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We NEED to get to Incense Valley!!

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  • We NEED to get to Incense Valley!!

    We NEED to get to Incense Valley, the Gold Mountains and Ivor Coast!! (see the map to know where these areas are - just nw of the USA)

    Let's make a Settler and go there - and then send a Worker and some units afterwards. We can connect the area by conquering the USA.
    Greatest moments in cat:

  • #2
    Yes, we need to. Especially with the iron.

    But we should wait until after the war. It will be easy to do then, and very hard to do now.

    And it doesn't fit in the production queues, either


    • #3
      Just hope that they arent taken by the time we get there. The American highlands could also make for some great cities.


      • #4
        The only people who are really close enough to take them would be the Americans themselves. If they take it, we add another city to our target list.

        The Geeks of the French might go for it, but that is unlikely, IMO. Maybe the Germans, too.

        Hopefully, we will not have any trouble getting to it. The plains NW of there are great too...on the coast, there are 7 units of ivory. Greece will probably get those.


        • #5
          Greeks could take the incence valley, which would really suck for us. Unfortunately, though, the Ivory Coast is too far from Apolyton to be productive. Also, it is vital that we secure the iron and dyes to the east at some point, even though they are in the middle of the jungle. Of course, that is for the future.

          We should go for the French after we trash the Americans. They have decent land that is close to home. Germans are just too far away from Apolyton.


          • #6
            When our war plans get on track, our forces will be able to secure the area, but the area must be suitable for a city, or it must be improved greatly. We could create a settler as a way to control population during the buildup of our forces, but it may prove too much of a burden especially at this time where people are also pressurising us to create a city on Uber "Isle". Our war plans must take priority, but if a settler could be worked into the plans it could benefit us greatly.

            edit: note: I haven't seen the latest save in quite a while since I have been caught up in elections and it has been hard to find the savegame!!
            Last edited by Will 5001; July 18, 2002, 18:19.
            A citizen of the first Civ 3 democracy game
            A member of the Apolytonia War Academy


            • #7
              The Germans could also take it. They're close enough, IIRC.


              • #8
                I seriously doubt we could get all the way to Ivory Coast before the Greeks, unless we sent a settler/spearman group out NOW (which we can't really do).


                • #9
                  It looks to me like the Greeks might well move into the Fragrant Valley. Nightmare: trying to take on Hopelites fortified on defensive positions around a ring of hills and mountains.
                  aka, Unique Unit
                  Wielder of Weapons of Mass Distraction


                  • #10
                    Plus, we don't want to create an underdefended city out in the middle of nowhere that we'd likely lose anyway. Let's just stick to our home territory for now.


                    • #11
                      TDL: Funny typo, the "Geeks of the French" .

                      We definitely need to get teh valley, but we cant effectively get it right now.


                      • #12
                        This is certainly an attractive target, and in the future we should put some thought to taking the area and developing it. At the moment, however, we must at least start our war with America before we can put any detail or urgency to the idea.

                        Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

                        Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

