Greetings, citizens of Apolyton! This thread is hereby established as a place to post and debate on current economic issues. We will start with two topics: one, a general report on the current Apolytonian fiscal budget; second, the current "issue" at hand.
The general report follow here and is in this format:
a pie chart where all debts (re: negative amounts) are in reds, oranges, or yellows; net incomes are in greens; percentages are given, but keep in mind that our per/turn is a result of all the incomes minus all the debits.
A separate post will introduce the current issue at hand.
The general report follow here and is in this format:
a pie chart where all debts (re: negative amounts) are in reds, oranges, or yellows; net incomes are in greens; percentages are given, but keep in mind that our per/turn is a result of all the incomes minus all the debits.
A separate post will introduce the current issue at hand.