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Go West, Young Man! Settle the Valley of Smelly Things.

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  • Go West, Young Man! Settle the Valley of Smelly Things.

    The Americans took Incense Valley (also known as Fragrance Valley, or the Valley of Smelly Things). Or didn't they?

    We could wage another war with the Americans. But if you look closely, you can see that there is still some Incense left for grabs. It's free!

    We could build a Settler in Chiquita and send it over. I think it'll have to settle right =on= the Incense. It will be on a river (no aqueduct needed), on a hill (good for defense) and will have access to Incense, Horses and even Gold in the long run (I do not suppose we'll get the Iron this way). There is some grassland nearby, plus some (American) irrigated squares.

    Securing the Horses resource from the Greeks might be useful, since we're entering an era in which guys in skirts go roaming around on ponies. We might trade these Horses for something more useful.

    So I say:
    "Give up the Courthouse in Chiquita! Build a Settler instead!"

    (I would like to add a map - which tool can I use best to make one?)
    Greatest moments in cat:

  • #2
    I I Say "I completely agree!!!" We are going to end up having to send a settler there even if we do conquer America. And without Incense Valley to complain about, the warmongers have no reason for war! Yay Peace! It just makes sense.

    Also, if we are to take the Persian Capital cluster, and at this point we should, then we will have more exportable incense.

    Really, if everyone bathed regularly this wouldn't be a problem. Especially those French. They STINK. Makes one wonder why we invaded their nation
    Last edited by Thud; September 18, 2002, 15:58.
    "The Enrichment Center is required to inform you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake"
    Former President, C3SPDGI


    • #3
      Which city should make the settler, you think?
      Greatest moments in cat:


      • #4
        Well, I always support expansion, and I'd say yay to your idea anyway...and that's an excellent way of flatly describing knights, bigfurrymonster.
        meet the new boss, same as the old boss


        • #5
          I say "YES!!" to this idea.


          • #6
            why dont we just hold off until we reconquer the land. After persia is toast warmongers will prolly scream for american blood. Even though im a builder supporter, I can go with limited war spending after persia is toast. And it seems as it wont take too much to wipe america off clean.


            • #7
              Before we can grab the Americans' land, others might have done it already...
              Greatest moments in cat:

