Right now we are on the verge of war with france. Soon we will attack paris and orleans. Hopefully they will fall, however what to do next is still up in the air. I would like any ideas be they general or specific. I realize that much will depend on loses of the intial attack. My general idea( and that of the smc as well) was to have everything from a paris-marselles line eastward. He as I do, knows this is an unlikely and an optitmistic view. Personally I think we can attack from orleans toward rheimes and leave the southern cities for a peace deal. If rheimes falls easily and the other assalts were very lucky perhaps we move toward marselles. However much luck would be required and I think this is unlikely.
Apologies to Sir Ralph for starting this thread under a "war academy" heading even though I am not formaly a member. However due to my application and the nature of this thread I thought it would be ok.
Apologies to Sir Ralph for starting this thread under a "war academy" heading even though I am not formaly a member. However due to my application and the nature of this thread I thought it would be ok.