Persia may not be number one, but they're another civ we should be wary of.
As you can tell, they have no problem waltzing all over our territory, they have no reguard for our borders.
The Persians have very little culture of their own, and with any luck Tyre and Sidon will flip to us in the near future.
The persians do not have iron right now but they will realitevly soon. Their immortals are 4-2-1. A unit even a pikeman cant defend against with certainty.
One good thing about Persia is that most of the cities we would want are located on the southern pennisula (Presopolis, Bactra, Susa, Tarsus, Gordium). This could be a simple "divide and conquer" maneuver.
In fact, if we get ahead after destorying America and France, we may be able to crush ther Persians without even suing for peace.
Once the penninsula is taken, they're basically nothing.
As you can tell, they have no problem waltzing all over our territory, they have no reguard for our borders.
The Persians have very little culture of their own, and with any luck Tyre and Sidon will flip to us in the near future.
The persians do not have iron right now but they will realitevly soon. Their immortals are 4-2-1. A unit even a pikeman cant defend against with certainty.
One good thing about Persia is that most of the cities we would want are located on the southern pennisula (Presopolis, Bactra, Susa, Tarsus, Gordium). This could be a simple "divide and conquer" maneuver.
In fact, if we get ahead after destorying America and France, we may be able to crush ther Persians without even suing for peace.
Once the penninsula is taken, they're basically nothing.