Just thinking this over, let me know suggestions:
Changing Administrations
Elections will be held for all officials from the 12th to the 17th of each month. If no officia nomination thread exists by the 5th, the President is required to make one.
Upon the completion of the elections, the leaving administration is required to play ONE turnthread/chat sometime from the 16th to the 18th to give the new administration time to organize, appoint deputies, and create their new offices in the manner they wish.
Ok, this is brought up due to what happened last term. We had no returning Ministers, well, Uber, and the previous admin played their final turn on Thursday. The elections were not closed till Saturday. It took us till teusday to get everything ready for turns to be played (then a computer broke...) all resulting in nearly a week without turns being played. This is unacceptable. Period. This would give the new administration time to ease into the job while preserving the flow of the game. It also FINALLY adds the official election dates. Any suggestions or questions?
Changing Administrations
Elections will be held for all officials from the 12th to the 17th of each month. If no officia nomination thread exists by the 5th, the President is required to make one.
Upon the completion of the elections, the leaving administration is required to play ONE turnthread/chat sometime from the 16th to the 18th to give the new administration time to organize, appoint deputies, and create their new offices in the manner they wish.
Ok, this is brought up due to what happened last term. We had no returning Ministers, well, Uber, and the previous admin played their final turn on Thursday. The elections were not closed till Saturday. It took us till teusday to get everything ready for turns to be played (then a computer broke...) all resulting in nearly a week without turns being played. This is unacceptable. Period. This would give the new administration time to ease into the job while preserving the flow of the game. It also FINALLY adds the official election dates. Any suggestions or questions?