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When will we meet Mao?

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  • When will we meet Mao?

    As was pointed out, I believe by BigFurryMonster, Bombay is city #5. That rbigns up the fact that we still have made no contact with 1/3 of the civs in the game.

    MWIA though that he saw the possibility of land, another island, near Uber Isle. For those with much experiance: could that be the land of the Asian civs? As of now, the AI seem not to have made that discovery yet: are they not trying, or is this missing continent nearer to our lands?

    I am also interested in whether we should wate our times or resources tryiing to be first- I know many have said the AI will beat us to it anyway, but they ahve yet to do it, and the potential rewards for first contact are enormous. so: can and should we spare one galley to explore? Looking at the dark areas, where is the most likely place for the Asian continent? and how much will we have to pay if the AI does beat us to it?

    Just a few questions to the general public.
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    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

  • #2
    we can use one galley to explor and i dont think the AI will beat us too it, they never did it in my games anyways. but the problem with galleys is that the cant very good travel ocean squares we need the caravels for this job! (I dont know how far we are with the tech tree but we could use navigation (for a lot of reasons bytheway ))we can load caravals with an settler,garrison,explorer and then send it on its way. what ever is decided i strongly believe that we need make funds availible for this mission

    we utmost grace

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    • #3
      Based on my experience we will need astronomy and a caravel to make contact. If you look at the whole map there is NO PLACE where coastals peak out from the darkness so we will have to cross sea and possibly ocean to contact them.

      I never seen Civ3 make a map with only one sea tile between differents continents so it will probably be several tiles and a galley just isn't going to cut.

      My best guess if we want the greatest chance of finding them is to sail west from the Greek Island and/or east from the English/Persian sub-continent.

      But who ever gets Astronomy/Navigation first and uses it will be the most likely civ to make contact and I don't see that being us.

      If we had a harbor at Cherburg and a galley we could upgrade the minute we got the tech I might give us a chance but that would be the only way I could see us doing it.


      • #4
        just something to remind you, one of these unknown civs still has a larger population than we do. point being, at least one of these civs is worth consideration, and is not some measly nothing like america or babylon.
        Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
        Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
        Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
        Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Reddawg
          just something to remind you, one of these unknown civs still has a larger population than we do. point being, at least one of these civs is worth consideration, and is not some measly nothing like america or babylon.
          That's true, and it's also possible THEY could discover us, which makes us the second to last civ they'll contact (we edge out America just a little) as we're in the middle.

          But say we had a galley as both ends of the continent patrolling for strange ship sightings............

          Just a thought, not a very good one necessarily.


          • #6
            Well, then, I suggest that as soon as Navigation comes up on the list of techs explorable (in the distant future, of course), we choose it, and we build ourselves a caravel and an explorer. We should then take our caravel to this land of mystery, and there land our explorer, to do what he was commissioned to do. If the land is large enough, of course, then I would think that we'd find at least one other civilization on it.
            Empire growing,
            Pleasures flowing,
            Fortune smiles and so should you.


            • #7
              I seriously doubt there will be ANY land left to colonize on this continent as the four lost civs will probably have taken it all so I only see the need to send a military unit.

              However there is a small chance we might find an island or outcropping tile.


              • #8
                Yet another reason to take over the persian land, from there we send a ship ne and are bound to hit it.
                The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GhengisFarb
                  I never seen Civ3 make a map with only one sea tile between differents continents so it will probably be several tiles and a galley just isn't going to cut.
                  My mention of the possibility of land to the SW of Uber Island was really only from adaMada's (think it was ada) excited shout in the chat. The coast DOES extend a bit there, but it is pretty certain, by Ghengis' above statement (which I agree wholeheartedly with), that we will not find the missing civs there, rather anothe island if we find anything at all.

                  However, there are currently plans for that Galley to bring across a settler and WC to explore Uber Island, so all further exploration plans will need to pause for a bit(I feel like the Prince of Genoa telling Crístobal Colón we can't sponsor his pointless journey to the East when we have a perfectly good set of trade routes to deal with here ).

                  Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt

                    My mention of the possibility of land to the SW of Uber Island was really only from adaMada's (think it was ada) excited shout in the chat. The coast DOES extend a bit there, but it is pretty certain, by Ghengis' above statement (which I agree wholeheartedly with), that we will not find the missing civs there, rather anothe island if we find anything at all.

                    However, there are currently plans for that Galley to bring across a settler and WC to explore Uber Island, so all further exploration plans will need to pause for a bit(I feel like the Prince of Genoa telling Crístobal Colón we can't sponsor his pointless journey to the East when we have a perfectly good set of trade routes to deal with here ).
                    Na, it wasn't mee... I was the person who was so useless I didn't even have the sav open so I had to go asking OPD to check out deals for me (thanks again OPD). Don't remember who it was myself.

                    Good to know that my name sticks, though ...

                    -- adaMada
                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton

