One of the best ideas to come out of my ask for ways to improve the turnchats is the idea of a pre-turnchat for Ministers/someone to act on a Minister's behalf. 
I hope to initiate this before the next chat, either Sunday morning or Tuesday evening. It will not take long, just under an hour for all Ministers and me to check over the orders and ensure they are compatible and I understand fully what is to be done.
We can do this in the same chatroom as the chats.
Ministers, can you either post some times for the next few days that you can be available for a 30-40 minute chat (the more organised your orders the quicker the chat should be - hint, hint
), or alternately, appoint someone to be therefor you. These people need not be deputies as such, just someone to read out the orders you have.

I hope to initiate this before the next chat, either Sunday morning or Tuesday evening. It will not take long, just under an hour for all Ministers and me to check over the orders and ensure they are compatible and I understand fully what is to be done.
We can do this in the same chatroom as the chats.
Ministers, can you either post some times for the next few days that you can be available for a 30-40 minute chat (the more organised your orders the quicker the chat should be - hint, hint
