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The Fall of Washington

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  • The Fall of Washington

    Lightning, rain, and hail fall from the heavens, beating back our troop’’s forward advance to the city of Washington. A messenger hurries forth to utter a Declaration of Conflict to the United States of America.

    It is done...we are at war.

    Coming forth from the distance we see men, brave spies of Apolytonia. They issue their report; the city of Washington is defended by only one Spearman. With haste, six thousand Archers and two thousand Spearman cross in through the storming gates of hell, and enter into American territory.


    Vice President Timeline surveyed the battlefield with keen eyes. Beside him stood mighty UberKrux, and wise Spiffor.

    Two thousand Spearman stretched out from before them, in a half a mile long formation. Archers prepared their bows from behind, and Timeline knew the moment of combat had finally come.

    After the better part of a year marching through this Jungle, these men were tired, but at the same time eager for combat. Timeline glanced up at UberKrux to the right, a towering man standing over a meter higher than himself. The proud General looked gladdened in the heart that this hour had finally come. Timeline could see a glimmer of unstoppable determination in Uber’’s eye that he had never before seen in a man.

    Battle will fall upon us soon. And the great Banana will lead us to glory... it be in exhilarating victory, or gut wrenching defeat.


    Lightning flashed. No less than six hundred yards away, there they stood. American defenders, armed with long out stretched spears poised for combat. Timeline looked up at the ominous clouds lurking overhead, truly these are dark days. His attention was taken off the sky when he heard a deafening cry from UberKrux, the Archers raised their bows. Another cry, and death itself was unleashed in front of him. Five hundred missiles launched into the air, and five hundred Americans fell to the ground moments later.

    UberKrux started the charge against the enemy, letting out a horrendous battle cry as he grabbed his sword and began spinning it as he ran. The other Spearmen, following their master, began running alongside him, their spears extended. Lightning flashed, swords crashed, and death continued to saturate the battlefield.

    The moment had arrived, there was a break in the assault lines ahead. Timeline reached down and slowly drew his short blade that jdjdjd had given him years ago. He turned it and studied it as it caught the reflection of constant lightning strikes. As never before, excitement and passion grew in Timeline’s chest. He motioned to the second wave of Spearmen to follow him into the great void ahead.

    As Timeline neared the first enemy he used his sword to deflect the blow of the oncoming spear, then with great effort stabbed his sword into the soldier just as Uber had taught him. Timeline repositioned for another attack, but one never came. He looked up and saw the American lines in retreat, Uber running after them, still howling his battle cry.

    Over the city, a glorious beam of sunlight smashed through the thick layer of clouds above, shattering the gloomy shield of darkness that had possessed the battlefield moments earlier.

    The light, for some, signaled the end of this battle...but for others, it meant something far greater. No longer would the republic of Apolytonia be forced to live in darkness, it’s people divided, it’s land poor, and only a grim hope for the future.

    Here, on this battlefield, they had fought for the future. There was light to be found in this seemingly cold and bleak world. It was at this moment that Apolytonia realized, for the first time, that with unity among it’s people it can accomplish anything it puts it’s heart to.
    Last edited by Timeline; July 26, 2002, 23:17.

  • #2


    • #3
      Re: The Fall of Washington

      Originally posted by Timeline

      But other than that: Pretty good
      Eventis is the only refuge of the spammer. Join us now.
      Long live teh paranoia smiley!


      • #4
        Timeline :
        You're really showing your writing skills, and they're great ! Keep it up !
        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


        • #5
          Ominous. Now I get the image of Uber being an enormous troll-like being, and every step he takes shakes the very Earth itself.

          Imagine THAT charging at you with a sword. I'd run.

          Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


          • #6

            Just be glad he's on OUR side.
            Last edited by Timeline; July 26, 2002, 23:37.


            • #7
              Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
              Ominous. Now I get the image of Uber being an enormous troll-like being, and every step he takes shakes the very Earth itself.

              Imagine THAT charging at you with a sword. I'd run.
              WHAT! What are you saying? I thought Uber was an enormous troll like being?

              Timeline, nice writting You should come down and try your hand in the stories forum. Im sure you might have what it takes to win the stories contest - as long as Grundel doesn't write. Heck, you could probably just repost this and probably do well.

              "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
              - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
              Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


              • #8
                Veni, vidi, vici.
                I came, I saw, I conquered.
                Written by Julius Caesar about his rapid victory in the Battle of Zela and said by Commander Uber after his "one turn” victory in the Battle of Washington)


                Edit: typo or something
                RIAA sucks
                The Optimistas
                I'm a political cartoonist


                • #9
                  Hey, let's celebrate!


                  • #10
                    I'll give 100,000 bananas for Abe's Palace.


                    • #11
                      As historian along with Tassadar, I travelled to the site of the battle to have a picnic as the fighting unfolded. And yet, the blood of both of us was up, and so we gradually charged down into the city to take a few prisoners ourselves. Soon, I hope, we can write a short history on Apolytonia, from the second term on, and we can insert bits of our memories of the battle, first hand. This shall be fine work!
                      Empire growing,
                      Pleasures flowing,
                      Fortune smiles and so should you.


                      • #12
                        one question where did jdjdjd get that that iron. I mean it is a bit elitest for the vice president to get a glemming sword while the rest of the army gets sharp pointy sticks that probly been rotting in the jungle for last 1000 years. I call for more equality in the army!!!!!

                        Mind you Hurrah for the excellent victory


                        • #13
                          I think we should gather all of the iron we have and equip our best soldiers with these "sword" things. I do think that our great Warior UberKruX deserves such a weapon, however; he is our greatest soldier of all.


                          • #14

                            You will have to ask jdjdjd where he obtained the Iron to make this fine sword, although it was no doubt from one of his previous journeys. Also, I am fairly certain he crafted this blade himself, although I cannot say for sure.

                            As far elitist tendencies in our army, I suppose their’s no use denying it. You will recognize the contrast in training UberKrux imparted to me as opposed to other low ranking troops.

                            To the spearmen he advised, “Ignore your enemy’s blow. Lunge at the opening he makes as he comes in at you.” As for me, he graciously instructed that I should fend off the incoming hit and then struck them down if possible.

                            Thank you Uber!!!!!

                            Uber does have such a sword. Although it is rumored to be six foot long I have seen it and it is actually only about five and a half, however still quite imposing indeed. It is especially amazing to see this towering General spinning such a massive weapon as he runs towards the enemy.
                            Last edited by Timeline; July 27, 2002, 10:27.


                            • #15
                              His training was not a compliment to you. Sword tactics obviously must be different from spear tactics.

