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The State of the Nation: Latest Statistics

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  • The State of the Nation: Latest Statistics


    This report is intended to advise and analyze trends in Apolytonia over time. These stats are the result of analysis of five saved games, 2590 BC, 1400 BC, 430 BC, 350 BC, and 210 BC (current).


    *The population of Apolytonia has swelled from 478,000 individuals in 430 BC to 635,000 souls in 210 BC, a fair growth of 32.8%!
    *30,000 volunteers, and 80,000 slaves now works the fields, roads, and mines of Apolytonia. The number of slaves has grown incredibly due to an influx of P.O.W.s! 72.7% is a dangerously high number of enslaved workers.
    *Apolyton and Banana HQ have emerged as the nation's largest cities, with 110,000 citizens.
    *Timeline has proven to be the fastest growing city in all of Apolytonia, blooming 87.5% over the last term from 16,000 to 30,000.
    *Apolyton and Banana HQ bring in the most income, with 6 Lytons per turn, whilst Timeline brings in the most income per capita, .1 lytons per thousand people.
    *Apolyton produces the most shields, 9 per turn, while Marseilles produces the most per capita, at .1 shield per thousand people.
    *Apolyton and Banana HQ are the now the only cities with scientific output, at one per turn. Both have .01 per thousand people. This is an alarming trend and a bad note for the scientific community.
    *The alarming influx of foreign blood continues to cause minorities to grow in parts of Apolytonia: the Americans and now the French. There are 44,000 people of American descent in the land, or 6.9% of the total population. This is from 18,000 in Gaia and 26,000 in Delmonte. There are 54,000 people of French decent, or an uncanny 8.5% of the nation.
    *Apolytonian Racial Elitists (ARE's) are becoming increasingly enraged. The total percent of foreign blood has gone from 7.9% in 430 BC to 15.4%!!! An ARE demonstration rally is planned sometime soon in Mingapulco Province.
    *The treasury has gone from an increase of 19 lytons/turn to 26 lytons/turn, a telling increase. The treasury is to be commended as being the only institution on all of Apolytonia to post increases over all of history!

    *Demographic highlights:
    -Apolytonia's approval rating is declining due to increasingly less popular wars and the ARE radicals, falling from the high of 67% and first in the world to 62% and 3rd in the world.
    -Apolytonia's most impressive demographic is it's continual growth in terms f land area. It has climbed 26.8% to 27,000 square miles, and is now the 3rd largest in the world.
    -The disease, although still the worst in the world, has fallen 4% to 41%.
    -The most alarming trend is the drop in average military service to 12 from 15 years. This trend must be curbed in the sake of national security.

    Current Regional Comparisons:
    •Mingapulco Province(currently Apolyton, Termina, Tassagard, Banana HQ, Port Rouge):
    394,000; 8.1% foreign; 62.0% of national population (a miniscule decrease since last term). 21 Lytons income; 22 shields output; 2 science output (a decrease!).
    •Principality of Piña Colada (currently Timeline, Gaia, Del Monte, Chiquita):
    94,000; 46.8% foreign (a fair drop); 14.8% of national population. 8 Lytons income; 4 shields output; 0 science output.
    •El Niño Province (currently Loveshack, Seeberg, Ubergorsk, Geofront, Napoleton):
    125,000; 0% foreign; 19.7% of national population (a semi-drop). 8 Lytons income; 5 shields output (a significant drop); 0 science output.
    •Île de Rose (currently Here It Is, Marseilles):
    22,000; 100% foreign; 3.5% of national population. 2 Lytons income; 2 shields outpout; 0 science output.

