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Official Minister of the Economy post: 5 Turn Plan

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  • Official Minister of the Economy post: 5 Turn Plan


    This is my first official post as Minister of the Economy, and I would like to take the time to thank everyone who voted for me and not the banana. On to other matters. I am publishing my plans for the first ever "5 Turn Plan", which will start in 430 B.C. The idea is to organize economic matters for a five turn period, which will be the likely length of most turnthreads, which appear to be the wave of the future right now. If you have any suggestions to make, you can include them in my Economic Forum Thread, located here. That is the proper place for comments, and it also satisfies the Constituion. I WILL update this over time, it is a work in progress! This is designed to do several things: to synthesis all of the elements of the various Ministers with domestic ties, including Ministers of the Economy, Imperial Expansion, Public Works, and City Planner. I will include all of the elements of everyone else's plans, as well as my own.

    430 B.C.
    A) Switch production in Del Monte from Barracks to Settler.
    B) Termina switches to Temple.
    C) Apolyton switches to Settler
    D) Tassagrad switches to worker.
    E) Have slider bar set to 9/1/0
    F) Worker Plans:
    [Termina - Workers N of Termina will complete road in 3 turns. After completion, continue building road NW toward Chartres.

    Gaia - Worker stack currently W, S of Gaia. Build a road on current tile. After completion, move stack towards Timeline. Clear jungle NE of Timeline.

    Ubergorsk - Worker stack N, NE currently clearing jungle. After jungle is cleared, build road. After road is build, mine Iron.

    Geofront - Worker Stack N currently building road. After road is completed, clear jungle on this tile, then continue building road towards Napoleton.

    Seeberg - Worker S building road. After completion, move SW and build road toward Gaia.

    Del Monte - Worker S, SW building road to Greece. After completion, move E of Del Monte and mine grassland with shield.]

    410 B.C.
    A) Start production in Del Monte of a Granary.
    B) Have slider bar maintain 9/1/0

    390 B.C.
    A) Nothing at this time.
    B) Slider bar at 9/1/0

    370 B.C.
    A) Switch production in Banana HQ to (need input from City Planner to verify) Settler, should be completed in 8 to 10 turns.
    B) Rush temple in Napoleton? (Need verification from City Planner)
    C) Slider bar at 9/1/0

    350 B.C.
    A) Ubergorks switches production to barracks after completing worker.
    B) Slider Bar at 9/1/0

    That is the first 5 Turn Plan. Somewhere will be a map trade as proposed by Shiber, and possibly a tech trade as well, depending on the Germans and how much they demand.

    Don't even think about posting a reply!
    Last edited by Donal Graeme; August 19, 2002, 23:06.
    2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
    Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle