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Just dropping in...

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  • Just dropping in...

    Hi, I just want to know what's going on. UnOrthOdOx, that's a pretty good Gazette in the time you had to make it

  • #2
    you remain the king of spam
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


    • #3
      Amen to that brother.

      Oh wait, then what does this post count as...
      2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
      Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


      • #4
        You know, it's pretty pathetic on my part if this thread is spam, considering that it doesn't do much for my post count. For heaven's sake, I just wanted to hear some of the current stuff.


        • #5
          Skywalker, you can find the last chatlog here .
          The last report:

          Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
          70AD - 170AD turnchat Report

          -Cherbourg is being threatened by the Romans, Russians have a large presence of Horsemen in Krasnoyarsk too, at least 4
          -Sidon was autorazed and a captured worker (no gold) is in the Mts E of Geofront building a road to Tyre
          -Tyre was taken with 2 workers and 1 gold. It is currently size 2 and has 1 resister
          -Athens built the Hanging Gardens in 90 AD
          -The settler and WC have been transferred successfuly to Uber Island and are moving down the coast in a Galley - we need to know what their movements will be
          -The other Galley (which survived!) is moving to Prt Rouge to pick up Settler here - what then?

          Trades established
          Rome: Dyes + 5 gpt + 8 for Ivory - they were polite, became cautious gradually
          France: Horses for WM and all their gold (34g) - still furious
          Greece: trade Dyes for WM and all their gold (27g) - now are polite!
          Germany: Dyes for WM + 6lpt and 3 gold (Germans still furious)

          Persian losses
          -6 Archers
          -6 Spearmen

          Our Losses
          -2 Swordmen (1 reg, 1 Vet)

          WE GOT A GREAT LEADER! Say hello to my little friend Ramses!!!!!

          Full boring Report

          A5 no purchase, too costly
          A6 no purhase, too costly

          C1 (20g spent)

          D1 Trade with Rome: Dyes + 5 gpt + 8 for Ivory - they are polite
          D2 - France: Horses for WM and all their gold (34g) - still furious
          D3: Greece: trade Dyes for WM and all their gold (27g) - now are polite!

          Archer stack E of Ge moves S

          Trade Dyes to Germany for WM + 6lpt and 3 gold (Germans still furious)
          A1 - Macross OK
          A2 - Chiquita ok

          C14(new) - 1 pike from geo south
          C15(new)Reg sword vs Archer - 1hp loss but VICTORY
          C16(new)move 2 vet 1 north of sidon, and 1 vet w,n,n
          C17(new) Wounded units in Geo and Uber fortify
          C18)new) Sp S of Geo to Uber
          C19 (new)Sword in Love E E
          C20(new) Galley at Uber Island to AGC

          End of 90 AD - Arhcer stack consolidates, Athens builds Hanging Gardens

          A1(new) BHQ builds Worker, change to Pike
          Seeburg has built WC, change to Courthouse
          PW Completed


          Assault on Sidon
          Horse attacks Sidon - 2HP loss but SP KILLED
          Horse 2 attacks Sidon - 2HP loss but SP KILLED - city TAKEN!!!!!
          One Persian worker taken, Sidon killed, no gold
          Reg Sword attacks SP - 2 HP loss, VICTORY
          Pikeman, 2 vet Sword N
          2/3 Sword S of Archer stack to join Pikeman stack
          Captured Worker to Uber
          Other movements
          pikeman s of geo e to mountain
          three swords 2elite and 1 vet tomountain sw of archer stack , also move sword from uber and also sword

          2e of loveshack(plan to flush Persian archers of the mts)
          pike in uber goto sword stack sw of archerstack

          Pike to Seeburg, fortify
          Warrior near Gaia to Gaia
          WC from Seeburg to BHQ

          Archer stack moves W off Mts, more Greek Horses go N, Romans retreating towards Krasnoyarsk
          Del Monte builds Granary, changes to Courthouse
          Persian Archer appears N, NW of Napoleton!

          A2 - HII workers adjusted for max shields
          PW finished

          Attack on Archer stack
          Elite Swords attack Archer stack - both lose 1HP, both VICTORIOUS
          3 Vet Swords finish off Archer stack - all lose 1HP, the last attacker becomes Elite

          Horse and Sword in Geo go 1 South
          Pike from Geo moves towards Napoleton
          Pike near Tyre fortifies
          All swords and Pikes near Tyre fortify to await others
          Reg Sword S of main Army joins army
          Uber Pikeman fortifies in Uber
          Pikeman with further Sword Army joins the resting Sword Army

          Galleys all prepared for manoeuvre next turn.

          Romans nearing Cherbourg (ours), Persian Archer near Nap moving W
          Macross builds Temple, change to barracks, ort Rouge build Settler, change to barracks
          Also Persian Sp and Archer on that Hill SW of Tyre that Aggie wanted to move the Sword army to

          Settler in Port Rouge stays put

          Tass has built WC, changes to Pike

          move horse and sword under pikeman w oftyre along with assigned workers
          move Sword army s of tyre ne
          sword that last attack archer go to the sword army
          fortify pikeman 1 se where he is so he can go and frotify at either geo or napolitan
          Sword in Gaia fortifies for now
          SP from Tass moves to Poly and scientist reallocated to work the fileds

          Persian Archer moves next to Nap, Romans move next to Cherbourg, French Stack moving E past Macross, 4

          Russian Horsemen move S to Krasnoyarsk, Persian Archer moves off hills W to threaten workers.

          PW done

          Uber Island
          Galley manoeuvre completed, Galley with WC and Settler moves S along W coast

          Elite Sword attacks Tyre, no Hp loss but no GL
          Vet sword dies, sp takes 2hp damage, down to 1hp
          Reg sword kills Sp with no HP loss, Takes Tyre, 2 workers and 1g. We keep the city - Tyre is pop 2

          with 1 resister
          Elite Horse attacks lone Archer 3 Hp lost...... RAMSES IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Vet sword S of Tyre attacks Sp to SW, no HP loss, VICTORY
          Reg Sword attacks remaining SP, Sp loses 1 HP, we lose
          other sa e to where current SA is
          Galley moving to pick up Port Rouge settler
          pike near napolitan to napolitan and fortifies

          Temple started in Tyre


          We all kick ass.
          The last save:
          Attached Files
          RIAA sucks
          The Optimistas
          I'm a political cartoonist