    Foreign Comparisons:
    *note: these stats are estimates based off of averages and cannot be made any more accurate by way of current knowledge of the country (and without cheating) thus all numbers are approximate*
    ~France = 205,000 or 0.32 times the size of Apolytonia (-65.0% increase)
    ~Greece = 1,110,000 or 1.75 times the size of Apolytonia (44.2% increase)
    ~Aztec = 845,000 or 1.33 times the size of Apolytonia (42.0% increase)
    ~Persia = 1,030,000 or 1.62 times the size of Apolytonia (32.1% increase)
    ~England = 990,000 or 1.56 times the size of Apolytonia (21.5% increase)
    ~America = 150,000 or 0.24 times the size of Apolytonia (11.1% increase)
    ~Germany = 1,410,000 or 2.22 times the size of Apolytonia (54.% increase)
    ~Russia = 695,000 or 1.08 times the size of Apolytonia (19.2% increase)
    ~Babylon = 160,000 or 0.42 times the size of Apolytonia (-10.6% increase)
    ~Rome = 930,000 or 1.46 times the size of Apolytonia (52.5% increase)
    ~Iroquois = 175,000 or 0.28 times the size of Apolytonia (-22.2% increases)
    Analysis: Numbers on the remaining 3 civilizations are unavailable, but we can conclude (based upon Apolytonia's world ranking of 9th in population) that there is 1 as-yet-unknown civ's whose population is larger. Furthermore, decreases in population denote increases in worker force/settlers, except in the case of France where war is the cause.

    Population Density:
    *due to currently unavailable estimates of foreign nations' land area, density is based on average city size.
    ^Apolytonia = 39,700 per city
    ^France = 18,600 per city
    ^Greece = 69,400 per city
    ^Aztec = 60,400 per city
    ^Persia = 103,000 per city
    ^England = 82,500 per city
    ^America = 37,500 per city
    ^Germany = 117,500 per city
    ^Russia = 77,200 per city
    ^Babylon = 32,000 per city
    ^Rome = 66,400 per city
    ^Iroquois = 19,400

    Military Stats:
    *note:military stats are for the purpose of comparisons only, and are not absolute indications of strength; they are however adjusted to consider strength of units (to account for, example, that fact that 10 musketmen are better than 10 spearmen).*
    +Total offensive power in 478 BC is 58(2 naval); defensive is 57(2 naval); mobility is 39(6 naval); there are 35 military units (2 naval) and 6 civilian.
    +Total offensive power in 210 BC is 59(2 naval); defensive is 64(2 naval); mobility is 46(2 naval)
    +Offensive power has grown a tiny 1.7% (due to the war)!
    +Defensive power has grown 12.3%!
    +Mobility has grown 31.4%!
    +The number of total units has grown 31.4%!

    Suggestions to Ministers:
    1. Based upon disease rate and life expectancy, steps should be taken by Public Works and City Planning to extinguish the plagues upon the good people of Apolytonia. This is still an issue
    2. Obviously, the ÃŽle de Rose Province needs serious work on all fronts.
    3. The science output is ATROCIOUS. Something must be done.
    4. Apolyon is sparsely populated, this is worrisome.
    5. Germany is, as expected by the stats, the biggest threat (probably in the whole world.) There population is now more than double that of Apolytonia! Be wary.

    If you wish for any further or statistics, or have any questions, contact Reddawg.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Reddawg; September 8, 2002, 18:24.
    Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
    Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
    Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!

  • #2
    additional chart
    Attached Files
    Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
    Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
    Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
    Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


    • #3
      Charts are up 100% in count, and 20% in size!

      great work


      • #4
        LOL *******, wtf?
        j/k, its all good
        Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
        Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
        Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
        Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


        • #5
          I'm fine with the low science rate as long as people buy/steal/extort some techs for me.
          "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
          "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
          "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
          "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


          • #6
            Excellent work, as always.
            As a statistician, what more could you extract from those numbers, concerning our rivals? I mean, what can we know about, hum… let me see, the approval rates in Greece or Germany? We can see how many luxuries they have, if they have connected those luxuries or not, the size of their cities, how many cities… We know some things about the AI bonus and the effect this causes on happiness, trade, production. We can complete this info with the advisors screens and we can always see how much money the AI has, opening the diplomacy screen. Lots of information.
            Can we deduce if they have temples, and how many, approximately, crossing this kind of info? This is only an example, but I used to be a mathematician decades ago and I know how this stuff can be powerful.
            Is this kind of research possible with the numbers you got?
            Am I asking the impossible?
            Am I drinking too much banana juice?
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #7
              /me seizes upon Empire's growth as a sign that things are working during my Administration

              Honestly, great stuff Reddawg! This fair kicks ass! BTW, skywalker posted a save from about 3500 BC in the the thread asking for old saves.

