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War Academy - Plan Demain

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  • War Academy - Plan Demain

    Edrix posted this idea first, but I'm making it into a War Academy thread of its own (btw "demain" means "tomorrow" in French).

    The basic idea is this: after we finish our war with the Americans, we try and get a Military Alliance with Greece against the French. The French will probably concentrate on the Greeks, as they will provide the initial attack. However, we have taken what remains of our army and placed it just south of Paris. When the Greeks have weakened the city sufficiently, we go in and take it. We could likely get Orleans also. We try and take a few other French cities, and then the Greeks kill them. While this does help the Greeks some, it help us more because we can take the Ivory Coast while the Greeks are concentrating on France.

  • #2
    After the French get wind of us declaring war on America, they may begin to build up more defense.

    I'd also like to poit out that archers on spearmen isnt exactly the best way to have "leftover" troops.

    We can hope though.

    Lord knows what this DIA government will allow the military to have.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #3
      That about sums it up. Although, a suggestion or two:
      - We SHOULD replenish our military. The French, I suspect, are going to put up a tougher fight than the Americans, so we should build another "refresher" army before we do the Paris thing. Otherwise, this plan works well as a diversionary tactic for us to get the land we want.

      BTW, thanks for naming it, I don't really have a knack for that type of thing


      • #4
        The Greeks will whittle down the French, so our army will probably be strong enough for the job.


        • #5
          Yeah, well, "probably" won't do us much good, now will it?
          "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
          -- Saddam Hussein


          • #6
            Originally posted by UberKruX
            After the French get wind of us declaring war on America, they may begin to build up more defense.

            I'd also like to poit out that archers on spearmen isnt exactly the best way to have "leftover" troops.

            We can hope though.

            Lord knows what this DIA government will allow the military to have.

            DIA government? where? oh no!

            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


            • #7
              Originally posted by UberKruX
              Lord knows what this DIA government will allow the military to have.
              L O L!!!!!!!!!!!


              • #8
                Whoops, double post.

                UberKrux, that was funny but I am a bit confused, what military are you talking about?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Timeline
                  Whoops, double post.

                  UberKrux, that was funny but I am a bit confused, what military are you talking about?
                  Military? I thought I had banned that word already? Didn't we replace the soldiers swords with culture-lifting violins yet?
                  Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


                  • #10
                    Hmm. There's lots of plans for "when we win" here. I no longer think that our American war is so very likely to succeed. I have just myself been playing a Regent game where I have sent wave after wave of Swordsmen at Tenochtitlan and been repulsed three times so far (30 troops killed ) by a few Spearmen (maybe 5) and about 4 Archers.

                    If our plan is not successful (we are on Emperor and using Archers as attack), we need a Plan B. The just-in-case, holy-sh*t-they-kicked-our-sorry-asses type of plan. If we succeed, we will have been very very lucky. WE need better troops before attacking anywhere else -lightning does not often strike twice in the same place!

                    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MrWhereItsAt
                      Hmm. There's lots of plans for "when we win" here. I no longer think that our American war is so very likely to succeed. I have just myself been playing a Regent game where I have sent wave after wave of Swordsmen at Tenochtitlan and been repulsed three times so far (30 troops killed ) by a few Spearmen (maybe 5) and about 4 Archers.

                      If our plan is not successful (we are on Emperor and using Archers as attack), we need a Plan B. The just-in-case, holy-sh*t-they-kicked-our-sorry-asses type of plan. If we succeed, we will have been very very lucky. WE need better troops before attacking anywhere else -lightning does not often strike twice in the same place!
                      i am confident that our attacks will succeed with slight (2-3 archers) casualities.
                      "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                      - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                      • #12
                        I suggest we don't attack France before having Iron and swordsmen. As soon as Washington falls, we should build a settler in one of our cities to settle either the spot near Fragant Valley, or the Iron spot near Persia. I will allow us to produce veteran swordsmen en masse. Then, a war against the French will be possible.

                        If we attack the French with archers and spearmen,they'll have enough troops ready because we'll strike at (after ?) the end of the expansion phase. Attacking the Americans will take time : about 20 turns to conquer all American cities except Philly. If you add the time we'll need to go to France, France will have about 25 more turns than America to prepare. By that time, all (or most) places will hve been settled, and the French will build up their military, even with their Iron.
                        We'll need to be prepared for an all-out war with the French.
                        "I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
                        "I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
                        "I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis


                        • #13
                          Alliance with Greeks versus France? No, I don't think think that's what we need.

                          I think an alliance with both Greece AND France against Rome and/or Russia would be best. This would accomplish the following:

                          -Turn their attention towards Abanaba Minor, allowing us to expand towards Ivory Coast
                          -Cause them to neglect culture
                          -Hopefully turn Abanaba Minor into a virtually harmless backwater patchwork

                          I also think we should incite a similar war among our neighbors in the East, with England as the target.
                          If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.


                          • #14
                            I agree with Goodfella about the greek & french alliance against russia & rome.

                            I don't agree with attacking england or france, both are alot more likely to leave us alone than germany, greece, or the aztecs.

                            After america, if there is to be another war of conquest, I seriously think it should be germany. Our chances of having a long term peaceful border with them are alot lower than having one with the french & english.


                            • #15
                              The reason I proposed England as the target for the war in the east is because they are so far away from us. All the other principle civs in eastern Abananaba Major (Aztecs, Germans, Persians) though are within reach of England though. Thus, a war with England will accomplish the objective of diverting the AI's attention from the us and the region between Fragrant Valley and Ivory Coast, and instead send it in the very opposite direction.

                              A war with Germany would mean we would have to divert our attention from expansion and put a signifigant amount of our resources towards defense. A war with the Aztecs will bring their attention right where we don't want it. And as tempting as a war with Persia sounds, I don't like the risk of Persian Immortals marching through Notylopa Jungle right into our homeland. Also keep in mind that it might be useful to play the Germans and Aztecs against eachother later in the game.
                              If you are unable to read this you are illiterate.

