FINALLY, MrWhereItsAt has come BACK to the Civ3 Demo game!
Yes, I know you're all sick of these threads by now, but I thought some of you might want to see this one (I certainly know UnOrthO has been waiting for this one)
I will now be spending some hours catching up with as much as I can, looking at the save, and consulting with the Ministers and UnOrthO on the next play times and orders.
I thank UnOrthOdOx for his mighty success in continuing to hold the reigns of power and, looking around, for continuing just about EVERYTHING ELSE here whilst I was absent. This guy is a phenom and deserves tremendous kudos from all.
/me drops to his knees and kowtows in UnOrthO's general direction.
El Presidente
EDIT: BTW, use this thread to post any small bits of info or threads you feel I really need to see. Odds are I will find it anyway, but it would still be nice. A few days away here can be mayhem to catch up on. Cheers all.
Yes, I know you're all sick of these threads by now, but I thought some of you might want to see this one (I certainly know UnOrthO has been waiting for this one)
I will now be spending some hours catching up with as much as I can, looking at the save, and consulting with the Ministers and UnOrthO on the next play times and orders.
I thank UnOrthOdOx for his mighty success in continuing to hold the reigns of power and, looking around, for continuing just about EVERYTHING ELSE here whilst I was absent. This guy is a phenom and deserves tremendous kudos from all.
/me drops to his knees and kowtows in UnOrthO's general direction.
El Presidente
EDIT: BTW, use this thread to post any small bits of info or threads you feel I really need to see. Odds are I will find it anyway, but it would still be nice. A few days away here can be mayhem to catch up on. Cheers all.