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Unofficial: How do you want it organized? Potential minsters, please read.

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  • Unofficial: How do you want it organized? Potential minsters, please read.

    This is an information gathering thread to help me in organizing the government to your satisfaction (unless someone want to challenge for VP).

    Ideas are:

    A topped directory thread that includes links to all reports, plans, institute threads (war academy, diplo thingy, and thinker guild).

    Now, I can either have a seperate topped thread with the executive report, much like now, or link to an untopped thread in the directory. A link will mean fewer topped threads. I would prefer to leave public posts out, to make it easier to read through, and to create a flowing historical record of the chats/threads.

    I am thinking of creating a centralized thread for the reports/plans of all ministers. This would be a place to post plans for the next chat, regaurdless of whether you intend to attend. Again, it can be linked to, or topped. And again, a simple link will reduce topping. These may be created for each chat, we will see how confusing they get otherwise. These would include suggestions, or changes requested from the public, but please no spamming 'sounds good' to make it easier should we need to read through this in the event of a minister not attending.

    A suggestion thread, not topped, but linked to. Do we need one? this will NOT be for proposing ammendments, but for how WE can do a better job.

    A complaint thread: Again, not topped, but linked. Pissed at MrWIA, tired of the 4 am chat (jk) come air your greivances.

    OK, comments, other ideas?

    - edit: typos, and clarity
    One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
    You're wierd. - Krill

    An UnOrthOdOx Hobby

  • #2
    Sounds like a pretty good plan if you ask me unorthodox.
    Campaigning for the PW Minister Vote for me ;-)
    "Save me Jeebuz" Homer Simpson


    • #3
      For the orders posting thread, perhaps we can have one where preliminary orders are posted, and this thread will be the one that discussion, clarifications etc are made. There will be another thread, posted not all that long (but hopefully at least one day) before the game is actually played, detailing the final orders as submitted to the Prez/VP. This means everyone gets to sort out our mistakes BEFORE they happen whilst keeping the thread of what actually happens free of spam, er, constructive criticism.

      A complaint thread? Maybe that would encourage people to speak their minds about what they see as serious issues a little more. At the moment anyone can (and some do) of course post complaint threads - however I am not sure how much extra benefit this would be. Anyone else?
      Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; August 12, 2002, 01:45.

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        So far, so good. I like the idea for a special thread just for Ministers. One that ONLY Ministers can post on, and any other posts are deleted. This will make it much easier to access info on what has happened.

        It will also make my job as editor of the Jungle Gazette much easier.
        2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
        Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


        • #5
          I agree with less topped threads, too confusing. Having links in one or two threads is a much better process. As long as they are updated.


          • #6
            You should also include a index for all non government related issues (public discussion, public poll, citizen groups, parties etc.)

            i also wonder where the embassies of foreign states will reside?
            Hean of the UN delegation ofFANATIKA

            Visit the Rebel Pub and Brewery in Bavaria, Fanatika!


            • #7
              Yeah, maybe a "Minnistries" topped thread with links to all ministries, of course this would require all the ministers to do some work and set up their respective thread!!
              A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
              A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


              • #8
                Each new minister starts 2 threads. Both are referenced in a single toped thread, so we only have one topped thread (started by the prez or vp).

                First minister thread - minister post only, giving orders for play in case thay are not around. can be as specific as the minister desires (although all would agree the more detail the better). If they are not around to play on the chats, the prez or vp can easiley access the thread adn see what the plans are. The minister can post updates as much as needed, so no need to keep updating the single topped thread and having to find a whole bunch of new orders every few days.

                Second thread is for people to notify the ministers of ideas or whatnot. this is a comminication between the public and the specific minister. It can be only a bunch of links, a bunc of spams, whatever. Kinda like the ministers office, where people can let them know what is important to them. Linked to a topped thread so it is easy to find. I can see this becomming large, so the ministers would have to check it often occasionally call the thread dead, start a new one, etc. if it got to large. This would have to be updated in the topped thread of course.
                If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                • #9
                  My wish is for citizens to be able to click on the Foreign Ministry Directory and arrive at the most recent Machiavelli discussions, current policy debate threads, my proposed turnchat orders, ambassor reports, and citizens inquiries/suggestions all on the same page.

