of names for our own continent. Fine, I have made up a few terms for geopolitical reasons, but these don't work very well as actual place-feature names. I think we need to name every single mountain chain that make up the rift mountains of th Grand Basin (they are not continious, thus they deserve independent names), and also what about all the lakes and rivers? We have not named any rivers!
So I propose that we start- that some sort of office be formed responsible with taking suggestions and choosing names- of course this will all be for fun, but we do have to decide- it won't do to have 3-4 names being thrown about the forum about the same single feature. Also, the first thing to do is deide how many features there are to name- what constitutes an independent lake (think of the Great lakes, 5 or 6 contreversy) or an independent river- which is the tributary and which is the main channel?- what mountain tile is part of what mounain chain?- how big must a feature be to get a name of chain?- do we name each independent mountain tile? so forth and so on.
Still, I think it would be a fine enterprise to name names as it where. Aro and the Apolyton Geographical society are doing a great job (
) but I think we can give them more work! (
). Imagine, a great Atlas of Apolyton for everyones home!
We need more names! For example- what do we call the body of water surrounding Uber isle? Is it a sea, of a Gulf? I can't tell, just looking at the map- and does the size and position of Uber sle change that classification? Also, do we have one or more Oceans? And what are they called?. I know we have not yet seen the other continent, or continents... Now I don't think we should name them prior to discovery, but people should start thinking of names.
We are also largely devoid of names for our own continent. Fine, I have made up a few terms for geopolitical reasons, but these don't work very well as actual place-feature names. I think we need to name every single mountain chain that make up the rift mountains of th Grand Basin (they are not continious, thus they deserve independent names), and also what about all the lakes and rivers? We have not named any rivers!
So I propose that we start- that some sort of office be formed responsible with taking suggestions and choosing names- of course this will all be for fun, but we do have to decide- it won't do to have 3-4 names being thrown about the forum about the same single feature. Also, the first thing to do is deide how many features there are to name- what constitutes an independent lake (think of the Great lakes, 5 or 6 contreversy) or an independent river- which is the tributary and which is the main channel?- what mountain tile is part of what mounain chain?- how big must a feature be to get a name of chain?- do we name each independent mountain tile? so forth and so on.
Still, I think it would be a fine enterprise to name names as it where. Aro and the Apolyton Geographical society are doing a great job (