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Civilization 3 Democracy Web-Site Design completed

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  • #31
    Hey Siro
    Could you put the contents of my Economy website in the official site please ?
    If you want, I can post a zip version of the total site (108k)
    Thanks for the great work !
    "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
    "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
    "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


    • #32
      lol that official website is currently my laptop which is offline most of the time!!!

      -- Website is down (comp is offline)
      Last edited by Epistax; August 13, 2002, 22:07.


      • #33

        I would like to clarify what exactly has happenned to you. As you will see - the secrecy is the exact reason for confusion, and is infact unconstitutional according to the C3DG rules.

        Some month ago, a web-site designing contest was announced, to which both Sn00py and I responded. We both posted premature versions of our sites in previous threads, trying to push them.

        It has come to my knowledge that they (Sn00py and fellows) have decided to go ahead with their own site, without having a vote or a competition. I saw my site as much better organized and designed, both information and graphic wise. No vote about accepting his site over mine has ever passed.

        I have in mind an abstract PHP structure for creating the interface around updates which are based on MySQL database held information, with updating permissions given to current ministers.

        That way each minister will be able to write a report with the same ease as if he were writing a post in the forum, using his own name and password. The system would then display the latest report.

        The only moderation it would need, is someone telling it who the current ministers are and who is which minister.

        So I decided to promoptly promote my site design, using every spare time I had to finish the graphical design, thinking that an HTML based updating can hold the site up until I finish the PHP based forum like system, if possible, integrated with the Apolyton Forums user database, for easier management.

        While I respect snoopy and his abilities, and see him as a better artist, I think I beat him in the field of Information Archtecture and I think that my design, on which I spent days, deserves at least a vote.

        Spiffor - well that's NOT the official site really. It's a suggestion for such a site.
        Notice I never included the word official.

        First I have to find a normal host and finish 100% of the graphics and HTML (I have 95% done).

        If anyone wants, I can post several compressed PSD files


        • #34
          Epsitax - my PC crashed suddenly when we were talking

          I appologize


          • #35
            Go for it Siro.

            Nothing was done in secrecy, it just wasn't well publicised.

            I posted a thread in community asking if it was possible for the C3DG site to be hosted on Poly. I did that because questions were being asked re where it would be hosted and I thought it better to keep it 'in the family' if possible.

            Dan answered that one of us should contact him by email. I forwarded that info to Trip since I considered the president the best person to speak for us (isn't that why we elect him?). BTW, I do not believe any 'official' poll has been held at all. All of this is based on consensus that it is a good idea.

            I think I suggested to Trip that he involve Sn00py. I can't remember why, but it may have been that you have dropped by from time to time with large absences in between. It may also have been based on my perception of how people were receiving the proposed designs.

            From time to time it has been mentioned, both in threads and in chat. In short, nothing secret. Just not particularly well organized or pulicised. Many people are aware that a site here on Poly has been in the works for some time.

            Now, you state elsewhere that you are prepared to make a commitment to the C3DG that will entail consistent attention over a period of time. Sn00py is nowhere to be found. Ninot said go for it. I'm sure everyone will say 'go for it'!

            Do we really need to poll this?

            BTW, it would be great if we could combine Sn00p's design with your forms at a later date. Would that be good for you?
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #36
              Erm, I'm not as comitted to the site as I would be to the constitution comitte.

              I am actaully expecting to be very very busy in Sept.

              As far as comining designs - technically I can put any design into my planned information architecture.

              But my design is planned for the site structure I planned.

              Sure, it's bulky and all, but for people with higher resolutions it's easier on the eyes.

              I could hardly read the text on snoopy's site.

              Plus, unlike snoopy - I made all my work public and based much of it on feedback (see the fleur-de-lys bananas actually invented by someone else).

              I could change my design, but it wouldn't be easy at this point.


              • #37
                Unfortunately, I couldn't access the site. The link doesn’t work...
                RIAA sucks
                The Optimistas
                I'm a political cartoonist


                • #38
                  It was on someone's laptop Aro. Be patient.
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • #39
                    please appoint a representative, not necessary the webmaster, to act the connection between the game and us, and who will stay on the job for at least the next two months
                    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
           my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


                    • #40
                      The pictures are broken.


                      • #41
                        you're broken!


                        • #42

                          I can set up the website for more trying out stuff later today. (Siro I believe all the problems you were having were on your side-- Apolyton wasn't down when you said it was).

                          anyway I've thought about hosting a load of http, such as

                          ----/c3dg/[institute name]
                          ----/c3dg/[party name]
                          ----/c3dg/[some guy]

                          My combination of Bullet Proof FTP in, with Apache/MySQL/PHP allows me very much flexibility.

                          Again-- stable connection is coming September 2nd.
                          If someone wants to buy me a redirecting domainname.....


                          • #43
                            i think poly was down for several minutes at a time.

                            I always asked other people from the US and they confirmed.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Sirotnikov
                              i think poly was down for several minutes at a time.

                              I always asked other people from the US and they confirmed.
                              This happened to me several times in the last days.
                              Edit: spelling
                              RIAA sucks
                              The Optimistas
                              I'm a political cartoonist


                              • #45
                                I was in the apolyton chat during that particular time, yapping away. Oh well doesn't matter!

