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$Mini-Game Election

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  • $Mini-Game Election

    This is to officially elect the people who will run the $Mini-Game.

    The Government Agent conducts auctions and proposes taxes and rules which are then voted on and must pass with more than 50% of the vote.

    The Market Assesor calculates the supply and demand and then posts this information at the beginning of each Business Session.

    The Banker tracks and calculates final supply and demand, ending prices, successful/unsuccessful trades and business transactions then posts the results at the end of the Business Session.

    There is currently one candidate for each office. Each candidate must recieve more than 50% of the votes to assume office. The duties of any office not filled will be performed by the other candidates elected until the position is filled.

    Basically, each vote for a candidate is a yes vote, you make vote for each, or only the one's you approve of.

    Government Agent - sc369
    Market Assessor - Franses
    Banker - GhengisFarb

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    GHengis :
    I think you're a pretty fast person. Your polls last 24 hours, as the $turns do. Even if I can check the Demogame several times per day, I think it would be better (and less hectic) to hold 2-says turns, and elections (or everythibng for that matter)
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #3
      This is veering rapidly towards spam.
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Spiffor
        GHengis :
        I think you're a pretty fast person. Your polls last 24 hours, as the $turns do. Even if I can check the Demogame several times per day, I think it would be better (and less hectic) to hold 2-says turns, and elections (or everythibng for that matter)
        I agree, the only reason we've be going so fast is that Termina will build a settler Sunday and we're trying to squeeze as much trade time in as possible before that happens. (it will cost us two pop and drastically reduce demand)


        • #5
          Okay this is out there, but I given it some thought and I think this fair based on the work put in.

          Quick Definitions:
          Trading Cycle = Series of trading sessions based on the most recent status of our market form the Democracy Game.
          Trading Session = An actual trading session or turn, should be 3-5 trading sessions per Trading Cycle.

          Government Agent: Pretty much useless during gameplay, only really needed for each Auction as the GA can't bid on land. Honestly, I don't fill comfortable with someone wanting to be GA. They own no land and thereby have no interest in playing the game, so why do they want to be involved? Just to screw around with the people playing the game?

          Think it should be a temp position elected before each auction and the GA gets 10% of auction proceeds to purchase an unsold tile at end of auction. If no tiles are unsold we could work a system where the GA got a business in a city somewhere.

          Market Assessor- Only does work at beginning of Trading Cycle, same info for each session so would post same starting information with any new rule changes.

          Think the position should be paid $200-300 per Cycle.

          Banker: Has same amount of work for each trading session.

          Think the position should get paid $100-150 per Session.

          Using this formula Captain would get around $1400 to purchase an unsold tile for the first auction.

          Frances would make $200-300 for a Trading Cycle.

          The Banker would make $300-500 depending on how many sessions were in the Trading Cycle.


