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Official : Plan Gold

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  • #31
    Five Swordsmen and five Archers is more than sufficient, IMOHO.
    2nd Minister of the Economy in the 1st Apolytonia Civ 3 Democracy Game.
    Founder and editor of the Berserker Bugle


    • #32
      Given the polling outcome, I assume this has become our working plan. Which cities, specifically, will turn to warrior production. All of our southern cone cities, once current projects (spearmen, galleys) are completed? I hope so. We may have a narrow window of iron availability to work with, and we will want to make the most of it. We should plan, at any rate, for a worst-case scenario, and that means building up a military force capable of winning a short war without resupply.
      aka, Unique Unit
      Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction


      • #33
        Apolyton is specializing in warriors. It produces one every 2 turns. In the meantime, Termina produces galleys (2 expected until we have Iron). What Tassagrad and Banana HQ will produce once their projects are done is unsure. I suggest we build more spearman, to defend our border cities better (and our newly conquered French cities)
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #34
          I think we shoud put poly into "warrior overdrive". Currently its producing a warrior every 2 turns but it will grow next and careful fiddling of tile placements could bump it up to a warrior every turn (I think). Even if you don't want too many swordsmen producing the warriors quicker means poly can get back to producing other things quicker.
          Are we having fun yet?


          • #35
            Never, never, NEVER attack anybody with less then your full might. If you attack, make Dam* shure that you can finish your objectives, and have a backup, and abackup backup. That is why we want to use all 10 swordmen in the attack, along with the archer stack. We can attack several targets at once, capture them quickly, then make peace.

            If they do develop pikemen, all the more reason to have a large attacking army. We would need all the reserves we can get. Remember, we already had 4 or 5 warriors prior to this build up. Not all are in cities that have a barraks however. So not all will be available for immediate upgrade.

            The plan as I understand it calles for three attacking forces. One by sea to take out paris, our first attackers. Two by land, keeping close together and taking the cities closest to our homelands. All to join in paris, form a large single army, and secure the wine to the north. Then we make peace, get their tech, gold and a worthless (for now) city or two. This should be quick and decisive, for if it isn't we do not yet have the resources to make a reserve army, nor the infristructure to get them to the front quickly. Because of this we must be able to analize the situation as it developes, and if necessary quit the plan early, without all our objective, it is falls apart.

            Hmmmmmm..... perhaps this would have been better to post in the plan gold thread.
            Figured it is relevant enought to copy my other post to here so it can be read more in the relevant thread, typos and all.
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