I am not a DIA member, also I am only abstractly questionning this point. Why someone with military talents would not take the DIA label ? Lee was not a warmongerer, and he was more than good. And from the Party point of view, leaving the place to others reinforce the prejudices against the peacelovers. It also tends to demonstrate that as far as the military security of the nation is concerned, people has better to look after warmongerers.
Good point. I think we need a candidate for this position.
I would love to run for a position, but as the current turnchats are 3 PM US CT, and I work full time, I would be unable to attend most of them. Which would be unfair to the game and our citizens. I consider (for myself anyway) attending turnchats a part of the job. Maybe if the turnchat time issue goes to a different enough slot, I can participate more; or if turnchats end for game play and go to turn threads.
I am not a DIA member, also I am only abstractly questionning this point. Why someone with military talents would not take the DIA label ? Lee was not a warmongerer, and he was more than good. And from the Party point of view, leaving the place to others reinforce the prejudices against the peacelovers. It also tends to demonstrate that as far as the military security of the nation is concerned, people has better to look after warmongerers.
Good point. I think we need a candidate for this position.
I would love to run for a position, but as the current turnchats are 3 PM US CT, and I work full time, I would be unable to attend most of them. Which would be unfair to the game and our citizens. I consider (for myself anyway) attending turnchats a part of the job. Maybe if the turnchat time issue goes to a different enough slot, I can participate more; or if turnchats end for game play and go to turn threads.