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Official Ministers' Orders: 70AD onwards

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  • Official Ministers' Orders: 70AD onwards

    Please place Ministers' orders HERE for the next set of turns (70AD onwards), to be played as a TUENCHAT about 2100GMT on Saturday.

    This may well be the Admin's last set of turns, unless we do one more on Tuesday, so let's make them good!

    Donal Graeme, Apocalypse and GodKing (I thinkthat is everyone this refers to): donegeal had a good idea re: the science rate in this post .

    I would appreciate it if you could see to adding this to your orders, as it appears a good 'un.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    If anyone has any comments before the Chat is played, let me know... if it's very important, PM me, and I'll get an e-mail notification.

    Specific Orders
    Before we end turn...
    A. Trade dyes to Greece for maximum Gold plus WM (or best other available deal)
    B. Trade dyes and whatever cash is necessary to Rome for Ivory (and TM/WM, if price is cheep enough in the opinion of the President).
    C. Trade horses to France for maximum profit.

    Next turn...
    D. Trade dyes to Germany for maximum profit.

    ** When considering Maximum profit, deals with GPT are generally preferable to straight cash deals, but the maximum amount of money should prevail.

    General Orders
    A. Do not accept a peace treaty from Persia, but report to the public and Foreign Ministry as to the best deal we can get.
    B. Do not sign any ROPs (but report any offers and best deals to the Ministry and Public)

    C. Do not trade World or Territory Maps.
    D. Do make any tech trade deal where the total cost (in gold) comes to over 350 gold (including gold per turn).

    Demands (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
    E. Give in: Rome, Greece.
    F. Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois.
    * NOTE: Demands from charity civs can be accepted if they are small enough.
    * NOTE: Do not give in to any demands that involve giving away our World or Terratory Maps, even if it comes from a civ who we would otherwise accept a demand from.

    Charities (civs we don't mind giving good deals to in tech or trade)
    G. Iroquois

    For minor events not addressed in these orders, the President should use his own best judgement as to what he thinks the Foreign Ministry would order. For major events, the turnthread should be stopped early. This policy also applies should any of these orders become illogical due to events in the game.

    -- adaMada
    Last edited by adaMada; September 14, 2002, 16:29.
    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


    • #3
      I will compile the list of orders here.

      General Orders

      A. FAM Orders

      A. Do not accept a peace treaty from Persia, but report to the public and Foreign Ministry as to the best deal we can get.
      B. Do not sign any ROPs (but report any offers and best deals to the Ministry and Public)

      C. Do not trade World or Territory Maps.
      D. Do make any tech trade deal where the total cost (in gold) comes to over 350 gold (including gold per turn).

      Demands (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
      E. Give in: Rome, Greece.
      F. Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois.
      * NOTE: Demands from charity civs can be accepted if they are small enough.
      * NOTE: Do not give in to any demands that involve giving away our World or Terratory Maps, even if it comes from a civ who we would otherwise accept a demand from.

      Charities (civs we don't mind giving good deals to in tech or trade)
      G. Iroquois

      For minor events not addressed in these orders, the President should use his own best judgement as to what he thinks the Foreign Ministry would order. For major events, the turnthread should be stopped early. This policy also applies should any of these orders become illogical due to events in the game.

      B. MOS Orders
      Order of reseach:
      Theology -> Education

      About the tech rate, I have been thinking...
      Didn't Shiber do research and find that it costs less to research now than to buy? We will probably try to buy Theology in the peace with Persia so it seems only logical to INCREASE science spending right now to save money in the long run.

      C. MOE Orders

      D. IE Orders

      70 AD

      A. City Planner Orders
      1. Apolyton – tax man to scientist (per the plan)
      2. Termina – Change to war chariot
      3. Tassagrad – Work mine instead of sea. Change to war chariot
      4. Jerusalem – Work grass with road for extra shield
      5. AGC – If Purchase, then worker. If worker is purchased, then settler or temple depending on growth rate of city.
      6. Geo – Change if necessary for defense. If can purchase, then war effort (pres. Choice, recommend barricks)
      7. Uber – Work the iron hill instead of ocean. If purchased then sword, horse or pike (SMC if available, else pres. Choice).

      B. Public Works Orders
      C. SMC Orders
      1. Upgrade Sp in Gaia to Pike
      2. Sp in Loveshack e,e

      D. FAM Orders
      • Trade dyes to Greece for maximum Gold plus WM (or best other available deal)
      • Trade dyes and whatever cash is necessary to Rome for Ivory (and TM/WM, if price is cheep enough in the opinion of the President).
      • Trade horses to France for maximum profit.

