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170BC and onwards: Trade

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  • 170BC and onwards: Trade

    The next play will most likely be relatively redundant in terms of trades. We will gain control over a second source of wines (near Macross City, formerly Marseilles) in three turns as a result of territorial expansion due to cultural growth.
    * Possible clients for wines are: France, Greece and Russia.
    * Recommended course of action: sell to the highest bidder, simple as that.
    * Note: we should close a trade as soon as we have the surplus wines, before Rome decides it might be a good idea to trade their own surplus wines to our potential clients.
    Last edited by Shiber; September 16, 2002, 18:13.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera

  • #2
    We have to sell wines to France. It's an irony, but we have to.
    RIAA sucks
    The Optimistas
    I'm a political cartoonist


    • #3
      I agree; sell to the highest bidder.

      Is it 170 BC or AD?


      • #4
        AD. Shiber needs new glasses... or a new keyboard.
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #5
          Aro: yes, I agree.
          kring: yes, it's AD. My bad.
          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
          - Phantom of the Opera

