OK, here's the deal. I ask that the Moderator make this thread a permanent sticky, as from now on, this is where the history will go. As Tassadar has, sadly, dropped away, I will be lone historian for the next month or so. I shall start work on the project once I am given a timeline of Apolytonian events from 4000 BC onward, as since there has been no work done by our previous historian, I intend to take on the whole of Apolytonian history from 4000 to this very date. I ask that the President provide me, via PM, with a timeline. I'd also appreciate a screenshot of the battle of Washington, if possible. Once work starts, this post will be replaced with the text, so don't worry about this bit. Thanks. Signed, The Historian of Apolytonia!
No announcement yet.
The History Of Apolytonia
These are the info I could find while browsing the forum (and Trip's page). Many things lack, and I don't know where to find the lacking info. Maybe you could ask Trip : he probably has raw turn-summaries on his hard drive. For the very beginning of the game, the only interesting thing is that :
Turn 1, 4000 BC
We moved our worker East, just to see whales
Then, we moved our settler east from one forest to another, to found Apolyton in 3950 BC
Some turns later, we found a free settler in a goody hut. He founded BananaHQ.
Turn 15, 3250 BC
Warrior 1 moves N
Warrior 2 moves towards Thebes
Workers move towards jungle tile to clear next to Thebes
Turn 16, 3200 BC
Warrior 1 moves W, around French warrior to the NW of him
Warrior 2 on 'goto' moves towards Thebes
Workers on 'goto' move towards Thebes
Thebes renamed 'Banana HQ' by civman2000
Turn 17, 3150 BC
Worker 2 moves south towards shielded grassland
Warrior 2 on 'goto' moves towards Banana HQ
Worker 1 begins clearing jungle to the SW of Banana HQ
Warrior 1 moves W, finds more grassland, forest, and the edge of the French border
Turn 18, 3100 BC
Warrior 3 is built in Apolyton and fortifies
Apolyton changes production to Barracks
Warrior 1 moves W and finds more of French border
Worker 2 moves S on 'goto'
Warrior 2 moves N on 'goto'
Turn 19, 3050 BC
Warrior 1 moves SW
Worker 2 moves S on 'goto'
Warrior 2 moves N into Banana HQ on 'goto'
Turn 20, 3000 BC
Warrior 2 in Banana HQ moves N onto the mountain, reveals more jungle
Worker 2 begins mining shield tile
Warrior 1 moves S and discovers plains area, and large mountain chain
Turn 21, 2950 BC
We trade Ceremonial Burial and 5 gold per turn to the French for Warrior Code
Warrior 1 moves SW
Warrior 2 moves NW
Turn 22, 2900 BC
Research on Bronze Working finished, starting Iron Working
Warrior 4 built in Banana HQ, begins building new Warrior
Warrior 1 moves SW into mountain tile, discovers more mountains
Warrior 2 moves N, discovers border with America, and dye within them
Warrior 4 moves N onto mountain tile
Turn 23, 2850 BC
Warrior 1 moves W, discovers more mountains
Warrior 2 moves W, discovers 2 more dye sources
Warrior 4 moves NE
Worker 2 moves NW
Turn 24, 2800 BC
Warrior 1 moves W, more mountains, gold
Warrior 2 moves NW, more jungle
Warrior 4 moves E, more and more jungle
Worker 2 moves NW
Turn 25, 2750 BC
Warrior 1 moves NW
Warrior 2 moves NW
Warrior 4 moves NE
Worker 2 begins clearing jungle
Turn 26, 2710 BC
Warrior 1 moves NW, discovers many hills
Warrior 2 moves NW, finds grassland tile (FINALLY!)
Warrior 4 moves E, discovers more dyes
Turn 27, 2670 BC
Iroquois warrior moves into view of Warrior 1
Warrior 1 moves N
Warrior 2 moves W
Warrior 4 moves S
We trade Masonry to Iroquois for Pottery and 15 Gold
Turn 28, 2620 BC
Apolyton builds Barracks, changes production to Settler
Warrior 1 moves N
Warrior 2 moves NW along American border
Warrior 4 moves S along the coast
Turn 29, 2580 BC
Worker 1 finishes clearing jungle near Banana HQ
Production location changed to Settler in Banana HQ
Worker 1 moves NW
Warrior 1 moves N onto mountain, sees wine and valley, but edge of more jungle
Warrior 2 moves NW
Warrior 4 moves W along the coast
Turn 32, 2470
New warrior (warrior 5) built in Banana HQ, Fortifies
Production in Banana HQ changed to settler
Entertainer in Apolyton changed to Scientist
Slider increased to 100% tax
French Warrior moves North, spots Greece's border
Coastal warrior moves north east, finds more jungle
American warrior moves north, and sees a mountain in Washington's city limit
Turn 33, 2430
Franch warrior moves north east, spots plains and one tile of wheat in greece's territory
American warrior moves north east, sees a beautiful river in America's teritory, north of Washington. Also spots a tile of wheat and 5 tiles of flood plains.
