A voice from outside the democracy game floats in:
What's the state of play with the Sistine chapel? The value of the tech seems to drop when the wonder assosciated with that tech is built (it certainly does in the case of things like e.g. Music theory, which is of no earthly use beyond building Bach's). If the chapel is close to being built somewhere, then it is probably worth waiting until it is built before buying the tech, to keep the price a bit lower.
I'll have to go and check what kind of discount is available in this case.
What's the state of play with the Sistine chapel? The value of the tech seems to drop when the wonder assosciated with that tech is built (it certainly does in the case of things like e.g. Music theory, which is of no earthly use beyond building Bach's). If the chapel is close to being built somewhere, then it is probably worth waiting until it is built before buying the tech, to keep the price a bit lower.
I'll have to go and check what kind of discount is available in this case.