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(UNofficial poll) Do you want to disolve parties?

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  • (UNofficial poll) Do you want to disolve parties?

    There is a feeling going around amongst some prominent members of Apolyton that lead us to think that Party politics are detrimental, and may have lead to the outrageous election that made myself president

    Many of us have already stated we hate party politics

    so the question is, Do you want to officially disband the current parties (despite if you are in a party or not, this IS unofficial)


    The poll will last 3 days. The Party leaders will weigh this vote VERY heavily, and many of the party members may be requested their opinions.

    Please vote your conscious

    The poll is expired.

    Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.

  • #2
    Oh NO I accidently voted yes when I wanted to vote NO. Of course I don't want to disband parties I am a member of the DIA and think that parties help to organize ideas. MarkG would you please change my vote to NO because I voted Yes by mistake.
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    • #3
      lol, its unofficial.. ill remember you if it comes close enough.. and its not like we are gonna make changes if its a 25vs 24 vote..

      this isnt the Presidential election after all, we have standards!
      Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


      • #4

        Unfortunately, I can see no good reason for parties in a system of nearly direct democracy.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #5
          I don't really mind party politics, it adds a sense of realism to the game. Although I think that some are using the party to insult other members of the game. [cough]Timeline[/cough] Oh and Ninot, I voted for Trip, no offense I just thought that Apolytonia shouldn't change horses in midstream( I've heard that before somwhere?)
          Overworked and underpaid C/LTJG in the NJROTC
          If you try to fail and succeed which have you done?
          If fail to plan, then you plan to fail


          • #6
            Originally posted by trevor
            I don't really mind party politics, it adds a sense of realism to the game. Although I think that some are using the party to insult other members of the game. [cough]Timeline[/cough] Oh and Ninot, I voted for Trip, no offense I just thought that Apolytonia shouldn't change horses in midstream( I've heard that before somwhere?)
            I hold no grudges on anyone, especially not for their voting history.

            If I hadn't had been running, I woulda voted for Trip too. But that is of no consequence now, we must look to the future!
            Resident Filipina Lady Boy Expert.


            • #7

              if you destroy the UFC, the War Academy will vote the same way.

              people dont join parties to be told how to vote, the join parties because it lets them express their views with people of the same ideology.

              and the fact that parties put out candidates is good and bad.

              having several warmonger candidates could work both ways. it could pull votes away from all the candidates allowing the DIA-esque candidate to win.

              and if you really stop them, you KNOW they'll go underground.

              how would you stop them? report their polls to ming?
              "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
              - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


              • #8
                Yes uber they will always exist, but if anyone in any group decides to vote for someone because they are in the same group, then the evil of them is already apparent. This happens on a mass scale-- people vote for people because they think they are supposed to.

                It can't be denied that it happens. I'm trying to think of good things about offical political parties but I can't.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Epistax
                  Yes uber they will always exist, but if anyone in any group decides to vote for someone because they are in the same group, then the evil of them is already apparent. This happens on a mass scale-- people vote for people because they think they are supposed to.

                  It can't be denied that it happens. I'm trying to think of good things about offical political parties but I can't.
                  You're absolutely correct. The only argument people have for having political parties is that "they'll come back anyways", or "you can't stop people from organizing". Sorry, that's not a reason to have them, that's WHY they exist.


                  • #10
                    Partisan politics is unhealthy; check out RL or even this game.

                    No good comes of it, no matter what protesters may try to prove otherwise. It detracts from the ultimate goal: winning the game and could very easily lead to the ultimate ungoal: losing the game.


                    • #11
                      Do NOT ban them. We all know parties are just for fun, and I have seen little evidence of anyone silly enough to seriously consider their party membership to mean anything beyond just a group to feel some kind of kinship with.

                      The reason people feel partisan towards parties is because it is fun to do so. We are all in this, and we are all trying to do what suits us best. If anything parties are good - people that have no involvement in the game otherwise may get drawn into the party, and start contributing.

                      In the case of a genuine crisis - like the dual Presidency one, where were the silly party tactics supporting your candidates' decision? Nowhere. When it's important we have shown we can get down to business, and that in my mind shows we have the maturity not to let parties cause (too much) havoc.

                      Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                      • #12
                        If everybody voted strictly for the party in which they belonged, then the party system would most definately be detrimental to our "CyberSociety" (please quote that phrase, I kinda like its ring ). However that isn't the case. Most party memebers do tend to vote for more people in their party than other parties, obviously, but this is more out of common ideals and thought processes that they share, and not out of strict loylaty to their party. That would be obsurd (but sadly in real life people do this with "full party" ballots). I see parties like a club, almost, a place where people with the same ideas can come together and discuss, and help each other out if need be. I see nothing wrong in this innocent interpretation of party politics. I voted no.

                        I personally don't affiliate myself with a party because I like to stay open to many differnet political ideas. I am always changing a little bit after hearing new things and ideas, and I think thats good. If I were to be in a party though I'd probably be in one of the more militant ones, or in the thinkers guild, because my two political interests are war and philosophy.
                        "I bet Ikarus eats his own spunk..."
                        - BLACKENED from America's Army: Operations
                        Kramerman - Creator and Author of The Epic Tale of Navalon in the Civ III Stories Forum


                        • #13
                          The problem is that some people do vote along party lines, simply because they belong to a party. I for one, think that something like that certainly detracts from our game. Do I think we should ban them? No, that's not what's being proposed. I feel at least right now we can set an example for later in the game, should something like this arise again.


                          • #14
                            I STILL CAN'T VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Add one to the Yes option.


                            • #15
                              Kring -

                              Actually, the ultimate goal is NOT to win. If it was, we would take the best player and make him play the game for its entire length.