Coastal warrior moves north, onto mountain, and finds 3 more dye tiles, and endless jungle to the east
Turn 42, 2070
Renamed "Red City" to "Termina"
Worker by Banana HQ moves south east to began a road that will connect Termina With our great capital
Begans a massive tech trading campaign: Buys Iron Working from France, and trades it (and other techs) for mysticism, Wheel, Alphabet, at the price of 46 gold and 3 gpt. (nice work Spiffor )
Termina switches production to Barracks
Turn 43, 2030
Persian warrior moves north
Amercian warrior moves east, and discovers blue border, could it be Deutschland?
French warrior moves north east
Termina Worker starts building road
Turn 44, 1990
French warrior moves east
American warrior moves north
Perian warrior moves north into Persian territory, make visual contact with the first Persian city ever discovered by our civ, Pasargadae!
Xerxes comes to us and demands we remove our Imperial Guards from his territory. After apologizing we he leaves our presence
Turn 45, 1950
New spearman is built in Apolyton, and is ordered to march to Termina
Worker begans mining east of Termina
French warrior moves east
German warrior moves north
Persian warrior moves north
Worker west of Banana HQ begans digging a road
Sea tile in Banana HQ changed to work mine
New warrior in Banana HQ fortifies
urn 46, 1910
German warrior moves north, spots river and some flood plains
Persian warrior moves north east and spots some water. A lake? Maybe a part of the ocean?
French warrior moves south east, and finds of course, more jungle
After a long journey, the spearman sent Apolyton arrives in Termina, the unit fortifies it's position
End of 1450
Traded World Map and 130 gold to France for Mapmaking
Bought Territorial Map from USA for 4 gold
Bought Territorial Map from Germany for 13 gold
Bought Territorial map from Persia for 13 gold
Taded Mapmaking and World map to Iroquois for World map
Traded World Map and 5 gold to England for their World map
Traded Mapmaking to Aztechs for Worldmap
Sold Worldmap to Germany for 85 gold
Sold Worldmap to France for 131 gold
Sold Worldmap to USA for 70 gold
Traded Worldmap and 5 gold to Rome for Worldmap
Fortified second archer of the first army with the first archer
Warrior near persia moves west
Warrior in jungle NE of us goto BHQ
Warrior nw of Germany go se (there was confusion here)
Apolyton builds archer (3 turns)
Worker s of tassagrad moves se
Warrior near persia skips turn(blocked)
Warrior NW of germany moves NW (to explore, confusion ends here)
Spearmen from Apolyton goto army 1 on mountain north of BHQ
Science raised 10% (to 10) and research of Currency starts.
Termina starts producing worker
Archer goto mountain N of BHQ
German warrior moves North
Persian Warrior moves NW
Worker S-Se of Tassagrad mines
Archer on mountain fortifies.
Persian warrior goes NW
Germany warrior goes W
Worker N of Tass begins road
Workers S-SE of Tassagrad begin road
Changing one citizen in Termina to Taxman.
Bth workers S-SE of Tass move NW to the S of Tass
Germany Warrior goes W
Persian Warrior goes W
Archer and Spearmen in Apolyton goto Mountain stack
archer fortifies on army mountain n of BHQ
Termina begins producing Settler.
Luxuries raised by 10%
Citizen in Poly sent to Whales (from Forest)
Worker on open grassland builds road
2 Workers S of Tassagrad build road
Worker N of Tassagrad builds mine
Persian Warrior SW
German Warrior S
Archer/Spearmen SE of Tass move into Tassagrad (changed orders).
German warrior goes S
Persian Warrior goes W
Archer/Spearman combo go-to Mountain stack
Apolyton switches to Temple
Spearmen on mountain fortifies
1 worker s of Tassagrad moves 2 North and starts mining
second worker go-to tile NW of BHQ
Philosophy and COL bought from France for 223 gold
sold Philosophy to the Iroquois for 25 gold and world map
sold Philosophy to the Babylonians for 1 gold ans world map
sold Philosophy to the Russians for 1 gold and world map
sold world map to USA for 19 gold
sold worldmap to France for 34 gold
sold world map to the Greeks for 7 gold and territory map
sold world map to the Aztecs for 1 gold
sold world map to the Persians for 10 gold
year 1250
germany warrior moves south
archer fortifies with stack
warrior fortifies in BHQ
persian warrior moves west
Worker SW of BHQ moves north onto jungle
Worker North of Tassagrad moves 2 north onto same jungle
Worker 2 se of Termnia begins mining
German Warrior moves SE
Persian Warrior moves w
all 6 archers and 2 spearmen on mountain north of BHQ moves NW
3 workers nw of BHQ clear jungle
German warrior moves SE
Persian Warrior moves w
army stack moves NW
BHQ starts spearmen
Apolyton starts spearmen
Termina starts archer
Settler goto BHQ
Persian warrior goto tyle SE of the jungle iron
worker 2 SE of termina goes 2 tiles NE
Apolyton citizens cease working the whales over and go into forest
army stack moves NW
german warrior moves SE
Worker N-NW of Poly mines
change production in 'poly from working one Forest tile to Working the Whale again
Tassagrad begins archer
Army stack moves NW
Germany warrior moves SE
Settler fortifies in BHQ
rush-build the spearmen in BHQ
sell CoL to the Iroqs for 50 gold and world map.
