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Saving the chatlog

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  • Saving the chatlog

    I really want to save this chatlog, but do not know how. I am staying in the chatroom (albeit whilst in RL asleep) for a few hours, so I would be grateful if someone could tell me how to save the chat log for myself. Alternately, could someone please go into the #civ3dem chatroom and save the log for me?



    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Sorry I wasn't there my server got struck by lightning and I was without internet access for several hours..

    It was scary............

    I never want to be without internet again.............


    • #3
      Mr.WIA, if you are connected, go to the #civ3Button, right click , click "buffer", then click "save as..."
      I couldn't do it, because when was disconnected, I loose the log. Try that.
      Edit: I send you a pm about that.
      Last edited by Aro; September 14, 2002, 21:53.
      RIAA sucks
      The Optimistas
      I'm a political cartoonist


      • #4
        About those chats...

        I had a hard time staying connected to DALNet. Are all Dalnet servers so bad?

        If they are, maybe we should move to another network?
        If not, is there a list of "safe" servers?

        Other than that, I found the the chat interesting


        • #5
          Thanks Aro - I have the log.

          SprudL - there seem to be some servers that are unstable - Aro keeps getting kicked off by them. You can start your own thread on changing networks if you like, but I have found that if you search around a bit you can always find a server tha is stable enough to stay up for the whole chat (I used to have problems - no longer).

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            If it works, then there's no need to move to a different network. But it's annoying to be on a server for a couple of hours and not get disconnected. And when the real chat starts things go wrong.

            Maybe I have better luck next time


            • #7
              Could you post the chat log? Or tell me where it is if you already have?

              BTW another great set of turns dude.
              Are we having fun yet?


              • #8
                No problem! See me at my tired, most random strangest when I fight with MrWIA and MWIA over some minor issue that non of us can remember anymore.
                Attached Files

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