                  Sub-directory system. That is my dream. I have no idea how to impliment it in the current system, but some of the suggestions above sound like a possible fix. Have one topped thread for Foreign Ministry and put links to the other threads in it.

                  Greatest Moments in ISDG chat:"(12/02/2003) <notyoueither> the moon is blue. hell is cold. quote me, but i agree with ET. "
                  Member of the Mercenary Team in the Civ 4 Team Democracy Game.
                  Former Consul for the Apolyton C3C Intersite Tournament Team.
                  Heir to the lost throne of Spain of the Roleplay Team in the PTW Democracy Multiplayer Team Game.


                  • #10
                    Why not think of creating a ministry of information: this is a lot of work, far more then most ministers do, and I think it is also important work- so that those carrying it out should have the benefit of an important government post, instead of being outside the system- Ministry of information might also become vital for any future, Orwellian distopia we might be planning to implement if things go bad.
                    If you don't like reality, change it! me
                    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
                    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
                    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Togas
                      My wish is for citizens to be able to click on the Foreign Ministry Directory and arrive at the most recent Machiavelli discussions, current policy debate threads, my proposed turnchat orders, ambassor reports, and citizens inquiries/suggestions all on the same page.

                      Sub-directory system. That is my dream. I have no idea how to impliment it in the current system, but some of the suggestions above sound like a possible fix. Have one topped thread for Foreign Ministry and put links to the other threads in it.

                      The directory thread will have a section for EACH of the ministers. I can include the Machiavelli Institute and GePaps guide in under the FAM, and the War Academy in with the SMC section.

                      GePap, that is pretty much what I intend to do with the VP position. Organize this thing into an easy to navigate information network. As much as possible, anyway. Rest assured I do not intend to sit around waiting for MrWIA to miss a chat so that I have something to do.
                      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                      You're wierd. - Krill

                      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                      • #12
                        Something like this:

                        Government this term:

                        Pres: MrWIA

                        (links to current report, ammendment polls, turnchat polls, whatever needed)


                        (links to whatever, may be included with the Pres)


                        (links to Machiavelli institute, GePap's guide, and FAM threads, relevent polls)
                        (links to War Academy, SMC plans, relevent polls)
                        Minister of Science:
                        (links to threads, thinkers guild, relevent polls)

                        And so on through the Govt.

                        Then we can have at the bottom:

                        Links to prepoll discussions, the embassy of Phoenatica, Historian threads, other Roleplaying elements, Jungle Gazette's, anything you guys want.

                        A few days before each chat, I will set up a thread for the Ministers to announce their plans and have the public look them over. Then I will also make a thread just before the chat (24 hrs) for ministers only to post their finalized plan for the chat. This will serve the public in knowing which ministers are actively doing their job (for those who cannot attend chats), and will ease the transition to turnthreads, or some hybrid as NYE proposed somewhere else.
                        One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                        You're wierd. - Krill

                        An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                        • #13
                          This is great. It has every aspect of a turnthread, which is what posters such as Sir Ralph and nye want, whether a turnchat happens or not. This way turnchats my occur, but the time is far less important, as a poorly timed chat does not affect turnthreads. This means we basically have carte blanche with turnchat times!

                          Not that they would be scheduled at 4am EST arbitrarily, of course.

                          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                          • #14
                            Yes, I like the hybrid idea. Having a plan laid out, but also holding a chat for those who can make it. There is less pressure for ministers to make it, but also it is open to the public, or should ministers make it, we could tackle unexpected occurances without a stoppage. As far as I see, it is the best of both worlds.
                            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
                            You're wierd. - Krill

                            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


                            • #15
                              /me can see the newspaper headlines on this thread

                              Picture this... a nice pictogram of UnOrtho and I constantly shaking hands, nodding at what the other says, and looking excited at the future.

                              But seriously, it's good to have agreement for a change, don't you all think?

                              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

