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The War, the Next War, and an island

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  • The War, the Next War, and an island

    Well, now that our first grand campaign has gotten off to a great start, it think several new issue come ito play. They will all be disuccussed over and over, but I want to start, so lets go:

    The War: Next stop is NY, that clear. But what comes after? Boston, Philadelphia? And how far do we atatck the Americans?
    Many wanted to fully crush Abe, now some say we shold leave them as a crippled place holder. Can we afford to destroy Abe utterly with the forces we have? Will Abe's neighbors leave him to us in the future, or will they finish him off, taking good land also?

    The, there is the next war: Will we go directly to war with Joan? can an archer rush work a second time? We are trying to get our hands on iron, and we have horses. Should our next force be of swordmen and horsemen? Can we wait long enought to have this type of army? will archer fail next time?
    And should we ally ourselves with others, to make war with France easier? And should France be the next target at all? What about Xerxes, or Bismarck, Alex or any of the other?

    Then there are the post war, and peacetime questions. Can we afford to just buy techs for too long? How long shall we let ourselves fall behind culturally to build our armies? What will be the shape of our future dilomatic state after our great enlargement? Will it make us friends, or enemies? Can we further expand at home, or is a trip to the promised land accross the sea the only way of peacefull expansion?

    And perhaps, on a more adventerous tone? Shall we try to find the four missing civs and their great continent?


    If you don't like reality, change it! me
    "Oh no! I am bested!" Drake
    "it is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong" Voltaire
    "Patriotism is a pernecious, psychopathic form of idiocy" George Bernard Shaw

  • #2
    I say we should sue for Philly and Chicago once we capture Boston. This gives us our spot in Fragrant Valley, and leaves the Americans with Atlanta for future exploits. I also believe that an Archer Rush wouldn't really prove effective against anyone for much longer. We should upgrade our army to swordsmen and horsemen. I've noticed that we have a settler moving towards the 'jungle iron' location. The Persians are also doing the same thing, although they're much closer. It is imperative that we get this iron if we expect to be able to compete in any future war. Waiting to take it from someone else would be too risky what with the lackluster resources we have at the time.


    • #3
      Take NY. Peace, and get Phili and atlanta.
      Switch all to either temple or settler (if no temple yet).
      Be carefull with our neighbors. They now know we are warlike, and will treat us as such. I say we give the gift of territorymap, so they like us and do not demand anything of us.
      Consolidate our new lands.
      First surround the city of munich. Plan on taking it over culturally.
      then build toward Chicago. Once we have our infrastructure in place, march toward the ivory cost.
      A second war could devistate us if it happens to soon. make ourselves strong, then all shall bow before our obvious superiority.
      If you're interested in participating in the first Civ 5 Community Game then please visit:


      • #4
        It might well serve us better to leave some American cities, namely the ones that give us nothing and Chicago. Unless we can get them through peace terms, we may well just destroy them, creating a hole for others, dangerously so in the case of Chi-town.

        Chi-town is in a great resource position, and the foot of those mountains has Iron. We will not get the iron we are sending that settler to,so this place is a must.

        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


        • #5
          I dont think a war with Persia should be taken lightly, it looks like they will reach the iron before us and therefore will create immortals, which could throw back our forces and wreak terrible havoc
          A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
          A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


          • #6
            we go to NY, and then we try to sue for peace.

            i'd like the city in Frangrany Valley (i forget the name offhand) in the peace deal, but Sir Ralph believes they probably wont give it to us since i has luxuries.

            if they refuse to give us that city, we could always try for the one in the jungle (philly), as a "placeholder" city. sure its in a sucky spot, but we can leave it there for a while and move it later. it could pop out some industrious workers until then i suppose.

            i'd also like Atlanta in the peace deal, but we'll have to see how stubborn abe is after we rape this women and assimilaite his race.
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #7
              as for the next war, i say france, ASAP.

              a swarm of swordsmen or horsemen would be great, and effective. I would honestly be in favor of ramming right through joan (innuendo) until we could settle the southern subcontinent.

              uber isle? in due time, but i hope to see a city on it before the end of my term (august 16th? gulp).
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #8
                I agree, france, totally wipe out France, then we can look at our position reguarding otherstates, but we should have options to use our own settlers to expand!
                A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                • #9
                  And about this war (after I have had a chance to look at the save ), New York should be our next target and we should attack with everything we've got and wait for reinforcements which we can then use to force the Americans to surrender by taking Chicago (that is the one in Fragrant valley, right?), just my opinion anyway !!
                  A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                  A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                  • #10
                    New York or another city (there are a few other candidates IIRC) should be easy to take, then we can probably extort, I mean persuade, the Americans to give up another one or two of their less productive jungle cities in the peace terms.

                    Is this what we need however? The extra cities and population will of course be better than not having them, but how much of a detrtiment will it be having such useless cities? Should instead we ignore these cities and just take what we need out of America (Boston and NY and one day Chicago)? Or will taking the crap city sites help for some good reason?

                    I would love to hear some views by experienced strategians on the potential uses/lack of uses for these cities we may gain through peace.

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      Although I am not an experienced stratege in these times, I think of a few points which can be considered (regarding exclusively Philadelphia):
                      - it is a place where we would not like to see a strong civ
                      - it is in our border where in any case we have to place some units, at least as lookout
                      - who knows what will be discovered later in this place strange but nevertheless choosen by Abe.

                      Statistical anomaly.
                      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.


                      • #12
                        As Sir Ralph has suggested before, we create a FP -Palace axis where corruption is at a minimum, however, this is looking quite far into the future.
                        A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
                        A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


                        • #13
                          I say carry the war onwards to other nations, conquer the globe!! Mybe then we'll be as good as the WONDERFULL CF guys, arn't they great
                          Victory for Asphinxia!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Almightyjosh
                            I say carry the war onwards to other nations, conquer the globe!! Mybe then we'll be as good as the WONDERFULL CF guys, arn't they great
                            At LEAST change your sig and your location before you do that.


                            • #15
                              The French have to be next we can't give them too much time to get going as they are always a string power. They already have alot of cities and good land and resources.

                              We also have to get something onto uber isle quickly. Personally I'd like to see a galley being built next turn chat.
                              Are we having fun yet?

