The Region consists of the soon to be Apolytonian Cities of:
This region is diverse geographically, jungle in Marseilles, forest near Paris, two rivers, the coast near Rouen and a portion of the Great Rift near Paris and Lyons. There is a source of iron obtainable, once Paris expands further culturally, and Rouen and Paris could be a jumping ground to some free area to expand in, i.e. just West of the Great Rift and north of the Russians. There are some nice plains in that area, horses, wheat, more forest....
Having said that about this soon to be beautiful area of our nation, soon to be our most geographically pleasing area (no offense to my fellow governors); however, its most dominant charcteristics would be the wine shared by Lyons, Marseilles and Paris.
Finally, this is also the area where I spent several adventures, please see past editions of the Jungle Gazette, first as a friend then as a prisoner, now as an enemy. The despicable LeClerc and dubious Joan D'Arc will pay very shortly for their earlier transgressions.
Please, using this bit of history and geography, suggest names. I have some suggestions, but will save them in hopes you all come up with something better.
Thank you for your assistance.
This region is diverse geographically, jungle in Marseilles, forest near Paris, two rivers, the coast near Rouen and a portion of the Great Rift near Paris and Lyons. There is a source of iron obtainable, once Paris expands further culturally, and Rouen and Paris could be a jumping ground to some free area to expand in, i.e. just West of the Great Rift and north of the Russians. There are some nice plains in that area, horses, wheat, more forest....
Having said that about this soon to be beautiful area of our nation, soon to be our most geographically pleasing area (no offense to my fellow governors); however, its most dominant charcteristics would be the wine shared by Lyons, Marseilles and Paris.
Finally, this is also the area where I spent several adventures, please see past editions of the Jungle Gazette, first as a friend then as a prisoner, now as an enemy. The despicable LeClerc and dubious Joan D'Arc will pay very shortly for their earlier transgressions.
Please, using this bit of history and geography, suggest names. I have some suggestions, but will save them in hopes you all come up with something better.
Thank you for your assistance.