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Presidential Campaign thread

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  • Presidential Campaign thread

    Here it is... Begin the questioning of the questions that I cannot answer....

    I can't remember whether I am supposed to post opinions here or not, so I will play it safe (wouldn't want to be taken to Court on something so small right before a Campaign ) and leave this post as a list of the candidates. My opinions etc will be posted below.

    Presidential Candidates:

    I leave the Banana off for the moment as it refuses to empty its PM box. If anyone feels the want to post on behalf of the Banana, do so, and I will add him to this list.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    Re: Presidential Campaign thread

    Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
    Here it is... Begin the questioning of the questions that I cannot answer....
    Why is the sky green?

    On a more serious note, would you briefly explain why we should vote for you and not candidate X, whoever is running against you?


    • #3
      I really have little to say at the moment - I am the only candidate. I am more than happy to receive all questions about me, my Civ experience, what I think currently, turnchats/threads, possible amendments, what I am wearing at the moment, eye colour....

      If you have a concern, not necessarily a question, just a worrying thought about me being President to put to people, post away. If it is silly I'll laugh at it, if not I'll post a response, hopefully either reassuring everyone or confirming the worry.

      I will return as soon as time allows to review more of what has happened elsewhere in the forum the last day or two.

      Anyone want to PM me rather than post publically, do so; my box is nearly empty, and I am also happy to answer all concerns privately.

      OK, so the only reason I say that is I love the feeling of getting a PM, but if it means I answer your questions, so what?

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        Currently, I have no concerns about your ability to be President, nor any questions.

        I believe you would make a good President and lead us wisely and intelligently through your term(s).


        • #5
          Re: Re: Presidential Campaign thread

          Originally posted by kring

          Why is the sky green?

          On a more serious note, would you briefly explain why we should vote for you and not candidate X, whoever is running against you?
          That was quick! And I was hoping to take off before any questions. I will answer briefly.

          The sky is not green. Take off those silly shades.

          You should vote for me (at the moment) because I want this game to continue. UnOrthOdOx and I are running kinda of as a unit on the idea of straightening things out here, and I believe we have both shown to be intelligent and level-headed.

          I have experience as VP, Minster of WAR and the final President of the first Civ2 Demo game here (I am also the Minister of WAR again), so I have successfully dealt with Democracy games at many levels. I think I have the ability to judge a post on it's own merits, not on any preconceived notion of the poster I may have, and am never too proud to take suggestions, admit wrong, or ask for help. This is a cooperative venture, and although I am not the strongest Civ3 player, I don't need to be - with sufficient help from the people, my job need not by difficult.

          If there is a stronger candidate (or ANY candidate) out there, I urge you to step forward - this is a Democracy, and I certainly would rather run against an opponenet and lose than become President by proxy. As it is right now, I am the only choice apart from disbanding the game - perhaps the most compelling reason to vote for me.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6
            How exactly will you piss off each and every justice of the court? And which trained monkeys will you replace us with?
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kring
              Currently, I have no concerns about your ability to be President, nor any questions.

              I believe you would make a good President and lead us wisely and intelligently through your term(s).
              I could be color blind blue green.

              As noted in my earlier reply, I believe you would make a good President, and your reply strengthens my belief even more. Hopefully, the two of you will be able to lead us effectively; I have faith in both of you and have no problem voting for either one of you.


              • #8
                Originally posted by notyoueither
                How exactly will you piss off each and every justice of the court? And which trained monkeys will you replace us with?
                Well, I would gradually become more and more egotistical, which would be shown in my posts. I would attack the strategies of Sir Ralph, the posts of UberKruX and others from the ranks of the top strategists here, thus arisng public outcry. Such disputes would become personal, and I think I could carry this over to some of the Justices:

                Captain: I could develop a personal grudge against him from his intelligent posts continually rebutting my own less intelligent ones. I would thus become mindlessly aggressive and abusive as I could not hope to compete with him on a similar intellectual level.

                Epistax: I couldn't bring myself to attack my bro' Epi.

                Trip: I would just say how stupid that character Chrono is, and refer to the problems of the first term, detailing how, despite my apparent support of Trip in many things, I was actually laughing at him and mocking him in the chat when he wasn't around with my frequent porn references (don't ask, I won't tell so as not to get into the Gazette again )

                jdjdjd: I could claim that I didn't vote for him as a justice and that I had started a PM campaign encouraging posters to vote against him at the time because I felt inexplicably that he had prevented me from becoming a justice.

                nye: Well, I needn't attack you deliberately as that's over half the justice already, isn't it?

                It would be a piece of cake. And trained monkeys? Hmm. I'll just go compile that list.....

                Disclaimer: do not under any circumstances read the above when in a serious mood. It is suggest you read the above when very very drunk. You read it already? This disclaimer should be at the start? Doh.

                Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                • #9

                  Well... as long as I'm off the list...
                  (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                  • #10
                    \What uis your opinion on small insignifgent religious denominations such the fruit bowl cult?


                    • #11
                      <throws in a random question so it isn't spam>

                      It's not in your job description, but when do you think our civ would be best suited to start an infrastructure? (marketplaces, libraries)

                      <gets to the real point of the message>


                      • #12
                        What is your stance about turnchats / turnthreads (hours of turnchats if any, frequency of turnthreads etc.)
                        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                        • #13
                          Why are people actually asking questions?

                          Do they think our government would be very successfull with the Banana as President?


                          • #14
                            Why shouldn't we ask questions? While I think MWIA would make a good president, the questions deserve to be asked. After all, the answers will help people to decide whether or not to vote for him. I would hope that we get at least one more real candidate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rendelnep
                              \What uis your opinion on small insignifgent religious denominations such the fruit bowl cult?
                              Well, as long as all such religions defer to the Great Banana when required, as well as the two FaceZ of the gOdZ, then they needn't have their members hunted down and executed. For the moment, that is.

                              Originally posted by Epistax
                              It's not in your job description, but when do you think our civ would be best suited to start an infrastructure? (marketplaces, libraries)
                              Uh oh... strategy and gameplay questions....

                              /me consults with sycophants

                              Once our civilization has achieved all it is going to with the upcoming French war, then basic infrastructure will become a must. I expect it will be the City Planner's job to deal with the specifics, but I would hope each city would be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. For myself, I would hope all border cities would get Libraries as a priority, and larger cities build Marketplaces, provided sufficien luxuries are available for them to make a difference.

                              However, such decisions will of course be up to the people of Apolytonia, and thus whatever happens cannot be wrong, seeing as it would be the collective hand of the nation that implements such buildings. I would merely be the body to which said hand is attached.

                              Originally posted by Spiffor
                              What is your stance about turnchats / turnthreads (hours of turnchats if any, frequency of turnthreads etc.)
                              Good question, I'm glad you asked. Um...

                              /me leaves the building on a supposed security alert

                              Just kidding. I would very much like to turn up to a turnchat one day, so I will fight to keep them until our war with France is done, but this may not be very attainable. I intend to poll on when we should ditch chats completely (for it will certainly be inevitable soon). On turnthreads I am alas not very up-to-date, but I will look at them. I intend in the future to run things Civ2 style - where there are polls by the various Ministers, and the results are fed to me by the Ministers in a PM or email, and the game shall be played by those orders until they either run out, or until something odd happens (eg Persia attacks with 50 Immortals, although that isn't strictly "odd", it is certainly worthy of a slight rethink). I think the idea of turnthreads is similar to this, perhaps a little more transparent, but once again I will look at it.

                              Turnchats, whilst they last, will stay at two per week if at all possible, and with turnthreads it may be possible to keep the same rate going, but this has yet to be seen. Frankly I would prefer a single play per 5-6 days, and detailed orders for 10 turns or so to be given then. As the North hemisphere school year recommences, polls will take longer to reach the number of respondents they do presently. Could someone let me know when the school year starts so I can be prepared for this eventuality?

                              Originally posted by skywalker
                              Why are people actually asking questions?

                              Do they think our government would be very successfull with the Banana as President?
                              Well, I hope the answers to the questions are giving those who don't know me a little clue as to my train of thought for the Presidency. You and I know each other from the Civ2 game, skywalker, but there are many here I haven't enjoyed much discourse with.

                              The Banana as President? Whilst I of course defer to the Banana in all things, I like to think we mortal posters are the Banana's representatives on the planet upon which we live (do we have a name for the planet yet?), and such things as being President are beneath The Banana. Besides, a Banana as President would be silly.

                              Originally posted by kring
                              Why shouldn't we ask questions? While I think MWIA would make a good president, the questions deserve to be asked. After all, the answers will help people to decide whether or not to vote for him. I would hope that we get at least one more real candidate.
                              I don't know where you got that idea, kring, as I don't recall much discussion with you before, and I sincerely hope you are judging me based on what you have seen and not what others say. Of course I wouldn't ARGUE with your opinion, I just defend to the death your right to revise it as frequently as possible.

                              And I certainly hope we get at least one more candidate also - a serious one would be good too. Please people, I want a run for my money! Don't let me become President without a fight! I want bickering, Presidential candidate interviews, mudslinging, fisticuffs and slanderous newspaper articles ( I'm looking at YOU Tassadar). After all, I could be just the next Napoleon. Not meaning that I dominate the world, but that I suddenly feel loyalties to France rather the Apolytonia. And no, Tassadar, that is no admission of being a spy! You won't get me that easily.

                              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

