At the moment Frace has 159 gold and rising. I am concerned that they might use this money (maybe in addition to 1 or 2 gpt) to convince Persia or Germany to attack us. I am concerned because our borders with Persia and Germany are lightly defended: Seeberg is guarded by a single veteran Spearman whereas Geofront and Napoleton are guarded by a single regular warrior.
Seeing that either one might declare war on us in the next few turns, I suggest that we upgrade three warriors (two regulars in Apolyton and Tassagrad and one veteran in BHQ) to swordsmen at a total cost of 120 gold.
IMHO we can afford this. Our current treasury is 384 gold and is growing at a rate of 21 gold per turn. In any case, it's better to upgrade than to lose towns to Persia or Germany. Besides, I don't see any other use for these warriors, not now nor in the visible future (except maybe sending one of the regular warriors with the settler to Uber Isle).
What do you, members of the War Academy and other citizens, think about this?
Seeing that either one might declare war on us in the next few turns, I suggest that we upgrade three warriors (two regulars in Apolyton and Tassagrad and one veteran in BHQ) to swordsmen at a total cost of 120 gold.
IMHO we can afford this. Our current treasury is 384 gold and is growing at a rate of 21 gold per turn. In any case, it's better to upgrade than to lose towns to Persia or Germany. Besides, I don't see any other use for these warriors, not now nor in the visible future (except maybe sending one of the regular warriors with the settler to Uber Isle).
What do you, members of the War Academy and other citizens, think about this?