      90 AD

      A. City Planner Orders
      1. Macross – grow, maximize shield, then food, then gold
      2. Chiquita – grow, maximize food, then shield, then gold

      B. Public Works Orders
      C. SMC Orders
      1. Pikeman SW of Macross City into Macross City(Fortify)
      2. Pikeman in Gaia ne,ne,ne
      3. Sp in Seeberg s,sw,sw(Only do if no enemy can attack seeberg this turn)
      4. Warrior in Del monte se,s,se
      5. Sp 2e of loveshack to Uber and upgrade
      6. Horse 1 S of Geo to 1N of sidon
      7. Horse 2e of Loveshack to 1N of sidon
      8. For swords 1 north of Sidon, fortify
      9. For Large sword army E of uber :
      10. 2 Elite Sword E of Uber w,n,n
      11. I want 3 Full swords to end up north of sidon, , if archers is stupid enough to get in range of the force e of uber attack with reg unit, then move sufficient swords to have 3 full swords n of Sidon.
      12. Pikeman to 1N of sidon to cover sword force.
      13. After these requirements have been met move rest of swords(1 or 2 vets) w,n,n

      D. FAM Orders
      • Trade dyes to Germany for maximum profit.

      ** When considering Maximum profit, deals with GPT are generally preferable to straight cash deals, but the maximum amount of money should prevail.

      110 AD

      A. City Planner Orders
      B. Public Works Orders
      C. SMC Orders
      1. Attack of Sidon
      2. First attack with horses(if they lose there is a chaance of withdraw)
      3. If the horses win move this force(except for 2/3 sword) N
      4. If horses lose attack using the following guidelines for order of attack
      5. If weakened unit start with reg sword, if full strength attack with veteran
      6. If these forces don’t win use best judgement on whether to attack with 2/3 sword or not, if this happens we have been super unlucky but we’ve all been there before)

      IF WE WIN:
      If any enemy forces adjacent to full strength units attack.
      If units are weakened to yellow fortify(going back to uber would waste more time that staying put and recovering) horse units go to uber, they will join Northern Force
      The general orders for this southern force are a move toward tyre attacking enemy units encountered(not including archer army unless it moves e of mountains)

      Now for rest of swordsmen in this area. Other swordsmen go to point 1 South of Geo(Rally point(RP)), units that are recovering in uber of Geo will move there when full strength. This Force is called Northern Force(NF). The purpose of the NF is 2 fold, this force will approach tyre from the west AND has the responsibility to destroy archer army, I’d prefer to wait for them to go into jungle off montain, but if takes too long strike this force with NA, using horse first) Also for this force put as many pike as can be safely spared without endangering geo or uber.

      When sufficient forces are gathered both e and se of tyre attack it.
      More specific orders are impossible, mainly because archer army movements are unknown. I hope they try to take Geo and that will eliminate a lot of uncertainty.

      Sp between gaia and seeberg to gaia and upgrade
      Pike betwee gaia and seeberg to Seeberg and fortify
      Warrior near gaia to gaia
      WC in seeberg goto bhq(when it gets there, send WC in bhq to apolyton, and wc in apolyton onto galley with settler), then next turn do transfer manuever

      130 AD

      A. City Planner Orders
      1. BHQ – Pike
      2. HII – Grow, maximize shield, then food, then gold
      3. Seeberg – Courthouse

      B. Public Works Orders
      C. SMC Orders
      1. Pike in Gaia goto delmonte
      2. Upgrade warrior in Gaia

      150 AD

      A. City Planner Orders
      1. Port Rouge – Barracks
      2. Del Monte - Courthouse

      B. Public Works Orders
      C. SMC Orders
      1. Pike near gaia to delmonte
      2. Sp in Delmonte goto gaia
      3. Sword in Gaia goto Rally Point(by the time he gets there he cna straight across mountains to tyre)

      170 AD

      A. City Planner Orders
      1. Tassagrad – pike
      2. Macross – barracks

      B. Public Works Orders
      C. SMC Orders
      1. Sp between delmonte and gaia to delmonte
      2. Pike near delmonte to delmonte and if no threat go e across river
      3. If no threat to chiquita sp in chiquita se,e,e

      MrWIA, according to the newly inacted amendment, we are required to host a set of turns on Mon-Wed. I suggest Teus. If you cannot, let me know and I will arrange them. I would have PM'd you, but your box is full.
      Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; September 14, 2002, 00:21.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        Will post orders soon. PM me any requests. Looked at the link MWIA
        If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


        • #5
          It's full!!! Ah, jeez. Hang on a sec.....

