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Turnthread for Tuesday the 23rd of July

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  • Turnthread for Tuesday the 23rd of July

    This is where I would like all ministers to post their plans for tommorows turnthread. Please be as detailed as possible, because I'm only going to play one turn.

    And, in the case of the Foreign Affairs minister, please post detailed trading plans.

    If a minister doesnt post plans by a certain reasonable time (by tommorow mourning) then debate and consensus from the public is acceptable.

    I will play the turn Late tommorow afternoon (EST time)
    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.

  • #2
    Since the settler in Termina won't be ready, no order from me.

    If you play only 1 turn, no action is required by the SMC either, because the remainder of the army needs one more turn to get on the mountain. That is right in time, so the war can start on the next turnchat .


    • #3
      No orders from the VP.


      • #4
        another boring turthread.

        /me reaches into his bag

        Heil Apolytonia!

        Our Time is at Hand!

        The Hammer Shall Soon Fall, And After The Dust Settles Only Apolyton Shall Stand Tall!

        Abe Will Give In To Our Every Whim!

        This Is The First Step For Apolytonia! The First Step Towards Greatness!

        And, As Usual, Glory Comes From Spilt Blood.

        Place Our Archers In Your Prayers to Banana.

        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


        • #5
          Right now just clear jungle around Banana H.Q. (preferably across from River to get commerce bonus and get early start on road to America). With new worker build roads and then mines in open grasland in Apolytonian Plains, then later clear jungle by Termina. I'll try to get back ASAP with more detailed plans.
          If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


          • #6
            GoodFella : don't worry about creating a plan for now. We just ask for your oders next turn, and nothing more

            Ninot :
            As the minister of the Economy, I have no orders. However, here's the trades I devised, and Sn00py has to say if he agrees or not :

            - sell Philosophy to the Iroquois for 25 gold and world map
            - sell Philosophy to the Babylonians for 1 gold ans world map
            - sell Philosophy to the Russians for 1 gold and world map

            (the following part could need further negociations, as prices were discussed before getting Russian / Iroqs / Bab maps)
            - Sell world map to the Amercians for 16 gold
            - Sell world map to the French for 28 gold
            - Sell world map to the Greeks for 7 gold and territory map
            - Sell world map to the Aztecs for 1 gold
            - Sell world map to the Persians for 10 gold

            This will bring us 89 gold + some more geographic knowledge, which will compensate a bit the 223 gold we needed to acquire Philosophy + code of laws from the French.
            "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
            "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
            "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis

