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Minister orders for 30 BC

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  • Minister orders for 30 BC

    My understanding is that MWIA plans on doing a turn THREAD (standard of approx. 5 turns) on this Tuesday, at 21:00 GMT. (That will be approx. 16:00 for us on the eastern seaboard of the north american continent, depending on daylight savings time.......)

    Therefore, please post your orders. We don't have much time. I will not be able to compile them as UnOrthOdOx has been doing.... sorry, RL. If someone else is able to, I am sure MWIA would appreciate.

    City Planning orders will be posted some time late on monday/early tuesday. Sorry for not posting soon enough for people to get a good review in. I want to give time for other ministers to PM requests (particularly the war department), along with some RL commitments that have to be taken care of.

    Thanks. GK
    If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:

  • #2
    Here are my orders I'll do easiest first and others later.
    General orders
    I. Offensive units east of Loveshack attack targets of opportunity
    II I'm assuming that the archer stack will move onto the jungle near geoforce for attack. The two upgrade pike will move to point s of Geofront. Another pikeman will take this position after they move into geofront then move warriors s to its position and next turn move them to uber for upgrade. The upgrade prioity is this, the 3 pike, 1 more pike, 4 warriors to sword. After this perhaps an upgrade of remaining spears in the east is possible but do sword first.
    III tactics for defense of uber. The sp move onto the mountain, this denies them the mountain at first and allows for counterattack. The sp returns to geofront immediately. So we have 2 spear in geofront+2warriors( if by a miracale the sw lives we have that too. If we survive and I'm sure we will, the turn after the battle the pike move into geofront, along with any swords with it and horse if the are lightly damaged. If units are heavily damage move them to uber. With luck that turn after the attack will also allow another pike in uber to go to the location s of geofront. Then the warriors can slip out to get upgraded. If an archer is still next to uber, then wait till spear is upgraded. My general plan is to gather an offensive force to strike out from geofront, this force will be 2horse and 1sw(i assume the other will be destroyed). Not a real strike force but a force that can destroy attackers and then help in attacking tyre. Once force that threatens geofront is broken up, hunt the enemy, but stay in groups and cities as much as possible.
    IV Do not attack on archers on mountain,yes we have an advantage but lets let them come down.
    V Any new units(NOT WC, they are for police right now) goto point s. of geofront for main invasion

    1.Sp in Geofront w to mountain
    2.Sp in Napolitan goto Geofront
    3.Upgrade spears in uber to pikeman
    4.(1) Warrior in Gaia s(other warrior stay and upgrade him AFTER pikemen upgrade) The use him to handle warrior, if warrior not a danger send him to uber
    5.Upgrade Spear in Termina
    6.Sp in Poly goto Termina
    7.Sp in Tass n,n,ne(To BHQ)
    8.Sp in BHQ to Loveshack
    9.Sp in Loveshack e,e

    1.SP on mountain to geofront
    2.warrior ne of geofront to geofront
    3.SA in timeline ne,e,e(yes I know this last is off road but in crossing a river it is worth it)
    4.SA2 in Termina e,e,n
    5.Horse NE of Loveshack, sw into loveshack then e,e
    6.Warriro near Gaia s,se,e,
    7.Pike in termina onto Galley
    8.(2) Pike in Uber n,n,ne
    9.Sp e,e of Loveshack to uber, upgrade(i believe he can,if not leaves 1 pike in uber)
    10. Sw e,e of Loveshack ne,ne,ne
    11. If sword s of geofront alive move into geofront
    12. If horse in Uber full power attack stack(end turn with pikeman)
    13.WC from poly to BHQ
    14.Sp in loveshack e,e
    15.Sp in BHQ to Loveshack
    16.Galley nw,nw,w
    17.Sw 2ne of Prt rouge w,s,s,

    1.SA se
    2.SA2 ne,n,n
    3.Warrior near Loveshack e,e,e
    4.Other horse attacks stack if a pikeman can cover it, if not move into geofront.
    5.(2) Pikeman s of geofront move into geofront, if no pikeman to replace him then move sword in to geofront, (if free targer over jungle attack, if he'll remain safe)
    6.If pikeman s of geofront, move warriors in geofront underpikeman and then to uber for upgrade.
    7.Sp e of loveshack to uber(fortify(if in danger upgrade)
    pikeman in uber to position S. of geofront(REMAIN there) If uber gets in danger go to uber, if not hold this position, this position ensures safe movement of troops.
    IF you feel east still not sufficiently defended, by all means move spear from loveshack
    8.Galley w(load sword on) (unload pike for marselles) then e e

    1.SA se,e,e(end up in loveshack)
    2.SA ne,ne,n
    3.warrior to uber for upgrade
    4.Galley se,se,e
    5.Wake sword put on goto for 2e of loveshack
    6.Pikeman s of Pt rouge n,w,w
    7.Spear in Pt rouge goto HII w,w

    1.SA e,e
    2.SA2 e,e,e(joins with SA, from this point on)
    3.warrior in HII goto Port rouge
    4.Pikeman near HII w,n,n
    5.Galley on goto point s of Apolyton so it can help on the settlement of uber isle

    1.SA to uber
    2.Pikeman ne HII w,n,ne

    Last edited by Aggie; September 10, 2002, 00:16.
    The 5th President, 2nd SMC and 8th VP in the Civ3 Demogame. Also proud member of the GOW team in the PTW game. Peace through superior firepower.


    • #3
      30 BC; Foreign Ministry Orders

      If anyone has any comments before the Turnthread is played, let me know... there may not be time anymore, but if you PM me with a valid point and there is I'll do my best to get a change.

      Specific Orders
      A. Buy the Iroquois World Map for 8 Gold or lowest possible cash price. (Will provide us with more information about the Greek/Iroquois island)
      B. Should the President deem that we have sufficient funds, create an embassy with any Civilization who we do not yet have one with.

      General Orders
      A. Do not accept a peace treaty from Persia, but report to the public and Foreign Ministry as to the best deal we can get.
      B. Do not sign any ROPs

      C. Do not trade World or Territory Maps.
      D. Do make any tech trade deal where the total cost (in gold) comes to over 350 gold (including gold per turn).

      Demands (Give in only if demand is semi-reasonable)
      E. Give in: Rome, Greece.
      F. Refuse: England, Persia, Germany, France, Aztecs, America, Russia, Babylon, Iroquois.
      * NOTE: Demands from charity civs can be accepted if they are small enough.

      Charities (civs we don't mind giving good deals to in tech or trade)
      G. Iroquois

      For minor events not addressed in these orders, the President should use his own best judgement as to what he thinks the Foreign Ministry would order. For major events, the turnthread should be stopped early. This policy also applies should any of these orders become illogical due to events in the game.

      -- adaMada
      Last edited by adaMada; September 10, 2002, 00:25.
      Civ 3 Democracy Game:
      PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
      Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


      • #4
        Keep reaching Theology.

        If Theology is obtained, switch to Education.

        If Education is obtained, swtich to Chivalry.
        "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
        "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
        "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
        "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


        • #5
          Public Works Orders for 30 BC

          Alright here we go. If anyone has any problems or questions, please let me know!

          Orders for 30 BC
            Current Turn Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4 Turn 5
          Chartres (French Territory): Workers S building road Goto square N of Termina Clear Jungle -- -- --
          Banana HQ: Workers on Mt. to N and NE waiting for orders. Move workers on Mt. south into BHQ. Workers NE of BHQ, move SW, S to tile S of BananaHQ Workers in BHQ, move S. Other workers already S of BHQ, clear jungle. Remaining workers clear jungle at this spot. -- If jungle is cleared (which I doubt), move S to the tile NE of Tassagrad. Clear jungle.
          Geofront: Workers NW clearing jungle. CANCEL THEIR ORDERS, we are going to move them next term. Alright, we are going to get these workers out of the area and connect to Germany via "Plan Lazy." Move NE to road. Move N, NW, N into Napoleton. Move N of Napoleton to Mountain. Build Road --
          Chiquita: Worker SE, SE building road. -- Move NW Build Road -- If road is completed by this turn (I doubt it), move W (to tile SW of Chiquita) and mine this tile.
          Macross City: Workers NW clearing jungle -- -- -- -- Move NW (tile N of Macross City). If more turns are played, clear jungle at this spot.
          Timeline: Workers SE clearing jungle. -- -- Build Road -- If road is completed, move W (tile SW of Timeline) and clear junngle.
          Gaia: Worker N clearing jungle. Worker stack SW clearing jungle. -- Move SW -- Clear Jungle Build Road -- -- -- If road is completed, SE and clear jungle. --
          First Civ3DG: 3rd and 4th Term Minister of Public Works. | Second Civ3DG: First Term Vice President | ISDG: Ambassador in the Foreign Affairs Ministry | Save Apolyton! Kill the Off-Topic Forum!

          (04/29/2004) [Trip] we will see who is best in the next round ; [Trip] that is why I left this team ; [Trip] I don't need the rest of you to win |
          The solution to 1984 is 1776! | Here's to hoping that GoW's military isn't being run by MasterZen: Hehe! | DaveRocks! or something. ;)


          • #6
            Thanks for starting this thread, GodKing. The reason the next turns are so rapidfire is, well, that this is the best compromise I can make with a busy time.

            And having somebody collate all the orders for me would be nice. I could do it, but only when I am supposed to do the turns, thus delaying them until Wednesday am Europe/NAmer time or maybe later.

            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


            • #7
              If we gain another city, next name is “Willsbury”.
              Cherbourg – if a good deal presents itself (ie a tech) trade this city away.

              Turn 0 (30 bc)

              A1) Adjust workers in Termina such that it is working all mined tiles. To do this must adjust workers in BHQ, then Tassagrad, then Apolyton, then Termina. The other 3 cities should have no production differences, just different tiles being worked.

              A2) BHQ - Turn entertainer into taxman
              A3) HII – worked mined tile to SE instead of wine (extra shield). Change to library or courthouse.
              A4) Macross – If possible at some point to purchase temple, start spear
              A5) Loveshack – start on settler
              A6) Geo – Change if necessary for defense. If can purchase, then war effort (pres. Choice)
              A7) Uber – If purchased (desperate straights?) then sword or pike?

              Turn 1

              A1) Apolyton – Library
              A2) Tass – Turn 1 worker into tax? (grows next turn).
              A3) BHQ – Wine should be connected, check if taxman is needed.
              A4) Rouge – Grows, check for optimal worker placement
              A5) Gaia – horsie

              Turn 2

              A1) Tass – Grows, check optimal worker placement
              A2) Rouge – Settler

              Turn 3

              A1) Termina - Turn 1 worker into tax? (grows next turn).
              A2) BHQ – Worker
              A3) Chiquita – Courthouse
              A4) Dell Montie - Grows, check for optimal worker placement
              A5) Timeline - Grows, check for optimal worker placement
              A6) Nap – Grows, work gold mountain.
              A7) AGC – PURCHASE GRAINERY if funds allow (this will speed up colonization of Uber Isle significantly.

              Turn 4

              A1) Apolyton - Turn 1 worker into tax? (grows next turn).
              A2) Termina – Grows, check for optimal worker placement. Pike
              A3) Tass – Pike or War Chariot
              A4) Gaia - Grows, check for optimal worker placement
              A5) AGC - Grows, check for optimal worker placement, Worker.

              Turn 5

              A1) Apolyton - Grows, check for optimal worker placement
              A2) Jerusalem - Grows, check for optimal worker placement
              If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


              • #8
                Addendum to city planning orders: Sorry for posting like this, but I am not able to load Civ and check on all the ramifications.... therefore I humbly request of MWIA that he do his best with this change and apply it as possible.

                Marshal Aggie has requested that the War Chariot currently under construction in BHQ be changed into a Horsie. I have no objections. However, that will delay the start of the worker, and placing the WC in BHQ as a garison. Therefore Mr. President...... please help. Thanks.


                PS - I PMed Aggie regarding the use of the barricks in Gaia and the warriors temp. stationed there. Hopefully he will make use of the facilities and change his orders allowing us to go after that pesky warrior that is threating our supply areas and back lines of transportation and communication.
                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                • #9
                  My orders are now final. If the orders are not compiled by tomorrow, and if I've got time (which I doubt) then I may try to compile them, but I don't have high hopes.

                  MWIA, tell me what you think of this format of orders... is it easy to use? Do the letters help? How about the specific vs general orders? This week is a bit of a test run, since we might change our format if I can come up with one that's worth changing to, so let me know what's easiest from the President's perspective.

                  -- adaMada
                  Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                  PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                  Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                  • #10
                    adaMada - the format for the last chat was fantastic - easy to find and report orders, and also to put them in a report afterwards. The letters help where there are specific orders per turn, as in for the SMC's, PW Minister and City Planner's orders. For FAM and Science, where there are rarely specific orders rather than general DO's and DO NOT's, they are less important. Ideally all of the above would be collated into one set of turn-by-turn orders, with (for instance) A for City Planner, B for SMC etc... Not essential this time, but very very very helpful, and it is likely there will be less confusion with such a format. (Hint, hint )

                    GodKing - I'm not sure what you want me to do. What's the problem with changing BHQ from WC to Horseman? From your post I guess it will take longer to build, thus making the worker there (to be built afterwards?) take longer, but what's the problem with that? I will look at your orders again, but I'm not quite following.

                    FYI, Aggie has requested I do this as an informal chat. This doesn't mean everyone should rush in and expect me to help them all out with playing the game, though I will attempt to post my movements. The idea is to give him a better idea of necessary troop movements. I would appreciate it if, for those who turn up, non-necessary discussions could be kept to an absolute minimum, lest we end up doing only one or two turns. I MUST leave by 0000 GMT, so there will be only as much as can be done in the time from around 2000 GMT until then.

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

