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Unofficial Poll, War with who next?

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  • Unofficial Poll, War with who next?

    What the poll said, who if anyone should we attack next?
    Give Peace a Chance
    Too early to say

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    I went ahead and voted too early to say, but Im honestly leaning towards giving peace a chance until knights make hoplites obsolete.


    • #3
      Too early for the war that people are assuming is a given - we need Iron before we have a reasonable chance at France.

      I agree we will need a war, and France seems to be the best target, but we aren't ready.

      EDIT: Hey, why is this a multi-option poll?
      Last edited by MrWhereItsAt; July 29, 2002, 16:33.

      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


      • #4
        Its debateable whether we need a war at this time and whether we can win a war at this time. We need time to grow stronger and also to get a better sense of the diplomatic future. France is still our only friend in this cruel world, why on earth we will destroy that? Also, we certainly won't be able to sneak up to Paris as we did Washington. The war with France might be more than we need currently.
        If you don't like reality, change it! me
        "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
        "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
        "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw


        • #5
          France is it, and the war must start very soon. We must catch the AI in REX mode, there they don't build military units, but only settlers and escorts. If we can win a war, we can win it now. Later, when the AIs settled down and are fixed on unit production, it will be too late.

          We need the wines, and the mountainous area will give us high production cities later. Germany, Greece and Persia are definitely too far for footsoldiers (with Greece, hoplites are also a reason). To make us a strong and respected civ, France must be reduced (and destroyed later) and America eliminated in the 2nd or 3rd campaign.

          And, GePap, I assure you: None of the 15 AI civs is our friend, even if their leaders may have a nice smile.


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
            Too early for the war that people are assuming is a given - we need Iron before we have a reasonable chance at France.

            I agree we will need a war, and France seems to be the best target, but we aren't ready.

            EDIT: Hey, why is this a multi-option poll?
            This kind of talk may make you unworthy of that killer avatar!!! JK

            Bah, why do we need Iron? Because THEY might have Iron? Either way, a Swordsmen is still only two defense, same as the spearmen we faced in America. Send in the horses and out maneuver them, ensuring WE attack.
            One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
            You're wierd. - Krill

            An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


            • #7
              My thoughts for making it multi-option was someone might want to vote too early & give peace a chance or france & germany or something....but in hindsight, your right it was silly since we are only talking about the immediate future


              • #8
                I say France, but only because they're the closest (and most strategically viable) opponent. I think we need some time before we're able to attack (we must replenish our army beforehand, otherwise we're doomed from the start). Of course, there's the argument that France is "our strongest trading partner", but... what does that matter? The gold/techs/resources we gain from taking control of France would greatly exceed anything we receive from them via diplomacy. Plus, if we are successful, we'd have more trading options with the other civs.
                I believe we can feasibly take France in a short amount of time, but we'd have to get started IMMEDIATELY. That would mean copious pop-rushing to get those units produced, and it may mean we would have to cut back on other endeavors. Our military would have to be roughly three times the size it is now in order to topple the whole of France, because they aren't as weak as the Americans were. The last thing we want is to send our remaining forces to capture ONE city, only to have Joan counterattack, regain the city, and move into our homeland. Of course, there's already plenty of debate on this subject on other threads, so we shouldn't worry that nobody will consider these things.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wervdon
                  I went ahead and voted too early to say, but Im honestly leaning towards giving peace a chance until knights make hoplites obsolete.

                  I dont think knights make hopelites obsolete at all.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by UnOrthOdOx

                    This kind of talk may make you unworthy of that killer avatar!!! JK
                    Even Vegeta only went into battle when he was confident of victory (however misplaced that confidence was! )

                    I think we are in agreement that war is necessary (I agree, if hesitantly), and that France is likely the best target. The main differences are WHEN and using WHAT. So far no-one has convinced me that Archers and Spearmen stand a chance against a larger, less pathetic foe than America was, and remember again, we can't take France's capital straight away, effectively slicing their production capabilities and taking out the mian obstacle straight up. We would need some turns to go through their lands and a coupla other cities before we reach there.

                    I still say Swordmen are necessary. I guess I broadly agree with Edrix here.

                    wervdon - OK, I see your intent now. I just wondered how many would enjoy clicking on ALL the civs as well as "Give Peace a Chance"!

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      I dont think knights make hopelites obsolete at all.
                      Point conceded, despite my unfortunate choice of words, I only meant that knight vs hoplite is the same as knight vs pikeman, which everyone else will have by the time we get knights. Of course, the greeks will already have a ton of hoplites and the others might still be building pikeman/upgrading spearman or lack access to iron. In any case, a knight vs hoplite war is winnable, for that matter a swordsman vs hoplite war is winnable if you dont mind 2 to 1 losses..., and given the retreat of the knights shouldn't be that costly unless the greeks have walls or alot of size 7+ cities....


                      • #12
                        Ok who's the nut that said persia? Speak up. You got some ICBM's we dunno about?


                        • #13
                          theres two nuts now.

                          what, dont look at me


                          • #14
                            what makes us think we'll be able to pick a target? perhaps someone else will pick us for a target!

                            I'm counting on ai REX to keep aggression low, but who's to say that if we gear up for war with one nation, we won't get our behinds bitten by some other civ?

                            what kind of plans have we got for defense? hope we never need to use them, but why be unprepared?
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