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Minor update, 570bc and beyond

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  • Minor update, 570bc and beyond

    Well, I am not completely sure of the year, but this is an update on the condition of our opponents. I am questioning how much use was made of the previous, detailed reports, so I will try this- instead of giving out all the raw data, I will simply post the annalysis and changes overall, and all in one post. Here we go:

    GENERAL: Plan Gold has given us the most powerful military in the world- we have no equals, no competitors in the realm of arms. Only the Romans have made use of iron for war, with their legions, but they have made very few. Only two civs have made use of the horse (greeks, Russians) while everyone else uses the military tech. we used to crush abe centuries ago. We also have the biggest coffers. In culture, we are in the top third, with only the greeks, english and babylonians looking down upon us- we look down upon everyone else.
    Our empire is #10 of 12 in the histograph, and climbing. Our empire is of a nice size and population- but many other empires also grow.

    GREEKS: they remain number one: still a depostism, but have moved on to the next age,and have 2 new cities, including settling the ivory coast and settling what appears to be an island offshore. They have the biggest pop. and have a fair culture, They have horsemen as an offensive arm, hoplites for defense. they are building both the GL and Pyramids.
    The greeks will remain a great power and are our long-term, biggest competition. They have monotheism.

    ENGLISH: they are tied with Greeks in population (27), and have also settled several new cities. They have also moved to the next age. They have lots of money and they have an improved opinion of us (from annoyed to cautious). They have the use of iron, but only in one city, not in the whole empire. They have yet to make use of horses. The greeks are building the Pyramids, the GL, and the Collosus.

    ROME: the romans are the only other civ to have made swordmen(legions) and have seen the most dramatic growth in population (from 13 to 21!). They continue to make new cities, mainly as filler, but are certain to become the masters of the southern lands. They are also making more money and have moved to the next age. The Romans are building the GL and the Pyramids.

    FRANCE: our target. They have only one new city and have seen minor pop. growth. While they have moved to the next age and now have access to iron through their empire, their military is still very weak. They have seen minor growth in culture. They are building both the Pyramids and the GL.

    PERSIA: The persians have started one new city, and have seen some population growth to become #2 in population. They are culturally backwards and have no iron yet. They are a compact empire, trying to break out of their geographic position. They are intermingling much with the english. They are building the Pyramids and the GL. They have monotheism.

    GERMANY: Germany is the only civ to move beyond despotism and become a republic, but they are still in the first age. They are tied, or very close to Persia for #2 in population. They have founded new cities but have made little cultural growth. Their military still lacks horses or iron weapons. Like many civs, they are building both he Pyramids and the GL.

    AZTECS: The aztecs have made steady growth in population, and some minor growth in culture. They continue to expand and make new cities-, while their military lingers. They have moved to the next age, and are building the Pyramids.

    RUSSIA: the russians have made very little growth in culture- in fact, they have lost a city due to this. They have replaced te lost city of smolensk with a new one, but their population has barely grown. Thy have horsemen, but have doen little with them, and thier military is overall weak. They also lack much culture, even if they have moved to the next age and have a tech we lack, monotheism. They are building botht he GL and Pyramids.

    IROQUOIS: While Hiawatha has made some fair gains i n population and created new cities, they still lag bahind. They have yet to gain the ability to make their vaunted horsemen and lag behind an age. Overall, weak. Building the GL and pyramids.

    BABYLONIANS: While a very small civ, they survive. Thier bowmen keep them safe while their culture sees them expand, by taking smolensk from Russia. Culture seems the only way for them to expand, even with the horses they have. They are building the GL, trying to make Babylon a cultural powerhouse.

    AMERICANS: still around, tyring to survive. They have reestablished washington, but are still pathetically weak.
    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

  • #2
    Great work all around!!
    Periodic reports like this would sure make things a lot easier.
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera


    • #3
      Excellent work, GePap. Thanks.
      RIAA sucks
      The Optimistas
      I'm a political cartoonist


      • #4
        A big fat BUMP, awaiting the next turns.
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • #5
          Brilliant GePap. Whenever I find it difficult to make a decision based on figures, I consult info like this to make up my mind.

          I hope SOO much you keep doing this. I doubt I'll have the time to do it for myself soon enough, and an Intelligence-gatherer would be highly prized by ANY official. I imagine threads like this will become invaluable to all Ministers soon enough.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            A small note: I talked to a bunch of Germans and Iroquis at the Banana Tavern (downtown Apolyton). They told me their scholars have yet to discover currency and that their governments would love to buy it from a nice civ like ours

            PS This was in the late evening of 510 bc
            The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.

