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  • Leaving?

    I'd just like to let everyone know that in about a week or so I'll be losing my 'net access, and I won't be able to participate in the Demo Game for about four months. And no, I'm not starting an entire thread just to inform you of that (although this was my intent before posting this, I had another idea while I was walking to the computer).

    As many have already pointed out, September is coming, and so is a new school year. Many will be leaving, but some may wish to return at some point (myself included). So, I thought it may be nice to have a thread for those of us who are going AWOL until further notice. I don't control what people post, but if you wish to leave a "message" here indicating your leave of absence, just post the date you're leaving, date you'll reaturn (estimated), and a reason for leaving (if you want). It somehow seems easier to have an organized list of everyone absent than to just ask "Whatever happened to --------?" Plus, this way one can leave without everyone thinking they just gave up on the Demo Game. I'll post mine first:

    Leaving: August 19th or 20th

    Returning: November or December

    Reason: No 'net access. Actually, no computer at all.

  • #2
    Two things, actually. I'm going to be gone most of the week after next, and then probably for 4-6 weeks after Labor Day.


    • #3
      leavign /w little or no computer acces, August 18th - August 25th
      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card

