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Thoughts on the 3 Front War

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  • Thoughts on the 3 Front War

    Salve, citizens.

    This is simply what I think about this little war of ours that we are fighting right now against the French, the Persians, and the Germans. We can, and we will win, but we will lose a lot of men in the process, and it will have all been a waste, I believe. We made a mistake declaring war on France, and a giant one. There was little point in the attack, and indeed, all it brought for us was this mess we are currently wrapped up in. There seems to have been little point in war with France as well, which makes this all the more frustrating. If this war is to be won, then we shall first have to take out Persia utterly, before the Persians can get their hands on iron, because if they do, we will fall, there is little doubt in my mind of that. It is imperative now that this war be brought to a speedy conclusion, and that we actually win and gain something from it without losing much at all, otherwise, this will end as it began, a nasty, pointless mess.

    I'm raising my own regiment of swordsmen for the front. I'm going to go in and lend my hand in the war on France. I'd rather go down than see Apolytonia loose. I ask that everything can be done either to destroy Persia or to bend it over to our side in this war, otherwise, we will all go the way of the dodo.

    Gaius Publius History Guy,
    Centurion, Banana Guard, en route to France
    May Bananas go with us.
    Empire growing,
    Pleasures flowing,
    Fortune smiles and so should you.

  • #2
    This humble citizen must disagree with our venerable historian:

    I believe the war with France was sound- it is crucial for our civ to gain total control over the Grand Basin and all its riches. What we were unprepared for was the fact that our neighbors would not simply stand aside while we became the greatest empire in the wolrd, since as such, we would become the greatest threat to their survival. Lets be honest to ourselves- our civ. was, until the Greeks took Newcastle, the only civ taking land by force of arms. Now that the foreign civs. have run out of room for peaceful expansion, they rightly see us as a great danger to us.

    The threat of immortals is great, and if war with persia continues, then attacking their only possible source of iron makes sense, but soon pikemen will lessen the threat of immortals, and wihout horses, the threat of Persian knights will always be low. A greater threat looms north, within the grand cities of Germany, and the immense production potential they hold. Also, Germany has soruces of iron out or our reach, and sources of horses also- German knights area true danger. We must also remember that another war wages, and its participants may ask for us to take sides. We must then also keep in mind the area of Abananaba Minor and Roman control there. Rome is the greatest civ. not at war- we must make sure they stay that way, or at least, not at war with us.
    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


    • #3
      Oh, how fitting. Make a noble speech of uselessness and march of to the Front where the fighting is already over.

      The "wars' with Persia and Germany will be quick and mere footnotes in history. Once we've taken Sidon and Hamburg we will be at peace with every nation in the world. Something not seen in my lifetime.

      An age where we can build up the splendors of our cities, improve the conditions for our workers, and burn these $@%# jungle trees to the ground (I suggest starting with Skywalker's Plantation, I've got the address right here).

      I am a warmonger, but I am also and opportunist. Quick skirmishes and signed peace treaties will gain us assets and offer us a chance to grow strong for the next campaign.


      • #4
        Gaius Publius History Guy isn't a neutral observer, he's a chronicler. Ergo, he’s biased… And he must be. He writes what he sees, from his particular point of view. Like any other historian.
        There’s no such thing like neutrality (it’s a quote, but I can’t recall from who)
        Btw, GhengisFarb, as a strategist and business man, you are absolutely right.
        RIAA sucks
        The Optimistas
        I'm a political cartoonist


        • #5
          Originally posted by Aro
          Gaius Publius History Guy isn't a neutral observer, he's a chronicler. Ergo, he’s biased… And he must be. He writes what he sees, from his particular point of view. Like any other historian.
          There’s no such thing like neutrality (it’s a quote, but I can’t recall from who)
          lol, this explains why his point of view towards our nations history dictates i got kicked out of office a week before i left willingly?
          Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ninot

            lol, this explains why his point of view towards our nations history dictates i got kicked out of office a week before i left willingly?

            Yes, this explains all...
            RIAA sucks
            The Optimistas
            I'm a political cartoonist


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ninot

              lol, this explains why his point of view towards our nations history dictates i got kicked out of office a week before i left willingly?
              Who would do such a thing?

