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$mini-game question

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  • $mini-game question

    How do you show shields of your own that you used to work on a building? How do you show that you did work on a building?

  • #2
    You might want to browse through the Trading Session 3 thread and see how people wrote their proposed transactions.

    Check out the first page of the Trading Session 1 and 2 thread for Captain's explanation.

    Basically, in your post you show
    1) your current stockpile, say 2 shields, 3 commerce
    2) your current production, say 2 food, 1 shield, and 1 commerce.

    This means you have 2 food, 3 shields, and 4 commerce available to sell or use.

    You would simply try to hire 1-3 Labor (Need labor to convert shields into buildings) and as you already have the shields they would be converted towards a building.

    Currently I have 2 shields/labor completed towards a building I'm working on. You don't have to say what it is you are building until the turn you are completing it. Simply where it's being built at, (City, such as Apolyton, or your Estate, give the tile info).


    • #3
      How do you have a stockpile? I thought you needed a building for a stockpile.


      • #4
        Also, can I say my sell price is "lowest bid -$1"?


        • #5
          Originally posted by skywalker
          How do you have a stockpile? I thought you needed a building for a stockpile.
          You can store up to 10 non-food items on your estate. A Warehouse icreases that number by ten, and a silo allows you to store up to 10 food items.

          Originally posted by skywalker
          Also, can I say my sell price is "lowest bid -$1"?
          Nope, at least not currently, you have to specify a price you wish to sell at.


          • #6
            Originally posted by skywalker
            Also, can I say my sell price is "lowest bid -$1"?
            Up to now you had to specify your price and if you wanted to sell at the best possible price you had better alter your deals repeatedly, preferably at the end of the turn. If you did not have the time for that, you might have to accept a low price or not sell your stuff at all.

            In the current proposal you specify your minimum price. If the market price is above it you sell at the best possible price. If market price is below your minimum price your stuff does not get sold but stockpiled (up to 20 for free).

            However, this proposal is not yet accepted. If you favor it go to the poll and say so.
            Franses (like Ramses).

