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Election: City Planner

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  • #31
    It must have been me!!!!!!

    Because I am the one who at the last moment signed up for this race against OPD.

    Isn't it nice to have a close election?
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    • #32
      I also voted when it opened-- for OPD, if it matters. (I think I was one of the first votes. )
      oh god how did this get here I am not good with livejournal


      • #34
        OPD and I have discussed the possibility of a tie. If so, we will most likely go before the court so that some methodology for ties can be worked out. In this situation, we will work together until the courts make a ruling. Also, UnOrthOdOx will no doubt be jumping up and down, honking his big red nose, with joy over the headlines the Gazette will have.

        OPD and I are both glad to be having a good, clean, fun and close race.

        Thanks for voting.

        Vlad - you must be vote #1 or #2, as I had voted #3 and was making my post with the link to the campaign thread when you posted. You will have to figure with Ninot if you realy want to know which one you were....
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        • #35
          If it is a tie, the court can't decide who wins. That would be effectively giving them two votes.


          • #36
            Wait a second - OPD doesn't have 51% of the vote!

            That was a major flaw in the CoL.


            • #37
              Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx
              As a reporter, I would love to see a tie...
              As an ass hole, I would love to see a tie...
              "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
              - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
              Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


              • #38
                It is already a tie by the CoL.


                • #39
                  Skywalker (and other who have the same concerns):

                  Simple majority was the intention of the 51%. That will be interpited as "ye who has the most, wins".

                  The court was created in the aftermath of the Trip/Ninot election. (Yes, much discussion occured prior to the election, but once the controversy occured, much more was done to rush the creation of the court). The court was created with the intention of resolving conflicts. This election becoming tied would constitute a conflict. Thus, the court, if they agree to hear the case, can make a ruling as the neutral body created to do so.

                  The people who man our courts are good people. They will not let politics (such as they are in this election) cloud their judgement. However they decide to solve the problem, they will of course have to justify their actions. If they are arbitrary, we will most likely have a cause to let kman try out the impeachment procedures he has been wanting to..... I will obide by whatever decision the court makes (and I suspect OPD will as well after the several conversations/emails we have traded).

                  I trust the court to come up with a fair and equitable solution, assuming, of course there is a tie AND it goes before them. There is still 2 days left to vote, and many things can happen in that amount of time, particularly as one of those days is saturday, when many people have free time to surf the net.
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                  • #40
                    However, if it is a straight out tie, where both candidates have 50% of the vote, the court should not have the ability to determine the winner. The issue with the Trip-Ninot election is that a large number of noncitizens voted. There is no evidence of that here, so the court has no jurisdiction.


                    • #41
                      I thought the elections finished tommorrow.
                      I can remember some thing about election being from the 12 to the 16th of each month.
                      If so then I guess the election closes at 1:10 GMT or in 24 and a half hours.
                      Are we having fun yet?


                      • #42
                        Per Ninots post above, this ends on the 17th. Saturday.

                        As it started at 20:10 EST (I think that is 25:10 GMT, or as there are only 24 hours, 1:10 GMT on the 18th.... did I do that right?) the poll should close then.
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                        • #43
                          why couldnt we have two CPs?


                          • #44
                            We each have a slightly different adgenda, so there wouldn't be a clearly defined path, leading to confusion, misdirection, etc. etc. etc.

                            Either way, we have both talked and we will both support each other no matter who wins.

                            If it is a tie, or even close, we both have forseen the need for some sort of formal guidelines in what to do in this instance. Thus we will most likely be submitting this election before the justices to see if they can come up with guidelines. If they for some reason refuse to hear the case, then I may start a discussion. However, I would avoid starting this sort of thread at this time as it may deter the court from hearing the case, which IMO it should hear. Also, such a thread may predijuce the court the same way newspapers and tv do to RL courts.
                            If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                            • #45
                              I say it again: if there is a straight, 50/50 tie, the Court CANNOT decide the winner. That effectively gives them two votes.

