Today's turnchat (like thursday's, from what I heard, because I wasn't there) was marked with the lack of severalofficials :
- Vice President
- Foreign Minister
- City Planner
- Science Minister
I don't wonsider them as evil because they missed the turnchat : Real life can call at any time, like it called me thursday.
But I'm looking for ways to deal with it efficiently. Out of 4 absent ministers, only one gave precise plans, i.e the minister of science. Our Public Works minister also gave precise plans beforehand, but made it into the chat.
All ministers cannot prepare sufficient plans beforehand (I especially think of the Foreign Minister and the Supreme Military Commander), as the international situation permanently changes.
So, we have many ways to deal with absent people, but the lack of rules in this domain made us waste much time during the chat.
We could :
- The going-to-be-absent ministers are to make precise plans, and to entrust someone (vie PM) to transmit them. Indeed, the President can't keep track of everything, which is posted in several threads. For example, should GoodFella not be here, none of us would have been able to say "GoodFella's plan is to make this, this and this".
- The going-to-be-absent ministers appoint an aide, who can meet decisions, and give orders if they follow the genral line of the ministry.
- The Prez appoints an official / anyone in the chat (this point is debatable) to temporarily replace an absent. This has be done today, when Ninot made me replace Sn00py for the chat.
- People present at the turnchat elect temporary replacement among the officials / people in the chat (this point is also debatable), via a quickpoll. This has been done today when UberKrux replaced Punkbass2000, after a competition against SirRalph (for the record, SirRalph voted Uber
- People present at the turnchat vote for each decision to be made by an absent official. This has been done at the beginning of today's chat, but proved very unsatisfying and slow.
That's all the ideas I've came up with / seen so far. I think this issue is important for every people who attend turnchats, because absenteism is almost permanent. If we have general rules about it, we could deal with absenteism beforehand, and avoid slowing talking about something else than the very game.
What do you think ?
- Vice President
- Foreign Minister
- City Planner
- Science Minister
I don't wonsider them as evil because they missed the turnchat : Real life can call at any time, like it called me thursday.
But I'm looking for ways to deal with it efficiently. Out of 4 absent ministers, only one gave precise plans, i.e the minister of science. Our Public Works minister also gave precise plans beforehand, but made it into the chat.
All ministers cannot prepare sufficient plans beforehand (I especially think of the Foreign Minister and the Supreme Military Commander), as the international situation permanently changes.
So, we have many ways to deal with absent people, but the lack of rules in this domain made us waste much time during the chat.
We could :
- The going-to-be-absent ministers are to make precise plans, and to entrust someone (vie PM) to transmit them. Indeed, the President can't keep track of everything, which is posted in several threads. For example, should GoodFella not be here, none of us would have been able to say "GoodFella's plan is to make this, this and this".
- The going-to-be-absent ministers appoint an aide, who can meet decisions, and give orders if they follow the genral line of the ministry.
- The Prez appoints an official / anyone in the chat (this point is debatable) to temporarily replace an absent. This has be done today, when Ninot made me replace Sn00py for the chat.
- People present at the turnchat elect temporary replacement among the officials / people in the chat (this point is also debatable), via a quickpoll. This has been done today when UberKrux replaced Punkbass2000, after a competition against SirRalph (for the record, SirRalph voted Uber
- People present at the turnchat vote for each decision to be made by an absent official. This has been done at the beginning of today's chat, but proved very unsatisfying and slow.
That's all the ideas I've came up with / seen so far. I think this issue is important for every people who attend turnchats, because absenteism is almost permanent. If we have general rules about it, we could deal with absenteism beforehand, and avoid slowing talking about something else than the very game.
What do you think ?