          And definitely turns on Tuesday? OK sure, I wasn't 100% on whether I did them or not. In that case they will be 2000GMT onwards unless there are any problems with this time.

          I strongly urge everyone, especially the candidates for next term to turn up - this will be a good opportunity to get into the swing of things straight away. You know so much more from actually being at a chat. If necessary I can devote most of 5 hours to the chat - but I do have to leave soon after 0100 GMT.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            I had quite some trouble trying to use mIRC, but I will attempt it again. It doesnt want to let me connect for some reason. Perhaps my older version of AOL, perhaps my clunky computer, perhaps I am doomed, who knows? And yes, turns Teusday by law. You can thank me for that law later...
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


            • #7
              Oh, and be sure to get the 'sent items', and 'message tracking' folders in your deletion. They are usually the cause of such things.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #8
                My internet cuts me off if I do not change pages every 10 minutes or so. One good way I found around this is the poly chat. Everytime you hear the click (every couple seconds) it is refreshing the page.... thus counting as a new reload and not disconnecting me. If I just open more than one web page, click one into the poly chat and shrink it, then I can load mIRC and keep it running for those 5 hour marathons....

                PS. I do not think I will be able to join in the next couple of chats.... just an FYI. I will post orders either tonight or early tomorrow morning.
                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                • #9
                  Ok, I concur with Donegal, have the taxman become a scientist, and change the slider to 9/0/1, as I belive Aggie requested. I don't know when we will need to reduce the luxury tax to 0% though, Aggie will need to remind MWIA about that...
                  2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
                  Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GodKing
                    My internet cuts me off if I do not change pages every 10 minutes or so. One good way I found around this is the poly chat. Everytime you hear the click (every couple seconds) it is refreshing the page.... thus counting as a new reload and not disconnecting me. If I just open more than one web page, click one into the poly chat and shrink it, then I can load mIRC and keep it running for those 5 hour marathons....

                    PS. I do not think I will be able to join in the next couple of chats.... just an FYI. I will post orders either tonight or early tomorrow morning.
                    AOL works fine. It is a problem with mIRC. I keep getting 'unable to establish a conneciton' messages.
                    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                    You're wierd. - Krill

                    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                    • #11
                      Here are my oders as best as i can figure.
                      I regret they are not as clear as in the past but unfortunately too many variables
                      A few notes:
                      I put the general orders into the time period they will be needed.
                      I am also beginning "operation upgrade" for our spears near the front. My plan is to send units to gaia for upgrade. Then send that unit to relieve another unit and so on. The first such upgrade is the pikeman in gaia who will exchange places with the sp in seeberg. Then the spear from seeberg will be upgraded and sent to chiquita(while he is on his way) the spear in delmonte will rush to gaia for upgrade, since the moving pikeman can protect del monte. Once this pikeman gets to within one turn of chiquita he will run to gaia and then he will upgrade and relieve the sp in timeline.

                      70 AD
                      Upgrade Sp in Gaia to Pike
                      Sp in Loveshack e,e

                      90 AD
                      Pikeman SW of Macross City into Macross City(Fortify)
                      Pikeman in Gaia ne,ne,ne
                      Sp in Seeberg s,sw,sw(Only do if no enemy can attack seeberg this turn)
                      Warrior in Del monte se,s,se
                      Sp 2e of loveshack to Uber and upgrade
                      Horse 1 S of Geo to 1N of sidon
                      Horse 2e of Loveshack to 1N of sidon
                      For swords 1 north of Sidon, fortify
                      For Large sword army E of uber :
                      2 Elite Sword E of Uber w,n,n
                      I want 3 Full swords to end up north of sidon, , if archers is stupid enough to get in range of the force e of uber attack with reg unit, then move sufficient swords to have 3 full swords n of Sidon.
                      Pikeman to 1N of sidon to cover sword force.
                      After these requirements have been met move rest of swords(1 or 2 vets) w,n,n
                      Galley near uber island goto another glorius city and then position to recieve settler and war chariot(this galley is getting into postion for another shiber manuever, if a such a anuever isn't planned disregard the order and explore south)