Indian wants 36 gold and TM
Telling the Indian to screw off
he doesnt blame us
army moves NW
Germany warrior moves W
Workers near BHQ: 1 worker and 1 slave build road
the other builds mine
building spearman in BHQ
settler stack (settler + spearman) move north
We have sold our world map to Rome, for 6 gold and their territory map
We have sold our world map to the Germans for 4 gold We have sold our world map to the Aztecs, Americans, French, and Persians for one gold each
1075 BC
Tassagrad makes an entertainer, and switches to temple
Tassagrad makes taxman instead of entertainer
Established embassy in America
Bought Territory map from america for 1 gold
We have declared war against America
Spearman in poly goes to Tassagrad
Entertainment rate raised to 10%
Settler and escort move NE
Workers NW of BananaHQ mine
Worker N. NW of Apolyton digs road
Invasion Army moves North
Warrior near Chicago move west
Warrior west of Munich moves south on auto, closing in on our iron deposit
Taxmen in tassagrad changed to work road tile
Veteran warrior in BHQ moves north to defend mountain
1050 BC
Spearman in Tassagrad fortifies
Production hurried on Temple in Tassagrad, 1 citizen dies but saves us 5 turns of building.
All Workers north west of Banana HQ head south to start clearing the area around Tassagrad
Warrior north of Banana HQ fortifies on hill
Settler and Spearman escort move east, toward iron deposit
American invasion army moves north, they see the sprawling city of Washington on the horizon
Chicago warrior moves south west
1025 BC
Persian Spearman and Settler spotted heading for the Iron deposit we had hoped to settler. The Persians will get to it about 4 turns before us
Our Iron warrior moves north east, in an attempt to block their settling location
Chicago warrior moves south
Worker near Apolyton (north, north west) moves north
Spearman in Tassagrad moves to Banana HQ
Production in Tassagrad changed to Archer
Archer built in Termina sets auto move to Banana HQ
Workers south west of Banana HQ move south, south west
Settler and Spearman move east, they will arrive at the Iron deposit in 5 turns
Battle begins outside at Washington
First attacking veteran Archer is killed after damaging defending Spearman half way
A second American Spearman takes up defense of Washington
Second Archer attacks and KILLS American Spearman!!
Third Archer attacks and KILLS the other Spearman, and takes the city!!!!
Washington is captured
1 Spearman from our attack force is sent into the city and fortifies
fortify the army SE of Washington
worker sw of tassagrad clears jungle
all workers NW of Tassagrad move S
injured archer moves into Washington and fortifies
archer in washington moves SE, S, SE
army stack moves S, SE
settler stack moves E
warrior near iron fortifies
spearmen in poly moves 3 North into Tassagrad
spearmen in BHQ moves north
warrior on mtn n of bhq moves S
warrior west of Chicago moves SE onto mountain
Aztechs have requested an audience
they want TM for TM
deal accepted
workers near Tassagrad clear jungle
settler stack moves SE
warrior near Chicago fortifies
Army moves E
spearmen north of BHQ fortifies
archer in BHQ moves north
warrior in BHQ fortifies
switching washington to Temple
renaming Washington to Del Monte
spearmen in tassagrad moves N N NW
worker in poly moves N N NW
army stack moves E
Sell WM to the Brits for 44 gold + WM
Small stack on the mountain moves NW
Spearman W of BHQ W
worker sw of Tass clears jungle
settler stack SE
spearman in del monte fortifies
Babylon is making demands for COL
we give it to them
Greece wants to talk
sold WM to greece for 4 gold
settler builds Ubergorsk
Ubergorsk starts temple
Spearmen fortifies in Ubergorsk
Archer NE of New York Attacks New York ... the Battle of New York begins! he wins with no losses
archer 2 goes down, spearmen loses 1 hp
archer 3 attacks and loses 2 hp, wins battle of New York
3 slaves in NY move 2 S
Named NY Gaïa
Spearmen 2 west of BHQ moves NW
small archer/spearmen stack goto's Gaia
Making peace deal for Philidelphia, Atlanta World Map and 36 gold in exchange for our Mercy
Spearmen in Poly goto's Tassagrad"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
Great work, Mr. Spiffor!
Andfor your project, History Guy.
Thinking loud:
What about the saves? Could we have a place to archive the game files, at least the most remarkable ones (end of turnchats or even a entire battle, like the recent war)?