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Discussion: Restructuring of our Government

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  • Discussion: Restructuring of our Government

    The question has been raised and debated, so I thought I'd put in my chips and help you guys out one last time before I leave.

    The question that's been raised is "is our government efficient"?

    Clearly, we can answer that with a 'no'.

    For this reason, people (myself included) believe a restructuring of our government is in order, more specifically our legislative branch. UK's plan included President/VP, Domestic Minister (science, economy, etc.), Foreign Minister (same as now), and Minister of War. That and provincial governors, who would work closely with the Domestic Minister, and control more grassroots aspects of our country, i.e. which tiles to work, which units to produce. Of course, the appropriate minister would have more influence to say what kinds of things would need to be worked on, but it would be the governor's job to do the 'menial' jobs that waste the higher-ups time (euphemisms removed .

    You guys can hammer out the details, I'm just here to get you on the path and show you where you're going. You've got to walk it.

    Well, something like that.

    Hey, that sounds like the Matrix... erm... okay I'll leave now.

  • #2
    These are Uber's reforms, I edited, reformatted for readability, but left intent in tact.

    I. National Level Offices
    A. President and Vice President
    1. Physically play the game.
    B. Foriegn Minister
    1. Manages all trades with other nations.
    2. Trades involving technology must be cleared with the Domestic Minister.
    3. Manages all Peace Treaties / Alliances / Etc.
    4. May Assign Diplomats to keep tabs on a particular civilization.

    C. Domestic Minister
    1. Decides which technology path to traverse.
    2. Oversees all Sector's Governor's Commands concerning everything but the Military.
    3. Has the power to override any Governor's plans.
    4. Draws up the borders for the Sectors.

    D. Supreme Military Commander
    1. Plans general Strategy for Wars.
    2. Oversees all Sector's Governor's Commands concerning the Military.
    3. May Assign Generals to monitor certain fronts / certain groups of forces.

    II. Local Level Offices

    A. There will be one Governor per Sector.

    B. Governor
    1. Decides which tiles to work in each city in the sector.
    2. Decides what to build in each city in the sector.
    3. Monitors happiness / etc in each city in the sector.
    4. Decides which tiles to improve in the sector.
    5. Manages the Garrison for each city in the sector.

    III. Changes to Turnchats

    A. Plans
    1. Plans should be made BEFORE the turnchat starts.
    2. Each Sector should have at the very least a "5 Turn Plan" that the National Advisor could look up.
    3. The National Level Minister should have the orders from all of his underlings ready. They should create a thread linking to all their underling's plans (especially for Domestic Advisor).
    B. Turn Chat
    A. The President / Vice President shall ask each office ONE AT A TIME for orders.
    1. Military Orders from the Supreme Military Commander.
    2. Domestic Orders from the Domestic Minister.
    3. Foriegn Orders from the Foriegn Minister.
    B. After That, the President / VP will ask each minister if anything else has come up.
    C. After That, the President / VP will open the floor to the general populus (anything they see / think).
    D. After That, a call will be made to end the turn.
    E. This will repeat until something major happens / people have to leave.

    IV. The Judicial System Shall Remain As Is
    I also assume other parts of the CoL, dealing with polls, amendments, impeachment, etc. not mentioned above would remain in tact. The sections on the ministers, executive branch would be replaced.

    any ideas? refinement?
    Note: the Law Offices of jdjdjd are temporarily closed.
    "Next time I say something like 'lets go to Bolivia', lets go to Bolivia"


    • #3
      I will point out possible problems:

      What do we do when one of the ministers cannot attend and does not make a plan? What do we do if: a) we cannot find enough Governors, or b) our governors do not do their job?

      If we are going to restructure, let's do it by learning from the problems we currently have and plan for these absenses in advance.

      Also, in this system, once we begin to grow rather large, the three ministers are going to have quite alot of work. We may have trouble finding people to fill those rolls. The general citizenry will also need to show some restraint to get the chats working. When asked if they see anything, they should stop the spam and form an organized answer.
      One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
      You're wierd. - Krill

      An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


      • #4
        First foo all, the way to unberden ministers is to both have governors of great power, and also to implement the plan for turnthreads and not turnchats, which SirRalph has come up with.

        I will continue to stress in all these threads that we give consideration to a legislative branch (the mins are executive) to control the creation of OFFICIAL POLLS and to moderate debate and help in the creation of in-game regulations to reflect the aggregate values of the citizentry,
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

