Originally posted by notyoueither
I would say that 'abstains' should be consistent in their meaning regardless of the poll. The game needs simplicity, not further controversy.
Do we allow poll makers to redefine 'yes' and 'no' with each poll? Allowing 'abstain' to mean different things in each poll would allow for some tricky issues to reach the court and compel the court to interpret what some given group of citizens wanted. One interpretation too many if you ask me.
I would say that 'abstains' should be consistent in their meaning regardless of the poll. The game needs simplicity, not further controversy.
Do we allow poll makers to redefine 'yes' and 'no' with each poll? Allowing 'abstain' to mean different things in each poll would allow for some tricky issues to reach the court and compel the court to interpret what some given group of citizens wanted. One interpretation too many if you ask me.

For amendment polls, I would be in favour of saying that 'yes' must outnumber 'no' by 67% to 33% of that sub total AND that 'yes' must outnumber BOTH 'no' and 'abstain' by at least 1 vote.
If people have no particular feelings either way on an issue, they show that by NOT voting. They don't need an abstain option. I also don't think this is a good way to keep track of voter numbers. A weighted average of the monthly elections should be sufficient. I can't believe there are many people who will vote on an amendment to the constitution but NOT vote for a minister or ministers!
Togas : Next to the "vote" button under the poll, it says "click here to view results". You don't need to vote to see how things are going.
Kloreep : Recently, there have been several examples where it has been shown that the pre-poll discussion was missed, or it missed a flaw in the amendment, and it had to be re-done. the recent one about notice for turnchats and a couple of Trip's amendments, for example. It should happen less, but it still will. This will allow us a get out clause.
For other threads, then... let 'yes' outnumber 'no'. Flat. Abstain with a stated reason in the thread still has it's effect. You are a citizen. You had your say. Everyone who was interested was exposed to your view.

Edit : To add apology for going on and on and on......