              Ninot - as you are no longer in power, any action you may take against this(these) person(s) would be highly unorthodox. BUT, as a Despotic President..... well, you know how to contact me...

              I am of the opinion that we will succeed, but we will not, indeed CAN not be complacent. My feelings are that Persia and Germany are only in it for the money, and they don't really know what they are in for. France will soon be done with (damn near certainty), and with some clever troops movements, we will take a lot of Persian slaves and maybe kill Sidon, ending that war. Germany has less of a production capability than is feared (Berlin is potent, yes, but look at Leipzig and Frankfurt - the only reason they are so big is the massive flood plain - no resources there), and thus all we may need to worry about is a switch of Government and pop-rushing, and their standing army. With a quick take of Hamburg, or just some won skirmishes, we may be able to end these wars sooner rather than later.

              Courage, noble 'Lytonians! The time is at hand for us to put into practice all our cunning and guiles, as well as our significant militrary prowess. We will succeed. In this critical time, the nation needs all to agree on a cause and to follow it through to its ultimate conclusion -a rapid and resounding victory!

              El Presidente

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #8
                I have no yet looked at the sav, but i have seen the maps / diplo screens floating about, and this is no so grim HG.

                Germany is no immediate problem. we should try to throw the greeks at them (if possible). even if they wanted to attack us they'd have to walk a bit. we have time.

                France is dying. we should finish off our assault quickly (IMO) and sue for peace. Perhaps some of our objectives will have to be comprimised, but as long as we get a chunk of land (hopefully leading to Abananaba Minor) I'm happy.

                Persia. There's the kick in the pants. They dont have iron or horses yet (correct me if im wrong please) so they'll be comming at us with archers and spears.

                For a while, we'll be playing a defensive war on the German and Persian fronts. We'll finish off what we can in France, sue for peace, then begin assaults on Germany and Persia (if they still want to fight then).

                I'm fairly sure our defensive armies will preveil (i have to look at the sav to confirm), and our swordsmen will come soon.

                I've also seen threads calling for the upgrade of warriors. good plan. looking at that later too.

                classes! eeek!
                "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                • #9
                  These persons? Does our president suspect treason? Look not here, noble sir.

                  You all seem to be suffering under a gross misapprehension. I am not your elusive historian, nor hath I been such a man for about a month now. Whether anyone noticed or not, I retired shortly before every else seems to have done, and I am not going to be running again due to general lack of time, therefore, I am not your historian, nor will I be, nor have I been. Sorry, but that's how it is.

                  It seems that I did not make myself clear in the last post. I believe that a mistake has been made, but that we can overcome this if we strike hard, and do extreme damage to the Germans and the Persians, showing them that if they were to pursue this war, their's would only be the march of folly. However, I think that the French are already doomed to become, like fallen America, merely another vassal state to our glorious country. What I meant was simply this: we made a mistake, but we have the chance to make good of it if we act quickly enough to show the enemy our superiority, and to impress upon their puny barbarian minds that we of Apolyton, under our gracious President, in the shadow of the Banana, shall, without a doubt, conquer, and so that any pursuit in war with us on their part is fruitless...OK?

                  Speaking of fruitless...(nods to Ghenghis)...I miss the old Banana avatar!
                  Empire growing,
                  Pleasures flowing,
                  Fortune smiles and so should you.


                  • #10
                    History Guy - you're just wrong. We aren't fighting a long, drawn out war, just a quick strike.


                    • #11
                      Germany and Persia have no previous beef with us so there only reason for fighting us is the hunck of gold France gave them, which just weakens them more. All sides have no reason to fight a protacted war and will most probably agree to peace after a few turns. However, we all know that the AI can be irrational at times so this is no guarantee . . .
                      Est-ce que tu as vu une baleine avec un queue taché?
                      If you don't feel the slightist bit joyful seeing the Iraqis dancing in the street, then you are lost to the radical left. If you don't feel the slightest bit bad that we had to use force to do this, then you are lost to the radical right.