              I predict a jump in approval rating, science expenditure and number of cities as soon as the war with France is over and we fill in the gaps where their mouldering cities lie in ruins.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                The only thing I don't like is that gap between Timeline and Tassadar. Yes, the one right in the middle of a jungle, but with rivers.

                There will be a Greek city there very soon.
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #9
                  What do you all think about the fact that Germany grew the most, is the largest, and is the first nation to more than double our size? And we're at war. Based upon these statistics I am now of the opinion that the foremost foreign issue is to curb Germany. Rome is simply not as big a threat even if they dominate Abananaba Minor. Because right now, Germany is set to dominate the entire continent.

                  It's also interesting that we have surpassed all but one "lost" civ. This causes me to conlclude a few possibilities: the lost civs are indeed on a smaller landmass, or they too are suffering from rampant war. I can't wait for contact.

                  The Military Academy may be glad to see that we have still posted increases, albeit small ones, in our strength. But we are better off now than we were before the war, minus the fact that we have to protect a greater area.

                  Aro, for the most part the things you ask are insanely difficult. It took about 2 hours to gather data, calculate, and post, and add charts. Which in a day when I'm at school 9-3 and work 3-5, it's kinda tough. I'll think about it some, but I can't promise anything. :-\ If you haven't noticed though, the stats have expanded each time lol. My next goal is to estimate other nations' land area, and also get true density stats.
                  Minister of the Economy: Term IV, V
                  Ministre d'Économie: Session IV, V
                  Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there aren't people following me!
                  Même si je suis paranoïde, ça n'exige pas qu'il n'y a pas de gens qui me suivent!


                  • #10

                    Excelent job. This will come in handy.

                    Sorry for following you and making you paranoid.

                    If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                      * MrWhereItsAt seizes upon Empire's growth as a sign that things are working during my Administration

                      Honestly, great stuff Reddawg! This fair kicks ass! BTW, skywalker posted a save from about 3500 BC in the the thread asking for old saves.

                      I predict a jump in approval rating, science expenditure and number of cities as soon as the war with France is over and we fill in the gaps where their mouldering cities lie in ruins.
                      Sure, sure. Just sidestep the fact that approval ratings DROP when you came back to take control. I had them at an all time high
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #12
                        I think that a VP slot will be emptied soon.

                        *A VP should NEVER have an approval rating higher than the prez.* (In VP s survival under tyranny handbook, chapter 1, § 1).
                        Statistical anomaly.
                        The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DAVOUT
                          I think that a VP slot will be emptied soon.

                          *A VP should NEVER have an approval rating higher than the prez.* (In VP s survival under tyranny handbook, chapter 1, § 1).
                          /me drags out old "Timeline Vlad Antlerkov for VP" signs

                          oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
                            Sure, sure. Just sidestep the fact that approval ratings DROP when you came back to take control. I had them at an all time high
                            It was, shall we say, anticipation? News travels slowly to the more distant parts, and they hadn't yet heard that I wasn't in charge.

                            No? Ok.

                            Later on we'll just name UnOrthOdOx as the President of this term to make it look better - Prez UnOrthO had a high approval rating and unfortunately his deputy MrWIA had to take over, which resulted in a drop in approval.

                            /me cracks out some Government alcohol

                            Why, why, WHY?

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt

                              Why, why, WHY?
                              Just ungratefulness, sir.

                              Never forget : the first right of the people is to be ungrateful at will. (In Prez survival handbook, Part I, Chat. 1, Section 1)
                              Statistical anomaly.
                              The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