                      110 AD
                      Attack of Sidon
                      First attack with horses(if they lose there is a chaance of withdraw)
                      If the horses win move this force(except for 2/3 sword) N
                      If horses lose attack using the following guidelines for order of attack
                      If weakened unit start with reg sword, if full strength attack with veteran
                      If these forces don’t win use best judgement on whether to attack with 2/3 sword or not, if this happens we have been super unlucky but we’ve all been there before)
                      IF WE WIN:
                      If any enemy forces adjacent to full strength units attack.
                      If units are weakened to yellow fortify(going back to uber would waste more time that staying put and recovering) horse units go to uber, they will join Northern Force
                      The general orders for this southern force are a move toward tyre attacking enemy units encountered(not including archer army unless it moves e of mountains)

                      Now for rest of swordsmen in this area. Other swordsmen go to point 1 South of Geo(Rally point(RP)), units that are recovering in uber of Geo will move there when full strength. This Force is called Northern Force(NF). The purpose of the NF is 2 fold, this force will approach tyre from the west AND has the responsibility to destroy archer army, I’d prefer to wait for them to go into jungle off montain, but if takes too long strike this force with NA, using horse first) Also for this force put as many pike as can be safely spared without endangering geo or uber.

                      When sufficient forces are gathered both w and sw of tyre attack it.
                      More specific orders are impossible, mainly because archer army movements are unknown. I hope they try to take Geo and that will eliminate a lot of uncertainty.

                      Note: You might notice that my orders are significantly different with regard to enemy units than they were during the french invasion. The reason is simple, we were on a strike and make peace plan in france, here we could be on a war of conquest and we MUST not have enemy units rear of the main army.

                      Sp between gaia and seeberg to gaia and upgrade
                      Pike betwee gaia and seeberg to Seeberg and fortify
                      Warrior near gaia to gaia
                      WC in seeberg goto bhq(when it gets there, send WC in bhq to apolyton, and wc in apolyton onto galley with settler), then next turn do transfer manuever

                      130 AD
                      Pike in Gaia goto delmonte
                      Upgrade warrior in Gaia

                      150 AD
                      Pike near gaia to delmonte
                      Sp in Delmonte goto gaia
                      Sword in Gaia goto Rally Point(by the time he gets there he cna straight across mountains to tyre)

                      170 AD
                      Sp between delmonte and gaia to delmonte
                      Pike near delmonte to delmonte and if no threat go e across river
                      If no threat to chiquita sp in chiquita se,e,e
                      Last edited by Aggie; September 13, 2002, 20:38.
                      The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                      • #12
                        Orders, City Planning department

                        If we gain another city, next name is “Willsbury”.
                        Cherbourg – if a good deal presents itself (ie a tech) trade this city away.

                        Turn 0 (70ad)

                        A1) Apolyton – tax man to scientist (per the plan)
                        A2) Termina – Change to war chariot
                        A3) Tassagrad – Work mine instead of sea. Change to war chariot
                        A4) Jerusalem – Work grass with road for extra shield
                        A5) AGC – If Purchase, then worker. If worker is purchased, then settler or temple depending on growth rate of city.
                        A6) Geo – Change if necessary for defense. If can purchase, then war effort (pres. Choice, recommend barricks)
                        A7) Uber – Work the iron hill instead of ocean. If purchased then sword, horse or pike (SMC if available, else pres. Choice).

                        Turn 1

                        A1) Macross – grow, maximize shield, then food, then gold
                        A2) Chiquita – grow, maximize food, then shield, then gold

                        Turn 2

                        Nothing anticipated

                        Turn 3

                        A1) BHQ – Pike
                        A2) HII – Grow, maximize shield, then food, then gold
                        A3) Seeberg – Courthouse

                        Turn 4

                        A1) Port Rouge – Barracks
                        A2) Del Monte - Courthouse

                        Turn 5

                        A1) Tassagrad – pike
                        A2) Macross – barracks.
                        If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                        • #13
                          I have updated my orders.
                          The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


                          • #14
                            Order of reseach:
                            Theology -> Education

                            About the tech rate, I have been thinking...
                            Didn't Shiber do research and find that it costs less to research now than to buy? We will probably try to buy Theology in the peace with Persia so it seems only logical to INCREASE science spending right now to save money in the long run.
                            "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                            "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                            "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                            "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                            • #15
                              First draft of my orders are posted. Please let me know on any comments.

                              -- adaMada

                              EDIT: UnOrthO, don't know if it helps, but WhiteBandit posted a perliminary copy of his orders in Aggie's Current War Plans thread ( don't know if you care or not, but thought it might help you get a head start by only having to reenter any new orders. -- ada
                              Last edited by adaMada; September 14, 2002, 00:50.
                              Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                              PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                              Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton

