OK. I have been promising this for a while, and now that it appears the system is up and running fairly smooth, I am now posting my ideas regarding the regions, how they are run, etc.
I am setting this up as a poll, with 4 options:
Yes, I like the way you describe it, and agree it should be a part of our code of laws.
No, this sucks. I think regions are a bad idea. Don't need them, don't want them.
Not this way. I see how regions can be usefull, but this needs to be worked out better. I will post my ideas below.
Abstain. I don't care about this issue. All I wanted is to see how the poll is turning out. By clicking here, I agree that my vote will not count for or against this.
The yes option needs to have more votes than the two no options combined to pass. It will then be considered a part of the code of laws.
So, just what are we voting on?
Regions: A region is an area, roughly based upon the geography of the land, and composed of several cities. The City Planner assignes various cities into regions. Once assigned, a city can only change regions by a vote of the people. (A good example of this is the city Timeline. By looking at the maps, it would probably best be in region 1, Mingapulco, and not region 2, Pina Colada. When I assigned the regions innitially, I was more conserned with balance with current production, figuring the war with france would now be over and that we would have several American cities being added to Pina Colada. Oops.)
Regional Administrators: A person who volunteers to help the City Planner may be assigned by the City Planner to Administer a region. One such person may, at the will of the City Planner, act as an official deputy in case the City Planner is not available and a decision needs to be made. The City Planner must state publicly that So and So is my deputy. The volunteer can name his position (i.e. Viceroy of Pina Colada Provence). If this is a new regoin, the person can solicit from the public for a name of the region. These people help the City Planner in organizing the cities within their area, particularly in regards to production and optimal worker placement. However, their most important duty is to help in role playing. The City Planner may have as many or as few assistants as volunteer and as the City Planner may like. If the number of volunteers exceeds the number of regions, the City Planner may assign people to act as "Mayor" or other such appropriate title to a specific city. The City Planner may elect to not use any assistants at his discretion.
The City Planner is the elected position, and as such has full and final authority over any and all orders which fall under his purview. Therefor, any assistants should PM, Email, or other appropriate means, communicate their ideas and requests to the City Planner with sufficient time for the City Planner to compile them into a single post for the President/Vice President to use when playing the game (this assumes the President or VP have objections to multiple posts, which may or may not have been reviewed by the elected official). Volunteers should realize that as the City Planner has the responsibility, he may change and overide any such requests made to him. Also, the City Planner reserves the rights to remove a volunteer from this semi-official position at whim. The volunteer has whatever authority the City Planner deligates into the position. I would advise future City Planners to have all region orders go thru them prior to posting as they are the one responsible.
I am setting this up as a poll, with 4 options:
Yes, I like the way you describe it, and agree it should be a part of our code of laws.
No, this sucks. I think regions are a bad idea. Don't need them, don't want them.
Not this way. I see how regions can be usefull, but this needs to be worked out better. I will post my ideas below.
Abstain. I don't care about this issue. All I wanted is to see how the poll is turning out. By clicking here, I agree that my vote will not count for or against this.
The yes option needs to have more votes than the two no options combined to pass. It will then be considered a part of the code of laws.
So, just what are we voting on?
Regions: A region is an area, roughly based upon the geography of the land, and composed of several cities. The City Planner assignes various cities into regions. Once assigned, a city can only change regions by a vote of the people. (A good example of this is the city Timeline. By looking at the maps, it would probably best be in region 1, Mingapulco, and not region 2, Pina Colada. When I assigned the regions innitially, I was more conserned with balance with current production, figuring the war with france would now be over and that we would have several American cities being added to Pina Colada. Oops.)
Regional Administrators: A person who volunteers to help the City Planner may be assigned by the City Planner to Administer a region. One such person may, at the will of the City Planner, act as an official deputy in case the City Planner is not available and a decision needs to be made. The City Planner must state publicly that So and So is my deputy. The volunteer can name his position (i.e. Viceroy of Pina Colada Provence). If this is a new regoin, the person can solicit from the public for a name of the region. These people help the City Planner in organizing the cities within their area, particularly in regards to production and optimal worker placement. However, their most important duty is to help in role playing. The City Planner may have as many or as few assistants as volunteer and as the City Planner may like. If the number of volunteers exceeds the number of regions, the City Planner may assign people to act as "Mayor" or other such appropriate title to a specific city. The City Planner may elect to not use any assistants at his discretion.
The City Planner is the elected position, and as such has full and final authority over any and all orders which fall under his purview. Therefor, any assistants should PM, Email, or other appropriate means, communicate their ideas and requests to the City Planner with sufficient time for the City Planner to compile them into a single post for the President/Vice President to use when playing the game (this assumes the President or VP have objections to multiple posts, which may or may not have been reviewed by the elected official). Volunteers should realize that as the City Planner has the responsibility, he may change and overide any such requests made to him. Also, the City Planner reserves the rights to remove a volunteer from this semi-official position at whim. The volunteer has whatever authority the City Planner deligates into the position. I would advise future City Planners to have all region orders go thru them prior to posting as they are the one responsible.