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Campaign Thread: City planner

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  • Campaign Thread: City planner

    This is the campaign thread for candidates for minister of city planning please ask candidates questions etc.

    Current candidates are:

    OPD (IND)
    Godking (IND)
    Last edited by OPD; August 12, 2002, 21:25.
    Are we having fun yet?

  • #2
    Ok please vote for me for city planner. Although the post might not exist for much longer I think I would still have some time to do some good.

    For those who don't know the City planner decides what to build and which tiles to work. The CP may also request that the PW minister develop certain squares near cities, (something that if elected I will be doing alot of).
    Overall the CP decides what to build based on the mood of citizens and requests of minister.

    I have 2 Policies
    - To accomodate the needs of ministers as best can.
    - City specialization.

    I also see the following priorities (in order)
    1 - two vet spearmen in each city (est 23 needed)
    2 - A large number of workers to be built
    3 - Settlers for new cities sites
    4 - Temple in every city
    5 - market places in cities.

    ATM I don't see much point in building libraries unless we build them in most of our cities ,which we can't ATM. As even a 10 fold increase in our current science wouldn't get us Fuedalism any quicker.

    After carefully studying the save game and DIA/machiaveli threads I've come up with a detailed plan for each city which I will post after my diner.
    Are we having fun yet?


    • #3
      A temple in every city!
      A dead turkey on every table!


      Got my support.


      • #4
        OK if elected I would like to introduce the following plans for our cities.
        The following cities will specialize in producing defensive millitary units (Spearmen ATM).
        - Apolyton
        - Tassgard
        - Banana HQ (after temple is produced.)
        Only three cities for military but a few things can help them pump out those veterans alot quicker.

        The following cities are designated as worker and possibly settler producing cities.
        - Termina
        - Del Monte
        - Timeline

        ATM I'm not sure about the long term future for Gaia and Seeberg but in the short term but I would like them to continue producing workers for 15-35 turns.

        The same can be said for Thebes, Geofront and Ubergorsk although Ubergorsk must concentrate on it's own defence and Thebes and Geofront must build temple first.

        As only 2 (3 in 11 turns) are designated to unit production I will request to the PW minister that the 2 slaves near poly be added to poly and tass as we are in desperate need of def and can't wait for them to grow by themselves.

        To demonstrate the kind of thing I will do if elected I have made plans for each city. The plans are based on the current save game as plans starting after the next 10 turns would be difficult to predict.

        - Stop working tile NW,NW and start working tile NW,N
        - Continue producing spearmen untill enough are produced (est 23 required) then build market place.
        - In 9 turns a spearman can be produced every 2 turns if the PW minister agree to add a slave.

        - Produce spearmen untill enough are built then switch to market place.
        - Currently a spearman every 7 turns but this could be every 4 turns in 9 turns time if the PW agree to adding a slave

        ----------------Banana HQ-----------------
        - Build temple (11 turns)
        - Start producing spearmen (est 5 turns per spearman)

        - Stop working sea tile and start working tile SE,W.
        - Start producing granary. Finished in 12 turns but an entertainer will be needed in 9 turns
        - After granary is produced start producing workers por settlers.

        - Produce workers untill the growth cities come on line.
        - Produce wkr in 5 turns then another every 10 turns.

        - Same as Gaia
        - Request to PW for minning of grassland to the north

        ----------------Timeline City---------------
        - Start Granary production (est 29 turns but 16 if PW could mine grassland to north within 5 turns and then clear forest to north within 16 turns.)
        - Could do with 2 vet spears rather than 1 or perhaps a swordsman due to lingering French units
        - Wait untill city reaches 4/5 before pumping out wkrs.

        ----------------Del Monte--------------------
        - Start granary production (est 17 turns)
        - Wait untill city is 4/5 before wkr/sttlr production

        - Finish walls in 9 then start producing barracks
        - possible pop rush

        - Pop rush temple in 10
        - Produce Wkrs every 10 turns

        - Finish temple in 29 turns
        - possible pop rush

        The above is only what I would like to do in each city if elected and it is likely that if elected the above plans will change subject to ministers or citizens demands.
        Also there are probably a few mistakes around somewhere.
        Are we having fun yet?


        • #5
          Are we having fun yet?


          • #6
            this is not a question, but an endorsement.

            OPD has been at the vast majority, if not all, the turnchats (which is far more then can be said for most ministers) and he has always known what is going on and given out excellect advise. I say everyone MUST vote for OPD as city planer, any other action is TREASON against Poly!
            If you don't like reality, change it! me
            "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
            "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
            "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


            • #7
              OPD -
              I have tossed myself into the race against you. I am at work now so at this time I will not make specific recomendations. Suffice to say, major points I will do are as follows:

              1) initiate a regional division system, similar to the one I posted last week, and that durring my vacation of the past 5 days hopefully hasn't gotten burried to far.

              2) I am a builder player by preference, but I do understand the ways of war. As city planner, I will focus on building items that will increase our productitivity in the long term, such as workers, settlers, temples, cathedrals, and markets; while still building a defencive force to protect our cities and a reserve for our upcomming war with france. Post france, I intend to dedicate ourselves to domestic growth (note: I will listen to the people, thus if destruction of the americans is called for in my term, and the machines of war are needed, I will do my best to comply)

              3) Unfortunately, I have a heavy RL load at present, and as such I do not know if making the turnchats will be possible. However, I chose to run for this position after considerable debate. I would prefer to do more, and to be present, but I do not know if it would be possible for me. I can, and I shall, make extreamly detailed plans, with backups for changes of circumstances, available prior to all the chats. This is a position in wich someone such as myself can make these plans, which shouldn't seriously effect the game. It is because of my ability to do this planning that I chose to run at all. Those of you who have read my posts generally know that I do what I say I will.

              4) the way our government is currently structured, it will become very cumbersom as we advance. I support a revamping of the system, durring the next term, so that we have fewer positions, with backups for the positions known beforehand.

              Thanks. Questions?
              If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


              • #8
                Welcome to the race Godking and may the best man win.
                I wouldn't mind losing to some-one such as yourself as I'm sure you would do an exellent job.

                BTW are you a member of a political party? Do you want me to put any party alignment in the first post?
                Are we having fun yet?


                • #9

                  Thanks OPD. I suspect we shall have a close race given your excelent reputation as well. Good Luck.
                  If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


                  • #10
                    Rendelnep has agreed to be underseretary for city planner and I will be looking to put him in charge of a few cities should the election go my way.

                    Godking: Yes the election is likely to be close. If I were to be elected you can count on me for full support of any reforms you were to implement.
                    Are we having fun yet?

