Well, now that our first grand campaign has gotten off to a great start, it think several new issue come ito play. They will all be disuccussed over and over, but I want to start, so lets go:
The War: Next stop is NY, that clear. But what comes after? Boston, Philadelphia? And how far do we atatck the Americans?
Many wanted to fully crush Abe, now some say we shold leave them as a crippled place holder. Can we afford to destroy Abe utterly with the forces we have? Will Abe's neighbors leave him to us in the future, or will they finish him off, taking good land also?
The, there is the next war: Will we go directly to war with Joan? can an archer rush work a second time? We are trying to get our hands on iron, and we have horses. Should our next force be of swordmen and horsemen? Can we wait long enought to have this type of army? will archer fail next time?
And should we ally ourselves with others, to make war with France easier? And should France be the next target at all? What about Xerxes, or Bismarck, Alex or any of the other?
Then there are the post war, and peacetime questions. Can we afford to just buy techs for too long? How long shall we let ourselves fall behind culturally to build our armies? What will be the shape of our future dilomatic state after our great enlargement? Will it make us friends, or enemies? Can we further expand at home, or is a trip to the promised land accross the sea the only way of peacefull expansion?
And perhaps, on a more adventerous tone? Shall we try to find the four missing civs and their great continent?
The War: Next stop is NY, that clear. But what comes after? Boston, Philadelphia? And how far do we atatck the Americans?
Many wanted to fully crush Abe, now some say we shold leave them as a crippled place holder. Can we afford to destroy Abe utterly with the forces we have? Will Abe's neighbors leave him to us in the future, or will they finish him off, taking good land also?
The, there is the next war: Will we go directly to war with Joan? can an archer rush work a second time? We are trying to get our hands on iron, and we have horses. Should our next force be of swordmen and horsemen? Can we wait long enought to have this type of army? will archer fail next time?
And should we ally ourselves with others, to make war with France easier? And should France be the next target at all? What about Xerxes, or Bismarck, Alex or any of the other?
Then there are the post war, and peacetime questions. Can we afford to just buy techs for too long? How long shall we let ourselves fall behind culturally to build our armies? What will be the shape of our future dilomatic state after our great enlargement? Will it make us friends, or enemies? Can we further expand at home, or is a trip to the promised land accross the sea the only way of peacefull expansion?
And perhaps, on a more adventerous tone? Shall we try to find the four missing civs and their great continent?
